Numerology - Harish Johari

NUMEROLOGY With Tantra, Ayurveda, and Astrology

With Tantra, Ayurveda, and Astrology


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Number 7 and number 4 are two sides of the same energy. Number 7 is ruled

by Ketu—the dragon’s tail or south node of the Moon. Rahu, which rules

number 4, is known as the dragon’s head, or north node of the Moon. They

are 180 degrees apart and so they view things from totally different

perspectives. Number 4s are aggressive, 7s are passive. Astrologically, they

are friends. As the body works for the head, so number 7 natives work for 4s

and can spend energy on them without feeling bad. Number 7s are good

friends, business partners, and life partners for 4s. The relationship is even

more enjoyable when the 7 is a woman and the 4 a man. In a business

partnership, the business can run very well if the 7 invests the money and the

4 carries out the practical work of the business. They complement each other;

yet the head rules over the body.

Number 4 and Number 8

Number 8 is a quiet, calming, and peace-giving number for number 4. Both

numbers are even and thus static. However, since 4 is an active number, its

combination with 8 does not bring inertness or passivity. Both numbers are

lawbreakers, unconventional, and rebellious. Both numbers are helpers of the

poor and suffering. If they are interested in politics, they form a strong

opposition camp and fight for human rights and freedom. Number 8s are

good for 4s in friendship, business partnership, and marriage. The

relationship works much better if 8 is a man and 4 a woman. While 8

provides the basic security, the 4 can develop its own virtues. Number 8 is a

powerful number and its natives gain material wealth and success in the latter

half of their lives. Fours are successful only in the latter part of their lives. In

the beginning, both numbers have to face opposition, difficulties, delays, and

hard struggles, but the last half of their life becomes good. Number 4s are

advised to select 8s for friendship, business, and life partnership. They should

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