Numerology - Harish Johari

NUMEROLOGY With Tantra, Ayurveda, and Astrology

With Tantra, Ayurveda, and Astrology


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The Moon and Number 2

The Moon is the ruling planet of people born on days 2, 11, 20, or 29 of any

month, or whose destiny or name number adds up to 2. The qualities of the

moon described below are most clearly visible in people who have 2 as a

psychic number.

The Moon is the most important planet for our Earth and our life. We do

depend on the Sun, for our life force; but if we were to receive it directly

from the Sun, life on planet Earth would not survive. The Moon reflects this

sunlight through its alchemical reflector, which is made of a special gem

material called chandra mukhi mani (moon crystals). Those crystals reflect

the sunlight, adding to it colors and hues of light that have a medicinal effect

on our planet. For this reason medicinal plants grow more at night under the

moonlight. Sun rays are charged with positive ions; the Moon converts these

into life-giving negative ions. The Moon is known as lord of herbs and

medicinal plants in the Ayurvedic scriptures. The word Soma, which means

nectar, is another name for the Moon. Etymologically, this reveals the

presence of nectar in Moon. 1 The Moon is not only a physical body

composed of particles of energy, it is also energy that nurtures the world of

names and forms. It is the life-giving mother energy, the creative energy,

which is magnetic and positive. The planet itself is only the vehicle that

makes the energy available to our planet Earth. This energy acts upon our

imaginative, reflective, intuitive nature, also known as our psyche. Just as the

Sun acts on our intellect and Mars on our behavior, so the Moon acts on our

psyche and subconscious. It gives us sensitivity and sentimentality.

Astrological scriptures describe the Moon as rajasic, imaginative, receptive,

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