Numerology - Harish Johari

NUMEROLOGY With Tantra, Ayurveda, and Astrology

With Tantra, Ayurveda, and Astrology


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Sunday and Monday are good days. If a Sunday or Monday falls on day 19 or

28 of any month, it becomes even more beneficial.

Favorable Colors

Orange, yellow, golden yellow, copper, and gold are best suited for them.

They should keep these colors around their living spaces and places of work,

in the form of curtains, pillows, sheets, tablecloths, and covers. A

handkerchief in any of these colors is very helpful during hours of stress and

weak periods. Just looking at these colors will bring them good energy.

Precious Stones

A ruby of five rattikas (3 carats) worn as a ring, with an open-back setting on

the ring finger of the left hand, is lucky for men only. The ruby should be

bought on a Sunday or Monday and worn after the proper rituals have been

performed. 1 Women who are 1s, however, are not advised to wear rubies.

They can wear red spinel, garnet, and other ruby substitutes, such as red


All men who are born on the tenth day or in the tenth month, or who have

a zero in their date, month, or year of birth, should definitely wear ruby rings.

Women in this same category should wear garnet jewelry (rings, pendants,

etc.) or another ruby substitute. Both men and women can decrease the

misfortune that comes from the zero by meditating on their gemstones. They

should get up before sunrise and before seeing anyone, kiss their gemstone,

and gaze upon it with love. If possible they should perform worship or donate

money to holy men, to please the Sun.

Number 1 men born on the nineteenth should wear rings set with ruby;

number 1 women should wear rings set with coral.

Men born on the twenty-eighth should wear rings set with ruby; these

number 1 women, rings set with pearl.

All 1s should take ruby powder to help their bodies heal electrochemically.

After fifty years of age, number 1 people should use ruby powder

with honey (or cream) and powdered pearls.


Ones are prescribed to meditate on the rising Sun. If this is not possible, they

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