Numerology - Harish Johari

NUMEROLOGY With Tantra, Ayurveda, and Astrology

With Tantra, Ayurveda, and Astrology


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from obstacles and difficulties. Twos are too moody and emotional, and 4s

are intolerant. Both are numbers of constant changes. Changes in 4s are

sudden and unexpected, which creates psychological problems for 2s.

Therefore 4s should not select 2s for marriage or business partnership. Since

2s are not harmful for 4s, they can select 2s for friends. The number 2 is also

good for appointment dates or residence numbers.

Number 4 and Number 3

Number 3s are neutral toward 4s, though 4s are enemies of 3s. Since 4s are

static and 3s are dynamic, their friendship benefits the 4s. Number 3 people

are good advisers to 4s, and if this advice is followed 4s gain strength. This

friendship helps 4s grow and develop. The number 3 is a friendly number and

universal helper, so 4s are benefited by this friendship, business partnerships,

etc. Number 4 women can select number 3 men for marriage, but the reverse

is not true. Number 3 women can understand and sympathize with the

problems of 4s, and give them positive energy to cure their doubting nature.

Because 3s inspire people and have a wide circle of friends, they can also

save 4s from isolation and depression.

Number 4 and Number 4

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