Numerology - Harish Johari

NUMEROLOGY With Tantra, Ayurveda, and Astrology

With Tantra, Ayurveda, and Astrology


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Ketu and Number 7

Ketu is the ruling entity presiding over people born on day 7, 16, or 25 of any

month, or whose destiny or name number totals 7. The qualities of Ketu

described below are most clearly visible in people who have 7 as a psychic


Rahu and Ketu are two half-planets placed 180 degrees apart—exactly

opposite—from each other. They are the two nodes of Moon, also known as

the dragon’s head and the dragon’s tail. Rahu, the head, has already been

discussed on page 75. Now we will explore the dragon’s tail, Ketu, which is

depicted as a headless torso with the body of a fish. Although Ketu is

considered malefic, it is much less so than Rahu. This is mainly because Ketu

is considered to be a moksha-karak (cause of liberation). It bestows nonattachment

to worldly desires and spiritual tendencies. It gives wisdom, the

power of discrimination, and psychic abilities to its natives. Under its

influence, natives become highly sensitive and emotional; they feel aversions

toward material successes and become disinterested in the psychodrama of

life. They feel that they have no ambitions, no motivations. They become

interested in Gyana, the knowledge of the self, and try to achieve

enlightenment through the “true knowledge.”

Ketu is neutral in gender (although some astrologers consider it to be

feminine), tamasic in nature, and destructive and disruptive in character. It

makes its natives inert. It is powerful at night and easily irritable. When Ketu

is not in an astrologically favorable position, it makes its natives cripple.

They lose their power of discrimination and become crazy, in the worldly

sense. Sometimes they seem to be possessed by evil spirits and ghosts. On the

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