Numerology - Harish Johari

NUMEROLOGY With Tantra, Ayurveda, and Astrology

With Tantra, Ayurveda, and Astrology


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A new house or apartment.

Changes in the way one thinks.

Improved living situations, through patience and good planning.

During this year, one should avoid unnecessary worry and hurry.

Year Number 3 (ruled by Jupiter) will bring

More knowledge and practical wisdom.

Time to complete old projects.

New friends and acquaintances.

This year will also be

Auspicious; it brings financial gain, name, and honor. It makes one

express oneself more clearly. It is especially meaningful for writers,

speakers, and orators. These people should be careful in their writings or

public speaking. The influence of Jupiter can give them a frankness and

fearlessness that may bring them trouble in the future.

Not good for the signing papers or contracts by businessmen and those

involved in any kind of law suit.

Good for business or starting a new venture.

Good for planning and completing jobs.

A year for getting a job promotion.

A time to test friends before trusting them.

Year Number 4 (ruled by Rahu) will bring

Success, with difficulties.

Strength, undisturbed by unforeseen troubles and obstacles.

Alertness, hard work, and calm.

Financial gains, increased sources of income, and financial stability.

New ventures, such as a new house or apartment.

This year will also be

Auspicious. One gets married. If one does not want to marry officially,

one gets a life partner. Married people with no children get a child.

Good for relationships with friends and life partners.

Not successful for love affairs and romance.

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