Numerology - Harish Johari

NUMEROLOGY With Tantra, Ayurveda, and Astrology

With Tantra, Ayurveda, and Astrology


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Both malefic planets, Mars and Ketu are enemies. Mars is the more powerful

of the two. When they come close to each other, a 7 produces a tremendous

force and draws strength from a 9. Number 7 people lose their identity in the

presence of 9s; they act as very good helpers and friends. Number 9 people

are also attracted to 7s and, with their practical wisdom, help the dreamy 7s.

Since a number 7 is a teacher of mysticism and a 9 is interested in mystic and

occult knowledge, they are mutually beneficial. The number 7 makes other

numbers that associate with it fortunate; the social status of a number 9

person gets elevated in collaboration with a 7. A number 7 is not a good

business partner. In marriage, number 7 men are not good mates for number 9

women, although 7 women make good and devoted wives to number 9 men.

For romance, number 9 men and women can have good relationships with

number 7s. Number 9s should not use 7s for appointment dates or permanent

residential numbers. If 9s live in a number 7 house, they lose their privacy;

the house is active and frequently visited by spiritual seekers, saints, artists,

mystics, and famous people.

Number 9 and Number 8

Saturn is neutral to Mars in friendship, whereas Mars is an enemy of Saturn.

Number 8 people, influenced by Saturn, are lawbreakers; 9s, influenced by

Mars, are protectors of the law. Their relationship as friends is not long

lasting, although an 8 proves lucky and financially helpful to a 9. Number 9s

should avoid joint ventures with 8s, if the projects are to last a long time. In

short-term business situations, 9s are benefited by 8s. Nines are generally

advised not to enter into marital relationships with 8s; if necessary, 9 women

can marry 8 men, but the reverse is never good. An 8 can be a good student

of a 9, and only in this relationship is 9 really benefited by 8. Nines are

advised not to select 8s for important jobs, appointment dates, or residential


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