Numerology - Harish Johari

NUMEROLOGY With Tantra, Ayurveda, and Astrology

With Tantra, Ayurveda, and Astrology


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astrology. A number 4 person is an enemy of a 1, who is always attracted by

enemy numbers (opposite poles attract); paradoxically, they become friendly.

Number 1s are naturally attracted to 4s, and provide them with a helping

hand. Although 4s do not reciprocate this energy, they can provide them with

romance. They make friends easily. Friendship should benefit both friends

equally, but in this case 4s are the only ones who benefit. In short, number 4

people are not very beneficial for psychic and name number 1s; they are good

for people with 1 as a destiny number.

Number 1 and Number 5

The numbers 1 and 5 are friendly but people with these numbers do not make

ideal friends, life partners, or business partners. The number 5 is ruled by

Mercury, the planet that is nearest to the Sun. But this nearness to the Sun

creates a restlessness in Mercury, and many times a year it becomes

retrograde. Number 5 people become more unstable in the company of 1s and

refuse to accept their influence. Although number 5s are not in any way

harmful to 1s, since both have independent natures, they do not work in

harmony. Number 1 s make 5s nervous by nature. Fives try to make

everybody happy, and they have to work hard to please 1s. Both numbers are

lovers of what is novel and modern and neither believe in popular religion, so

they can work on their common interests together. But 1s are idealistic while

5s are not. They always have differences of opinion. However, in the political

and social fields they can work together, and a 5 can be helpful to a 1.

Number 1 and Number 6

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