Numerology - Harish Johari

NUMEROLOGY With Tantra, Ayurveda, and Astrology

With Tantra, Ayurveda, and Astrology


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If the Moon is well placed in their natal charts, they use this energy in

creative or positive ways. Otherwise, this quick-changing emotional nature

brings them mental agony. Those born on the twentieth of any month feel this

mental agony very strongly. If the Moon is not well posited in their natal

chart, they experience difficulties in life. If they are born on the twenty-ninth

of any month, help is easily available to them and they have a comparatively

easy life. Men born on the twenty-ninth are mentally strong, hard working,

and fortunate. Those born on the eleventh have very strong psyches, but as a

rule they are delicate and do not have very strong builds. They have personal

problems because their strong and demanding nature isolates them from their

circle of friends. While all psychic number 2s love to live alone, those born

on the eleventh go out of their way to isolate themselves.

In the same way as the Moon reflects sunlight, psychic number 2 natives

reflect the influence of the environment that surrounds them. If interested in

politics, they introduce reforms to change social structures. If they are

writers, through their writings they introduce changes that lead to a better and

more peaceful world. They devote their life to selfless service and helping


The Moon gives them a love of aromas and fragrances. They have refined

natures with good aesthetic sensibilities. If women, they are especially fond

of perfumes and prepare sweet dishes, cakes, or pastries with special fragrant

spices. They also use fragrant water for bathing. Although psychic number 2

women are family oriented and sincere with their husbands, they are very

romantic and quick changing. They do not restrict themselves to having a

relationship with only one man.

When psychic number 2s are humiliated or hurt, they become very strong,

tough fighters. They adhere to their decisions, commitments, or convictions

and face all opposition until they achieve what they want. They are not easily

disheartened, nor do they surrender easily.

The Moon represents the mother principle—forbearance, patience, love,

and tender care. Psychic number 2s have all of these qualities except

patience. They are kind-hearted, gentle, helpful, caring, and faithful to their

duties. They treat friendships as sacred and sacrifice everything of their own

for others. As the moon depends on the Sun for light, so they depend on other

numbers—they become more social and socialize easily. Because of their

changeable nature, they are fast thinking. They become involved with others

emotionally and face difficulties. As well wishers of humanity at large, they

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