Amboy Guardian 7_6_22
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2. The Amboy Guardian *July 6, 2022First Responders, Boys Baseball Team Honored6/15/22 Council MeetingBy: Katherine MassopustSOUTH AMBOY – Therewere three presentations at themeeting.Executive Director of the 200Club Dennis M. Kelly spokefirst, “Our organization honorsfirst responders, firefighters,and law enforcement. Today,we honor 3 people from SouthAmboy.”Police Chief Darren Lavignestated, “Sergeant Michael Kellywas unable to attend the 5/18/22Ceremony (when everyone washonored). Sgt. Kelly had toattend Arson School which ismandatory training.Chief Lavigne explained howSgt. Kelly convinced an armedman who wanted to commitsuicide not to go through withit. Sgt. Kelly did this at greatrisk to himself and was ableto save the man's life. ChiefLavigne stated, "There aresituations extremely difficult todeal with."The next presentation wasto James “Doc” Ryan. It wasnoted that for 63 years on theSouth Amboy First Aid Squad,James “Doc” Ryan” answered15,000 calls, delivered 5 babies,served in the United States AirForce in Vietnam as a nurse inthe 26 th Calvary Air Group. Hehas 6 sons in South Amboy.“Doc Ryan is always a caring,compassionate individual whoputs patients first.”Sayrevile Chief JohnZebrowski spoke next aboutthe third person honored, BrianTierney. “A police officer’s workas a dispatcher from Sayrevillefor South Amboy. Every callbegins with a dispatcher. OnJuly 22, 2019, tragedy almoststruck on Bordentown Avenue.A man was there to change histire and got pinned under hiscar. Zebrowski made sure therewas an officer sent in time.There was one morepresentation made to the 2022South Amboy Baseball Teamwho had a 13-6 season with11-1 record in their divisionwhich they won the GMC GoldDivision Championship. Thecoach was named coach of theyear. Also, the kids on the teamraised over $30,000 for charity.The council commended theteam for and their coach forteaching them the right thing.During the regular section ofthe meeting, the consent agendapassed with little discussion.Council Comments:Councilman Tom Reillythanked the award recipientsfor their service, “A job welldone. Congratulations.” Hethanked the first responders andthe volunteers and donors atthe food pantry. He remindedeveryone of the AmericanLegion’s Buy a Brick fundraiserwhich is on their Facebookpage. He wished everyone aHappy Fourth of July and notedthat there are only two councilmeetings in the summer: July13 th and August 17 th . Reillyalso stated that milling willbe done on Broadway. Reillythen praised the Department ofPublic Works, especially thegarbage men who work in therain, snow, and sleet. “Theynever get paid a lot.”Reilly then mentioned thathe wants to have a BusinessBreakfast with local businessesin town.Coucnilman Tom Reilly thenSgt. Michael Kelly honored. (L to R) Police Chief Darren Lavigne,Mayor Fred Henry, Sgt. Michael Kelly, Executive Director 200Club Dennis M. Kelly *Photos by Katherine MassopustJames "Doc" Ryan honored. (L to R) Police Chief Darren Lavigne,Mayor Fred Henry, James "Doc" Ryan, Executive Director 200Club Dennis M. KellyBrian Tierney honored. (L to R) Sayreville Chief John Zebrowski,Mayor Fred Henry, Dispatcher Brian Tierney, Dennis KellyExecutive Director Middlesex County 200 Club, Chief DarrenLavigneThe South Amboy Boys Baseball Team was honored.said, “We wish to generateinterest in the Volunteer FireDepartment, create a legacy –so something on our Facebookpage. We will have betterproductivity collectivelyworking on a project theSzatkowski family is the idealfamily to create a legacy.”Councilman BrianMcLaughlin congratulated therecipients of the awards tonight.He asked the question ifsomeone is on disability couldthey participate in volunteerservices.Law Director Francis Womackanswered that it is a case-bycasesituation and it depends onthe extent of the disability.McLaughlin congratulatedCouncil President MickeyGross and his two runningmates on their election (in theprimary).Council Vice PresidentChristine Noble congratulatedthe honorees and the 2020 BoysBaseball Champs.Council President Mickey*Continued on Page 12

July 6, 2022 * The Amboy Guardian .3Congratulations to PAHS graduating Senior,Gabriella Roman*Photos Courtesy of Dianne RomanPERTH AMBOY - Congratulationsto PAHS graduatingSenior, Gabriella Romanheaded to TCNJ this fall. Capcompliments of SamnerCustoms! Photo (Right) -(LtoR) Destiny Newton, MiaPearson, Gabriella Roman,Emily Nunez, Mya RomeroCheck Presentation to the South Amboy YMCA's "SafetyAround Water" Program, South Amboy YMCA, 6/15/22*Photo by PauW. WangPress ReleaseSOUTH AMBOY - The South Amboy YMCA’s Kids “SafetyAround Water” Program, Received a donation of $3,000 from theSouth Amboy Elks Lodge #784, National Foundation Grantcommittee. The South Amboy YMCA was selected for itscommitment to our community’s children. The SAW programteaches swimming techniques, incorporates activities and educatesparents about the importance of water safety. This is the Elks causeto strengthen our community. “Elks Care / Elks Share”.Pictured (l-r) Branch Board Member Mary Taylor, South AmboyYMCA Director of Operations - Gerry Gessie, South Amboy ElksNational Foundation Chairman - Valentine Tarr, YMCA President &CEO – Rose Cushing, YMCA Board Member, & South AmboyBranch Board Chair, Anthony Conrad.

July 6, 2022 * The Amboy Guardian .3

Congratulations to PAHS graduating Senior,

Gabriella Roman

*Photos Courtesy of Dianne Roman

PERTH AMBOY - Congratulations

to PAHS graduating

Senior, Gabriella Roman

headed to TCNJ this fall. Cap

compliments of Samner

Customs! Photo (Right) -

(LtoR) Destiny Newton, Mia

Pearson, Gabriella Roman,

Emily Nunez, Mya Romero

Check Presentation to the South Amboy YMCA's "Safety

Around Water" Program, South Amboy YMCA, 6/15/22

*Photo by PauW. Wang

Press Release

SOUTH AMBOY - The South Amboy YMCA’s Kids “Safety

Around Water” Program, Received a donation of $3,000 from the

South Amboy Elks Lodge #784, National Foundation Grant

committee. The South Amboy YMCA was selected for its

commitment to our community’s children. The SAW program

teaches swimming techniques, incorporates activities and educates

parents about the importance of water safety. This is the Elks cause

to strengthen our community. “Elks Care / Elks Share”.

Pictured (l-r) Branch Board Member Mary Taylor, South Amboy

YMCA Director of Operations - Gerry Gessie, South Amboy Elks

National Foundation Chairman - Valentine Tarr, YMCA President &

CEO – Rose Cushing, YMCA Board Member, & South Amboy

Branch Board Chair, Anthony Conrad.

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