Numerology - Harish Johari

NUMEROLOGY With Tantra, Ayurveda, and Astrology

With Tantra, Ayurveda, and Astrology


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other female relatives, which creates problems in her married life. She also

has a worrying nature and is always anxious about the future. This causes her

to pay less attention to her husband, which is not good for a happily married


A man with a destiny number of 7 is advised to not enter into the bonds of

marriage before he is twenty-eight years of age.

Both men and women with this destiny number have one or more

relationships outside of their married life.

Name Number 7

The number 7 in conjunction with any psychic or destiny number, except

number 1 or number 5, makes a good name number. Having the psychic

number the same as the name number enhances the quality of the psychic

number and makes its natives more acceptable, friendly, scholarly, sociable,

universal, and cosmopolitan. If the name number is the same as the destiny

number, it makes its people pioneers—as scholars, writers, artists, social

scientists, reformers, or mystics. Their names continue to be known because

of their original ways of thinking and their philosophic approaches.

When all the three numbers total 7, problems arise. Even natives whose

psychic and destiny numbers are 7 need special attention, guidance, and care;

these people should avoid 7 as a name number. However, natives whose

destiny number is 7 are definitely benefited by having a name number that is

also 7. As a general rule, the name number influences the psychic number.

But when the name number is in harmony with the psychic number, and the

same as the destiny number, it brings good luck.



By observing fasts, using the proper spices and gem powders, meditating on

the mantras, and using the yantras, one can balance the internal

environment. Balancing the external environment is possible by choosing the

right time for activities (in the ascending cycle or descending cycle), selecting

good friends (finding compatible numbers), and starting a job at the

appropriate time (observing weak period and strong periods). Balance is

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