Numerology - Harish Johari

NUMEROLOGY With Tantra, Ayurveda, and Astrology

With Tantra, Ayurveda, and Astrology


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considered 6s, they differ from those born on the fifteenth or sixth of any

month. Four is a number of difficulty and change, and 2 is a number of

change. So the lives of those born on the twenty-fourth undergo change very

often. The influence of the 2 makes them helping and sincere; the influences

of the 4 makes them strong and persistent. They are secretive and can keep

the secrets of others. They are benefited by members of the opposite sex, yet

they also suffer from failures brought to them by betrayal. They are gentle

and helpful. If their destiny numbers and name numbers are in harmony with

their psychic numbers, they can enjoy ordinary family lives.


Twos and 5s are not a good combination; the relationship between the Moon

(2) and Mercury (5) is a strange one. The Moon is neutral toward Mercury,

but Mercury has enmity with the Moon. This strange relationship creates a

self-condemning nature. Twenty-five, which is a 7, is ruled by Ketu.

Although it is a number that brings luck to others, psychic number 7 natives

suffer a lot in the early years of their lives. The numbers 2 and 5 give them a

fluctuating nature. This situation is compounded by the influence of Ketu, a

planet of ambiguity. People born on the twenty-fifth of any month are more

dreamy, imaginative, artistic, moody, and philosophic than other number 7s.

They try to understand the mysteries of nature. They develop methodologies

of their own and become founders of religious institutions. They gain

experience and understanding through their failures and ultimately settle

down. Slowly and gradually they obtain secure positions with the help of

their friends, relatives, and colleagues. Those born on this date have

philosophic outlooks. They are generally proud of their artistic talents and

successes, which are achieved after great struggle. They are not lucky in love

affairs, but obtain financial gains through marriage. They are advised to avoid

risky ventures.

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