Numerology - Harish Johari

NUMEROLOGY With Tantra, Ayurveda, and Astrology

With Tantra, Ayurveda, and Astrology


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necessary, however, a number 6 woman could marry a number 8 man and

enjoy a few good years of marriage. Sixes should avoid the number 8 for

appointment dates and residential numbers.

Number 6 and Number 9

These numbers always benefit each other. Both numbers are multiples of 3

and form a good combination. In friendships and in business partnerships,

they are mutually beneficial—6s carefully guard the interests of 9s, while 9s

do all the hard work needed for the joint venture. In music and other fine arts,

6s and 9s create a very good combination. In politics, a number 6 can be an

admirer, a follower, a public relations person, and a good systematic planner

for a 9. This combination of numbers makes a good couple. They love each

other. The couple is ideal when the 9 is a man and the 6 a woman. A 6 should

select a number 9 for appointment dates and residential numbers.

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