Numerology - Harish Johari

NUMEROLOGY With Tantra, Ayurveda, and Astrology

With Tantra, Ayurveda, and Astrology


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The number 6 is ruled by Venus. The Sun and Venus are enemies. Number 6

men and women are very different, so we have to examine their relationships

in four ways:

number 1 men and number 6 men

number 1 men and number 6 women

number 1 women and number 6 women

number 1 women and number 6 men

These variables should also be considered when working with other

numbers, but with number 6 it is essential and of special value.

Number 1 Men and Number 6 Men

Number 1 men easily befriend number 6 men, but the friendship does not last

long. This is because the 6 does not have moral laws and believes that

everything is fair in love and war. Number 6s do not understand the idealistic

1s, who believe in a disciplined life. Those number 1 men who are involved

in politics can be benefited by 6s of either gender. This is not true, however,

in business partnerships.

Number 1 Men and Number 6 Women

While number 1 men are beneficial for number 6 women and give them

precious gifts, this is not a good combination for life partners. Number 6

women do not understand number 1 men, and because of poor

communication their relationships become frozen. Number 6 women can

work as their secretaries or in their public relations departments. Since

number 6 women are talented and have good taste and number 1 men love

beauty, it is very easy for them to become friends. But as these women lack

discipline and are easily disturbed if interrupted while they work, they do not

make ideal life partners for 1s. Also, number 1 men are too ambitious,

demanding, direct, and linear for number 6 women.

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