Numerology - Harish Johari

NUMEROLOGY With Tantra, Ayurveda, and Astrology

With Tantra, Ayurveda, and Astrology


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difficulties and much opposition in their family life, although they are able to

achieve success in the material world rather quickly. Psychic number 5

people born on the twenty-third are helped by their relatives, superiors,

government officials, politicians, and those in authority. Those born on the

fifth of any month are obstinate, hard working, independent, reliable, selfmade,

and lucky in love. They spend their old age in peace with reasonable

comforts of life. They remain youthful and attractive into their old age and

always have helpers around.

Although they believe in fate and destiny, they praise the law of karma and

work constantly. However, they know that fate is more important, and they

are lucky enough in their life to get whatever they want by chance. If they

gamble, they multiply their money two or three times; and they do not regret

their losses. They live on their nerves and love excitement.

They are not influenced by any kind of preaching. They appreciate

traditional beliefs but do not become mystical. They remain independent

thinkers, open to new ideas. They love the company of learned and wise

people, as well as young, progressive, and modern people.

They are very cautious about their health and careful in selecting foods

they need. They are quite conscious about their physical appearance.

Although fragile, they have strong builds and remain healthy and active into

their old age, usually living long lives.

As Mercury is exalted in its own sign, Virgo, two psychic number 5 people

are the best friends.

Psychic number of 5 women are more attractive, impressive, gentle, softspoken,

and fragile than psychic 5 men. They are career conscious and,

through their hard labor and pleasing manners, build magnificent careers for

themselves. They can receive benefit by marrying young. It becomes difficult

for them to find real friends and true mates later in life. They can easily

attract people; but, because they are very cunning, overly selective, and

diplomatic but superficial in handling members of opposite sex, they have

difficulty choosing a good husband. Only a few men can qualify for the role

as their husband. When they are associated in business or otherwise with

men, they make financial and social gains. They execute their duties so

perfectly that they get proper recognition and are beyond criticism.

Precautions for Psychic Number 5

These precautions are helpful to number 5 natives during their weak periods.

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