Numerology - Harish Johari

NUMEROLOGY With Tantra, Ayurveda, and Astrology

With Tantra, Ayurveda, and Astrology


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They are easily attracted to the study of astrology, numerology, palmistry,

physiognomy, graphology, and psychology because they want to know about

themselves and others as clearly as possible. They are materialistic, rational,

analytical, and critical by nature; and they love modern ideas.

Mercury, a planet of mixed temperament, has a dual nature. It makes its

natives think of both pros and cons at the same time. Its natives are learned

and scholarly people and enjoy the company of like people. Mercury is the

only planet that is exalted in its own sign.

Mercury is friendly with the Sun, Venus, Rahu, and Ketu. Saturn, Mars,

and Jupiter are neutral toward it in friendship. Mercury feels enmity toward

the Moon, but this feeling is not mutual.


Psychic Number 5

These natives have gentle and fragile characters and are elevated thinkers.

They are scholars by nature and are trying to learn every minute. Their active

brains are always engaged in thought. They love amusement and try to

become jovial and create a happy atmosphere around them. This sometimes

consumes a lot of their energy, since nobody can make everybody happy.

But, as they are interested in winning the favor of others, they spend all their

energy and use all their resources to make others happy.

They are quick in their decisions and impulsive in their behavior. They

love change and do not make long-range plans (which call for patience),

although they are always busy planning new ways to make money. Because

they are endowed with a facility for speculation and are willing to run risks,

they invent new ways to make money quickly and avoid long-term plans.

Their willingness to risk makes them gamble; and if they really do so, they

may gain wealth in this way.

They have youthful and fertile brains with mature thoughts, which make

them unique and attractive. They can develop friendships very easily and

quickly with any number, but because they are unstable by nature, the

friendships do not last very long. They often break friendships very easily

during their weak period; at such times, they are deceived by and lose faith in

their friends and feel lonely.

Psychic number 5s are very intuitive by nature. They can accurately

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