Numerology - Harish Johari

NUMEROLOGY With Tantra, Ayurveda, and Astrology

With Tantra, Ayurveda, and Astrology


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Although 2s are not beneficial numbers for 7s, the latter are beneficial for 2s.

Number 7s are ruled by Ketu, the south node of the Moon. Since Ketu (7)

guides the moon (2) on its path in the ecliptic, 7s guide and are beneficial to

2s. Number 7s are good teachers for 2s; given that 2s, however; always repeat

their mistakes, they are not good students. Sevens can help 2s and enjoy their

friendship without expecting any gains, but they should not select 2s as

business or life partners. Number 7s can, however, select 2s (and all numbers

that add up to two) for appointment dates and for residential numbers.

Number 7 and Number 3

Number 3s are helpful to number 7 natives and give them positive vibrations.

They are mutually beneficial in a friendship or business partnership. They

become friends easily and their friendship lasts for a long time. Since, in each

other’s company, 3s become more traditional and 7s become more

revolutionary, unconventional, and anarchistic, they disagree for a long time.

But sooner or later they compromise; it is a habit of number 7s to make

compromises and adjust to all kinds of beliefs. In friendship and marriage,

the relationship is very congenial if the 7s are younger, and if the 3s are men

and the 7s women. Sevens can select 3s as appointment dates or residential


Number 7 and Number 4

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