Numerology - Harish Johari

NUMEROLOGY With Tantra, Ayurveda, and Astrology

With Tantra, Ayurveda, and Astrology


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Number 8 and Number 5

Number 8s and number 5s have a strange relationship. Saturn is neutral in

friendship to Mercury, and Mercury is friendly with Saturn, but Saturn is

malefic and Mercury benefic. They are poles apart—5 is fast, 8 is slow.

Number 5s are jovial and love humor and jokes; number 8s are serious and

do not appreciate humor or jokes. This creates problems.

Eights neglect 5s and do not support 5s wholeheartedly; 5s also withdraw and

become self-conscious. Friendship between the two is only possible in the

political field and in organizations or institutions working for human welfare.

There they can benefit each other, but otherwise they do not make good

company. Eights should not select 5s for friendships, or business or life

partnerships. Number 8s should not start important projects on day 5, 14, or

23 of any month. Nor should they start a journey of those dates. Number 8s

should avoid 5s for residential numbers.

Number 8 and Number 6

Number 8s and number 6s are very good friends. Sixes are always helpful,

inspiring, attractive, well mannered, gentle, and playful. Number 8s are easily

attracted to 6s and become social and tolerant in their company. In fields such

as art, politics, and film, 8s and 6s make good combinations; they are also

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