Amboy Guardian 7_6_22
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10. The Amboy Guardian *July 6, 2022Student Safety Concerns, Wrapping Up the School Year6/16/22 BOE Meeting*Continued from Page 7district is required to have thepolice as a part of the drill.Board President Ken Pucciostated that the training todo active shooter drills arein the building. “The PoliceDepartment is always training.Response time is on the money.They patrol the area.”Board Vice-President TashiVazquez spoke via Zoom,“There was some mention of theSuperintendent getting bonusesfor not reporting incidents.That is not true. Merit Pay wasremoved from his contractand that was never a part of it.They had several meetings inschool. It takes every singleperson – teachers out in thehall – everyone plays a part inkeeping kids safe. What worksis in one district may not workin another. There are no cookiecutter answers. This is an urbanarea. Keep that in mind whenyou make blanket statements.”Board Member Junior Iglesiasaid, “I agree. The Perth AmboyPolice Department plays animportant role.”Dr. Courtney Pepe gave thefourth presentation on Visual& Performing Arts Department.She thanked Brian Wilson forhis hard work. She stated thatstudents won several contestsincluding to be on the coverof a coloring book. She spokeabout a new theatrical tradition:The Spanish Dramatic Play.Students also won prizes at theMiddlesex County Teen ArtsFestival. The Gospel Choirand Show Choir won awards.The Flynn School put on aproduction of “The Wizardof Oz.” There was a shortvideo presentation on howthe students enjoyed puttingon the play. It was noted thatformer Board Member AnthonyBermudez sponsored the play.Assistant Superintendent Mr.Delvis Rodriguez stated that thestudents did well in the Game24 Tournament which is a typeof math tournament.Dr. Roman added, “124Seniors were awarded 71scholarships which totaled$100,000. During graduation,students will get scholarshipstotaling $120,000. I want tothank Mr. Heidelberg andteachers and donors.” He notedthat Senior Prom photos wereon was a video presentationthanking Dr. Vivian Rodriguezfor her work. After 20 yearsof service, she is retiring. Shehas worked in the district from2003-2006 and 2008-2022.Dr. Roman said, “Dr.Rodriguez has dedicated her lifeto this district.”Dr. Vivian Rodriguez said,“Under Dr. Roman, this districtcontinues to flourish. Teachingsof my parents, as I reflect on thelast days of Perth Amboy, myparents said work hard and doyour best did not go unnoticed.I wish all my love to Dr. Medinawho will be the new AssistantSuperintendent of Curriculumand Instruction as of July 1 st andall personnel and professionalendeavors. Thank you verymuch.”Board Members JuniorIglesia, R.L. Anderson, MichaelGeorge, Doctor DanielleBrown, and Tashi Vazquezall congratulated Dr. VivianRodriguez on her retirement.There was nothing on theagenda to be discussed in closedsession so there was no closedsession.Ken Puccio gave thePresident’s Report. There wasa moment of silence for thepeople of Texas and Buffalo inlight of recent events. Pucciothen spoke about Dr. VivianRodriguez, “You came backwhen we needed you. You putus in the right place moving usforward. Thank you.”Dr. Roman gave theSuperintendent’s Report, “Mr.George took a look at busses inthe district.”Board Secretary MichaelLoBrace said, “Working withthe Transportation Departmentand getting a grant of $375,000per bus. There are six electricbusses that fit the criteria andwe get $12,000-$15,000 per buswhich brings the cost down to$10,000. Installation chargingstations for the busses – we havefederal grants.” LoBrace thenspoke about health benefits,“Health Coverage with Aetnaand partnered with CVS is equalor better with our members.We have an updated website.Everyone gets new cards forAetna which medical benefitsand RX Benefits together. Thereare questions and answerson the website, three phonenumbers and emails. Anyonewho does not have a card candownload the App on the spot.”Board Vice President TashiVazquez said, “Regular grantsare collaborative effort betweenthe BOE and the city. TheDepartment of Transportationforms a fund grant for theEmergency Traffic Lights, andwarning signals at the RoseLopez School." She thanked thecity for collaborating with them."Thank you to the teachers whofilled out surveys. It is a trulycollaborative effort between theschool and city."Board Member Junior Iglesiahad some remarks, “Thebiggest project is our new highschool which is getting closerand closer to completion.We have a responsibility toname the new high school. Iunderstand in past proceduresthe school committee makes arecommendation to the Board”Board President Pucciosaid, “We will have a biggerdiscussion when we reach thatpoint and we will bring it to theBoard for further discussion."Junior Igesia stated, “I haveone recommendation: Anton J.Massopust.”Board Vice President Vazquezspoke via Zoom, “Our policyon Perth Amboy High Schoolis to keep the name of the HighSchool. It is the one school thatdoes not take someone’s name.We need to take some look at itfirst.”Board Member MichaelGeorge said, “I sat at thecommittee to name the RoseLopez School. Perth AmboyHigh School – all the otherschools can be renamed. Irespect Mr. Massopust. I thinkhe would agree it should stayPerth Amboy High School.”Iglesia then said, “If it is thewish of the Board, we canalways change the policy.”Board Attorney IsabelMachado stated, “Policy 7250– Perth Amboy High Schoolmust be named Perht AmboyHigh School. It would require apolicy change.”Board President Pucciostated, “We will have a furtherdiscussion on this.”Iglesia changed the subjectand began speaking aboutCovid. “I am looking at dataon the school district. There isa 1.02% positive rate. We areresponsible to continue to socialdistance. Covid relief fromthe federal government – howmany test kits have we used?”Dr. David Roman said,“The district totals havedecreased.” He asked AssistantSuperintendent DelvisRodriguez to send him a report.There was a discussionon whether the MachadoLaw Group should still beconsidered the firm for theBoard. Vice President Vazquezstated that RFQ’s were put outfor different firms. She notedthat there will be new BoardMembers in January and it maybe different.”Dr. Roman said, “It isdifficult to press the new BoardMembers. We should also havea conversation regarding this.”Iglesia said, “I agree withTashi Vazquez.”Dr. Roman said, “Myrecommendation gives newboard members more time. I amconfident in our attorneys thatsaved us millions of dollars.”There was a discussionaddressing the turnover in thedistrict.Dr. Roman stated the reasonsstaff gave for leaving thedistrict: "People we are hiring,no one reason, closer to home,out of state, more money. Otherdistricts pay $10,000 more thanwe pay. We need to keep allvariables in place.”Board Member Junior Iglesiasaid, “We have 158 vacancies.”Board Member R.L. Andersonsaid, “Over the last years, 43administrators left the district.Most of them didn’t want toburn any bridges.”Board Member MarisolGonzalez said, “ The naturalturnover of things really is aquestion of why the people areleaving are because they hatethe place. Personnel does notneed to be brought up at everyBoard Meeting. We have byschool district a lot of staff. Wedo our best to have our people.It just doesn’t matter.”Iglesia said, “We have aresponsibility to know aselected officials. The lower theturnover rate – this should notbe the norm.”Dr. Roman stated, “I willnot let those words define thedistrict.”R.L. Anderson insisted “158total positions open?”PERTH AMBOY - Dr. Vivan Rodriguez Retires*Photo by Katherine MassopustBoard Member Dr. DanielleBrown said, “There is astatewide average to makecertain. It is not unique to ourdistrict.”Dr. Roman said, “Teachers dolearn a lot here.”Board Member StephanieMárquez-Villafañe arrived inperson. She was stuck at work.Board Vice President TashiVazquez spoke of the 21appointees to Supervisorypositions. “How many werefrom the hiring committeeto ask to gain experience toleadership roles?Dr. Roman answered, “8 fromthis district.”Mr. Delvis Rodriguez said,“The job fairs were verysuccessful and we will continuedoing them. Not only do youlearn how to interview, but howto be interviewed.”Tashi Vazquez said,“Congratulations. You chose tostay here and work here. Thankyou to those from Perth Amboyand those not from PerthAmboy.”Junior Iglesia stated, “This isthe way to go.”Dr. Danielle Brown added,“Welcome all administrators.”Brown then began commentingon the importance of hiringBlack Teachers, “Black studentswho have at least one blackteacher are more likely to goto college. I hope the districtreflects more Black teachers.”R.L. Anderson said, “Daysof Author Leadership given in1990’s - Lead the way you wantpeople who will not work foryou but with you. Think aboutthat response. Mr. Massopustyou were together. Your lifetaught we were always together.Never forget where you camefrom.”At the end of the meeting, therewas a second public portion.Resident Sharon Hubbermanwas the only speaker. She spokeon Zoom, “The presentation ofthe administration – the schoolsafety and school security -They are looking at our schoolchildren in a stereotypical way.Children are children regardlessof their background. Theyare human beings. Work witharmed officers with our policeto detect any object that canbe used as a weapon. Maybeit works in another town butnot here? Today I witnessedantisemitic writings on thesidewalks. This type of thing Iwould never expect to happenin the city we love. This is nota good situation. I see graffitiwith such writing - it speaksloudly, we need not to giveinto the evils in this world. I’mspeaking about civil unrest inthis town. Congratulations tothe new staff.”The meeting adjourned at 8:36p.m.

MCSCS S.T.E.M Fair, Perth Amboy, 6/9/22 *Photos by Paul W. WangJuly 6, 2022 * The Amboy Guardian .11MCSCS S.T.E.M Fair Award WinnersPERTH AMBOY - Grade 4A - 1 st Prize - We have a tie. Truss Bridge (Engineering Design Process)- Jaslynn Villa and Christian Musa; Ferris Wheel (Engineering Design Process)- Valentina Iglesias and James Rivera; 2 nd Prize - We have a tie. Homemade Water Filter (Engineering Design Process) - Evangelis Ruperto and Maximiliano Caceres; ComparingFrog Jumps (Scientific Method) Julissia Bello and Janzel Rodriguez; 3 rd Prize - We have a tie. Tornado in a Jar (Scientific Method) - Justin Nunez and Chiara Brentan Rapalo;Model of a Fan (Engineering Design Process) - Yousef Zeidan and Darian Pearson; Grade 4B 1 st Prize - Cotton Ball Launcher (Scientific Method) - Arianna Acosta and JonathanSmith; 2 nd Prize - We have a tie. Simple Pendulum Experiment - Ashley Nyambi, Rhyan Bowles-Sooknanan, and Ranxiel Graciano; Paper Roller Coaster - Chelsea Caceres, SadeScafe, and Gift Aniegbuna; 3 rd Prize - Anemometer - (Scientific Method) - Emma Corraliza and Eveyalisse Tomassini Lopez; Grade 5 1 st Prize - Robotic Hand Project (EngineeringDesign Process) - Khaled Zeiden and Alexander Corona; 2 nd Prize - Marble Run (Engineering Design Process) - Kiara Almanzar, Daania Watson - Willis; 3 rd Prize - We have a tie.Drums Project - The Cardboard Challenge - (Engineering Design Process)-Adrianna Howard and Kailynn Olmedo; Guitar Project. - The Cardboard Challenge (EngineeringDesign Process) - Alyson Banos and Amy Wieczorek

MCSCS S.T.E.M Fair, Perth Amboy, 6/9/22 *Photos by Paul W. Wang

July 6, 2022 * The Amboy Guardian .11

MCSCS S.T.E.M Fair Award Winners

PERTH AMBOY - Grade 4A - 1 st Prize - We have a tie. Truss Bridge (Engineering Design Process)- Jaslynn Villa and Christian Musa; Ferris Wheel (Engineering Design Process)

- Valentina Iglesias and James Rivera; 2 nd Prize - We have a tie. Homemade Water Filter (Engineering Design Process) - Evangelis Ruperto and Maximiliano Caceres; Comparing

Frog Jumps (Scientific Method) Julissia Bello and Janzel Rodriguez; 3 rd Prize - We have a tie. Tornado in a Jar (Scientific Method) - Justin Nunez and Chiara Brentan Rapalo;

Model of a Fan (Engineering Design Process) - Yousef Zeidan and Darian Pearson; Grade 4B 1 st Prize - Cotton Ball Launcher (Scientific Method) - Arianna Acosta and Jonathan

Smith; 2 nd Prize - We have a tie. Simple Pendulum Experiment - Ashley Nyambi, Rhyan Bowles-Sooknanan, and Ranxiel Graciano; Paper Roller Coaster - Chelsea Caceres, Sade

Scafe, and Gift Aniegbuna; 3 rd Prize - Anemometer - (Scientific Method) - Emma Corraliza and Eveyalisse Tomassini Lopez; Grade 5 1 st Prize - Robotic Hand Project (Engineering

Design Process) - Khaled Zeiden and Alexander Corona; 2 nd Prize - Marble Run (Engineering Design Process) - Kiara Almanzar, Daania Watson - Willis; 3 rd Prize - We have a tie.

Drums Project - The Cardboard Challenge - (Engineering Design Process)-Adrianna Howard and Kailynn Olmedo; Guitar Project. - The Cardboard Challenge (Engineering

Design Process) - Alyson Banos and Amy Wieczorek

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