Numerology - Harish Johari

NUMEROLOGY With Tantra, Ayurveda, and Astrology

With Tantra, Ayurveda, and Astrology


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They love novelty and try to use the latest methods and technologies in

whatever they do. They present well known ideas as their own, from a new

point of view. They are creative and inventive and, most of the time, have

positive and optimistic attitudes.

They have strong builds, more vitality than other people, and are capable

of doing hard physical labor. Generally high spirited, they are large hearted

and hard-working people, free from envy, malice, and grudge. They are

efficient in their jobs, honest and true, and right most of the time, because

they make the correct decisions at the appropriate time. These qualities help

them excel. They rise in their jobs because they always think of reaching the

highest ranks. They labor hard to achieve the top and most of the time do so.

If they do not succeed, they become sad, pessimistic, upset, irritated, and


Psychic number 1 people have a fertile brain, brimming over with new

thoughts and ideas. They promote new ventures and new schemes.

They like to live luxuriously and in a royal way and spend money on pomp

and show, though basically they are spendthrifts. They also spend money

freely to buy gifts and presents for others. They share with guests and friends

and spend freely on them.

They are enthusiastic in religious matters and often believe that they are

born with a special mission. They constantly work hard to fulfill their

mission, even if it means sacrifice or inconvenience.

They are obstinate, and face ups-and-downs in their life without losing

nerve or courage.

They dislike criticism but like to criticize others.

They have good manners and good taste; they dislike disorder, laziness,

slackness, false pride, false praise, false promises, egotism, and flattery.

They want freedom with no boundaries.

They are clear in expressing themselves and like concise answers to their


They join religious and social organizations, but leave if they are not given

key positions. They can help only when they are given attention and

recognition and are admired for their hard labor.

They are benefited by members of the opposite sex in general and are liked

by them.

They are influential and influence their friends and colleagues. The active

years of their life are between thirty-five and forty-nine.

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