Numerology - Harish Johari

NUMEROLOGY With Tantra, Ayurveda, and Astrology

With Tantra, Ayurveda, and Astrology


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letters in Harish Chandra Johari, H is the most potent.

Influence of Compound Numbers

Although a person ultimately has three single digit numbers—psychic,

destiny, and name—the composite numbers from which these single numbers

come are important. If we look at the psychic number, for example, those

whose birthdates fall on a single whole number from 1 to 9 are purely that

psychic number. However, those who have a double digit birthdate, from 10

to 31, will be affected by both the composite numbers and the resulting

whole, or psychic, number.

Number 1 people, those born on day 1, 10, 19, or 28 of any month,

generally have a bilious (pitta) temperament and are often active. They are,

however, all different from one another. Those born on the first, pure number

1 people, are considered fortunate by numerologists. Those born on the tenth

are a little less fortunate, those born on the nineteenth tend to be more

assertive, and those born on the twenty-eighth tend to be calmer and more

hardworking. These differences are due to the combined influence of their

double numbers (10, 19, 28). In a birthdate of 19, for example, the numbers 1

and 9 are both associated with a bilious temperament: number 9 (Mars)

people make number 1 (Sun) people angry and impulsive. In a birthdate of

28, number 2 is ruled by the Moon which is ever changing; number 8 is

connected with Saturn, a slow moving planet that causes things to happen

more slowly.

The first number of a composite is more important than the second because

it determines to which series the composite belongs. The birthdate of 12 (1 +

2) belongs to the series of 1 (numbers from 1 to 19), while the birthdate of 21

(2 + 1) belongs to the series of 2 (numbers from 21 to 29). Both of these

combinations add up to a 3, but number 3s born on the third of the month will

be different from those born on the twelfth or twenty-first. The number 1

dominates the life of the native born on the twelfth, and the number 2

dominates the life of the native born on the twenty-first of any month. In this

way we see how people who share a common number (such as 1) are

influenced by the double digits of their birthdate (such as 10, 19, or 18).

A numerologist must be aware of the combination numbers, along with the

single whole number, to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the

individual in question. Doing so will increase the scope of information

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