Numerology - Harish Johari

NUMEROLOGY With Tantra, Ayurveda, and Astrology

With Tantra, Ayurveda, and Astrology


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people with the same number come together, they become friends easily

because they have similar vibrations. But they offer no challenge to each

other. They relax, and they become inactive.

If any of their residential numbers total 1, it will be very helpful in the

lives of number 1 people. In friendship and business, number 1s are helpful to

each other, but because they are both interested in power and authority they

do not make good long-term partners. Two number 1s do not make ideal

marriage partners—they should simply live together.

Number 1 and Number 2

The Sun and Moon are usually thought of as male and female, father and

mother. However, Is and 2s, who are ruled by the Sun and Moon

respectively, do not form ideal friendships or marriages. Although called the

eternal pair of opposites, their relationship is not ideal because of their

unequal status. As a Sun-dominated person, a 1 is too powerful and

dominates the weak and tenderhearted 2. Number 2 people are easily

influenced and sometimes brainwashed by 1s—they act like followers,

subordinates, or slaves. This creates psychological problems for 2s, who by

nature are temperamental and unstable. If a number 1 man is interested in

having a slave as a friend or wife, he should definitely select a 2. Otherwise

having a 2 as a wife will create problems—she will make him even more

authoritative and stubborn. To become more powerful in politics, 1s should

try to get 2s into their party.

Number 1 and Number 3

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