Numerology - Harish Johari

NUMEROLOGY With Tantra, Ayurveda, and Astrology

With Tantra, Ayurveda, and Astrology


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Mars and Number 9

Mars is the ruling planet of people born on day 9, 18, or 27 in any month, or

those whose destiny or name number totals 9. The Mars qualities described

below are most clearly visible in people who have 9 as a psychic number.

Mars is the commander in chief of the assembly of the Gods. It is respected

by the nine luminaries, the nine planets which are facets of the same divinity.

Mars is personified as a strong masculine figure, dressed as a warrior and

riding a ram (an animal famous for its combative nature). The word martial

most probably has its origin from the planet Mars and its qualities: a strong

sense of purpose, duty, order, and discipline. Mars is famous for such

qualities as courage, bravery, patience, and self-confidence. One of the

Sanskrit terms for Mars, Lohitang, describes its shiny red color, which can be

seen with the naked eye in the night sky.

Mars is considered a malefic planet by astrologers, because the natives

ruled by Mars are egotists who put their own desires above those of others.

Its influence makes them short-tempered, argumentative, lovers of destructive

weapons, restless, unstable, cruel, and violent. They are capable of harming

any or all of their associations. Mars is also thought to be malefic because it

creates difficulties in the marital life of its natives when it is placed in the

first, fourth, seventh, or tenth house of their natal chart.

Mars is related to the blood, as its other Sanskrit names, Kujar and Rudhir,

suggest. It is also related to the muscular system, and to the bone marrow,

which strengthens the immune system by manufacturing white blood

corpuscles to fight off viruses and bacteria. In this way, Mars helps the

body’s defense mechanisms. It rules over courage, which is directly related to

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