Numerology - Harish Johari

NUMEROLOGY With Tantra, Ayurveda, and Astrology

With Tantra, Ayurveda, and Astrology


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Though number 7s are not very helpful to 6s, the reverse is true. Number 7

people are helped in their growth and development by sixes. They bring them

name, fame, and a rise in status. Sixes work hard for 7s as business partners

and help 7s in business. Marriage only works well when the 7 is a man and

the 6 a woman. Number 7s can always select 6s for friendship or business.

But when they do so, they should also provide the 6s with good feedback on

their hard work, help, and cooperation.

Number 7 and Number 7

Number 7s are troublesome to 7s. Number 7 is a number of scholarly people,

and two scholarly persons feel uncomfortable together. They cannot coexist

without arguments and discussions. Number 7 people are also proud, and two

proud persons cannot communicate harmoniously. Two psychic, intuitive,

irresponsible, and sentimental people can easily hurt and irritate each other.

Their discussions annoy each other. This combination is therefore advised not

to enter into business partnership or life partnership. Those with a psychic

number of 7 should not select a 7 as an appointment date or residential

numbers. However, people with a destiny or name number of 7 can do so. All

7s should avoid the number 7 as an appointment date for an important job.

Number 7 and Number 8

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