Numerology - Harish Johari

NUMEROLOGY With Tantra, Ayurveda, and Astrology

With Tantra, Ayurveda, and Astrology


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partnership, or for appointment dates and residential numbers.

Number 9 and Number 4

Number 9s and number 4s are mutual enemies. But as opposites, they also

attract each other. Both are hard workers; and when they approach each other,

large amounts of energy are generated. A number 4 gets a chance to expand,

and the creative abilities of a 9 become more enhanced. A 4 is benefited by a

9’s creative power. Nines are always involved in social situations, while 4s

are by nature less social; 9s make 4s social. Fours provoke 9s into being more

active, and 9s help 4s to develop strong willpower. They are mutually

beneficial when they cooperate for something that is connected to the welfare

of humanity at large. Fours habitually oppose; 9s are familiar with

opposition, and this opposition proves healthy for 9s. Number 9s love to

fantasize and 4s live in hard reality; they do not go together for long. Nines

are advised to avoid long-term friendships, business partnerships, or

marriages with 4s although they can have secret affairs with them. Number 9s

should also avoid 4s for appointment dates or residential numbers.

Number 9 and Number 5

A number 9 and a number 5 have a strange relationship. Number 9 is an

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