Selwyn_Times: July 06, 2022

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Selwyn Times Wednesday July 6 2022 34 OPINION Latest Canterbury news at ince Environment Canterbury climate-change emergency Wash your car on grass not driveway Environment Canterbury Chair Jenny Hughey by sea-level rise this century and our productive and protected land jeopardised by the arrival and spread of new, exotic weeds and pests from warmer climates. All these eventualities have to be planned and prepared for, and Environment Canterbury will remain in the vanguard of these climate change efforts. One example is the $40 million Waimakariri River flood protection project, completed late last year. The network of floodgates and stopbanks will protect half a million people and $8 billion of community and business assets from a possible “super flood”. The last major flood was in threatened and facing increased pressures due to river system change. Wetlands are also ecosystems at-risk nationally and regionally, degraded by draining, damming and diversion affecting their ability to sequester carbon, cleanse freshwater and mitigate flooding, as well as impacting on biodiversity and mahinga kai. With biosecurity, we are putting greater emphasis on the risks of new pests establishing in Canterbury. Warming temperatures, changing soils and new land uses mean new weeds especially, will be able to gain a better foothold across the region. More broadly, we have to IMAGINE and enhance TAKING that work. a bottle then fleet you’re hybrid not or alone. long-range electric of That detergent work down included to your setting local by A 2018 2022. Christchurch Carbon emissions City from stream, up a climate-change opening the lid, integration and Council air travel survey across found the organisation close to pouring programme the contents in the Long-term straight Plan half are of offset the respondents via our own either biodiversity TAKE into 2018-28, the water ensuring – into climate the habitat change didn’t programmes. know where stormwater CARE: of was fish actively and other considered creatures. across flowed According to thought to a Madworld it went to report a Use the workstreams, Of course, you increasing wouldn’t visibility do treatment in 2019, plant. our gross emissions were lawn or this. But did you know that a Unfortunately, it’s just not feasible to treat it all – which is why of gravel an area of the science and what we know 2253 tonnes of carbon dioxide lot of everyday things we do about the impact of climate (CO2) equivalent, compared with can have similar effects. When it’s so important that we all do if you change on Canterbury, and liaising removals of 7883 tonnes of CO2- large portions of communities our bit to keep things like litter, wash your on the issue with iwi and regional equivalent through our efficiency car with do partners, these things, other local it can authorities negatively paint, efforts metals, and from plastics, forestry chemicals planting detergent. impact and central the health government. of our rivers, across and 2700 animal hectares. poo out of our streams and bays. stormwater drains. December 1957, when parts curb reliance on fossil fuels and As an organisation, we have The changing climate will pose For instance, when you wash The amount and number of Washington. of Coutts Island in Belfast and In the find meantime, environmentally I encourage suitable a big contributor to stormwater your also made car on significant the driveway, progress the in contaminants many risks to that life end and up livelihood in rivers In Kainga 2015, the were US swamped automotive by river you to alternatives, look at your such own as backyard – hydrogen, literally – to and power think our about public For more tips, have a read of electricity pollution. and run-off addressing that our goes own down greenhousegas emissions, grate with usually our goes we the and in streams Canterbury. is quite In astonishing. recent years industry flow peaking and the at US 3990 Environmental metres Protection per second Agency (cumecs). signed ways you transport. can help keep our our Council’s stormwater page at cubic stormwater For have instance, seen each how occasional, year around straight Christchurch to waterways. building receiving a 31 but tonnes extreme, of zinc weather and 4.5 events tonnes have a voluntary The protection agreement scheme to roll has out been waterways When clean. my predecessor Steve “market-leading” While most people energy don’t efficiency give of had copper huge enter effects the on Heathcote, residents and similar designed measures. to defend Christchurch Washing Lowndes your retired car on as grass chair of I believe everyone has an ethical duty to help the environment, stormwater rating of 5.0 a out second of 6 in thought the year in Avon, infrastructure Styx and Halswell around the rivers. South I fear from other a flood countries, of as much including cumecs. New Zealand, are dragging absorbs highlighted the detergent. some Keep of the your big and it starts at home. If we all as 6500 or gravel this is council a good late start, last as year, this he their to February daily lives, on the I’m National hoping I can Island. Vehicles are a big contributor. convince Australian you Built to look Environment at the topic When The you driest pump parts the of brakes, our region, fine their heels Environment the issue. Canterbury’s vehicle changes well maintained, on the way. including checking optimistic for we oil would leaks. be able to can be huge. He was make small changes, the results Rating a new System light. New Zealand. particles along the of copper Marlborough fall onto coast the and Christchurch leadership of mayor biodiversity Lianne and In The fact, building’s you may features have seen include road. across When much it rains, of the these Canterbury shavings Plains, get washed are expected into the to storm- get even the underpinned Government, by calling climate-change for paintbrushes climate change in the laundry and sustainability. sink, waterways go even further down Dalziel biosecurity and I recently programmes wrote to is also When deal doing with DIY, the “pressing rinse your issues” of Let’s not let the health of our some 184 solar recent panels ads encouraging generate people more to be than a Stormwater 55,000 water drier. system North-westerly – along with storms zinc are more concerns. action with this issue. We not directly I share into his the confidence. stormwa- As a the drain. which can Superhero. kilowatt hours of electricity per from predicted tyre wear. to become more intense, want further analysis undertaken drain. Sweep up things like year. If you didn’t know that stormwater grates It’s almost always year lead matter since of reducing the Environment amount of calities of implementing such a Canterbury The United States is taking the practi- Canterbury’s distinct braided community, and as a council, 263 x 180 There has been a 26% reduction turning our braided rivers into we are taking some bold steps to many challenges. The rivers form property. ensure we are in a better place to directly per staff to member waterways in emissions (particularly in declared urban Christchurch), a climate-change emergency passing copper brake pads seriously, policy – and we’re asking to meet And, always pick up after your roaring laws rapids, in California fuelling landslides and a officials vital ecological on the matter. link and provide cope with the changing climate since 30 June 2010. We now have dog. E. and coli the from tests animal it will poo set us. is But access to electric and hybrid Canterbury’s coastal nesting grounds for 26 species of there will always be a need to do vehicles JENNY and hope HUGHEY to have explains half our what communities will be threatened native birds – most classified as by sea-level more. rise this century and threatened and facing increased Need the council has been doing. A our productive and protected land pressures due to river system The formal declaration of a jeopardised by the arrival and state of climate emergency across Environment Massage? Chair change. spread of new, exotic weeds and Wetlands are also ecosystems Canterbury was one of the most pests from warmer climates. at-risk nationally and regionally, serious, and colourful, moments Jenny Hughey All these eventualities have degraded by draining, damming in the regional council’s more than to be planned and prepared for, and diversion affecting their 30-year history. and enhance that work. fleet hybrid or long-range electric and Environment Canterbury ability to sequester carbon, A year ago this Saturday, That work included setting by 2022. Carbon emissions from will remain in the vanguard of cleanse freshwater and mitigate at 11.49am, Environment Canterbury became New Zealand’s these climate change efforts. flooding, as well as impacting on Stop suffering from stress, tension, headaches, anxiety, One example stiff is the $40 muscles million biodiversity and and fatigue. mahinga kai. programme in the Long-term Plan are offset via our own biodiversity first council to proclaim such an Waimakariri River flood With biosecurity, we are 2018-28, ensuring climate change programmes. emergency, formally dedicating protection project, completed putting greater emphasis on the was actively considered across According to a Madworld report itself to consideration of climate late last year. The network of risks of new pests establishing workstreams, The increasing State-of-the-art visibility in 2019, our gross emissions were Robotic change at the heart of all it does. floodgates and stopbanks Massage will in Canterbury. Chair. Warming of the science and what we know 2253 tonnes of carbon dioxide The declaration highlighted protect half a million people and temperatures, changing soils and about the impact of climate (CO2) equivalent, compared with that all the work Environment · Enjoy a luxurious, professional $8 billion full body of community massage and in the new comfort land uses mean of your new weeds change on Canterbury, and liaising removals of 7883 tonnes of CO2- Canterbury does – from business assets from a possible especially, will be able to gain a on the issue with iwi and regional own equivalent home through our efficiency freshwater management to “super flood”. better foothold across the region. partners, other local authorities efforts and from forestry planting biodiversity and biosecurity, The last major flood was More broadly, we have to and central government. across 2700 hectares. transport and urban development · Advanced optical sensors combined December 1957, with when intelligent parts bio-mapping curb reliance on for fossil a fuels and to air quality, and also regional As an organisation, we have The changing climate will pose of Coutts Island in Belfast and find environmentally suitable leadership – has a climate change also made significant progress in customised many risks life massage and livelihood Kainga were swamped by river alternatives, such as electricity and focus. addressing our own greenhousegas emissions, with our · Hi-tech we have seen intelligent how occasional, robotic hands in Canterbury. In recent years flow peaking at 3990 cubic hydrogen, to power our public Currently, under the Resource metres deliver per second a (cumecs). 3D massage transport. to melt away stress Management Act, regional Christchurch building receiving a & but tension extreme, weather events have The protection scheme has been When my predecessor Steve councils are required only to adapt “market-leading” energy efficiency had huge effects on residents and designed to defend Christchurch Lowndes retired as chair of to climate change, not mitigate rating of 5.0 out of 6 in the year infrastructure around the South · Multiple massage types including from a flood Shiatsu, of as much Swedish as 6500 & Thai this council Foot late Massage last year, he it – that responsibility is the to February on the National Island. cumecs. highlighted some of the big Government’s, but could change. Australian Built Environment The driest parts of our region, Environment Canterbury’s changes on the way. He was Even in ‘adapt mode’ many Rating System New Zealand. along the Marlborough Free coast and leadership of biodiversity and optimistic we would be able to of Environment Canterbury’s The building’s features include across much of the Canterbury biosecurity programmes is also deal with the “pressing issues” of existing policies and plans already 184 solar panels which can Plains, are expected to get even underpinned by climate-change climate change and sustainability. contribute to reduced emissions. generate more than 55,000 drier. North-westerly storms are concerns. I share his confidence. As a In declaring the climate kilowatt hours of electricity per predicted to become more intense, Canterbury’s distinct braided community, and as a council, emergency, the Council noted it year. with torrential alpine rainstorms rivers and unique wetlands face we are taking some bold steps to would continue to show leadership There has been a 26% reduction turning our braided rivers into many challenges. The rivers form ensure we are in a better place to on climate-change and do so per staff member in emissions roaring rapids, fuelling TEBO landslides a Neck vital ecological link and provide cope with the changing climate without adding new programmes at ratepayers’ expense. It also gave staff a clear mandate to continue since 30 June 2010. We now have access to electric and hybrid vehicles and hope to have half our and causing widespread erosion. Canterbury’s coastal communities will be threatened an abundant food supply and nesting grounds for 26 species of native birds – most classified as and the tests it will set us. But there will always be a need to do more. Massager * Worth $249.00 *Call for Terms & Conditions Call Now! 0800 665 665

Wednesday July 6 2022 Selwyn Times 35 Kickstart Motorcycle Riders Event Thursday, 6-8pm Guest speakers will provide information about rider safety, motorcycle maintenance and rider recovery/rehabilitation at this free event. Between speakers, there will be an opportunity to network with local Ride Forever trainers, discuss safety gear and chat with like-minded people. There will be awesome prizes and nibbles provided. Lincoln Event Centre Family Bingo Night Friday, 6-7.30pm Take the family and try your luck at bingo! Line up all the numbers on your card to win some cool prizes. Cost $3 per person, to make a booking see Events at Lincoln Event Centre Discomania with DJ Fury Saturday, 6-7.30pm Get your friends together, put your dancing shoes on and join DJ Fury for an amazing kids disco. Dance to the latest tunes, check out the disco lights and get involved in some awesome games! Cost $3 per child, caregiver free. To book see Events at Darfield Recreation and Community Centre Email by 5pm each Wednesday Elgregoe the Magician Presents: Magic For You July 11 and 14, 10-10.45am Elgregoe and his assistant Sue present their new 2022 show, at Rolleston Community Centre on Monday next week, and Darfield Recreation and Community Centre on Thursday. Elgregoe fans young and old will see stage illusions, exotic parrots, a ventriloquist puppet and more. Cost $3 per child, caregiver free. Bookings required, see Events at selwyn. Rolleston and Darfield High Ropes Challenge July 12 and 15, 9am–noon or 1–4pm Climb and clamber up and over different obstacles at great heights, then get hauled up to the ceiling to enjoy the thrill of the giant indoor swing! Parents/ caregivers must remain at the event, participants are advised to wear three-quarter pants or comfortable long pants, and comfortable non-marking athletic type footwear. Bring some food and drink to keep you fueled up for a time of thrills and spills! Suitable for 8–13 years, $10 per child. Bookings required, see Events at selwyn. Rolleston Community Centre Pickleball Skills Sessions, Monday, 10am-6pm. Pickleball combines elements of badminton and tennis while using table tennis like paddles and a wiffle ball. These sessions, run by Pickleball Selwyn, focus on teaching kids the basic skills and drills to enhance co-ordination and agility. Cost is $3 per person, for 5–17 years. Bookings required, see Events at Selwyn Sports Centre Exhibition: Inside/Out To July 17 Inside/Out showcases the finest works of 27 artists from Arts Canterbury. Filled with a large variety of artworks and styles created with the theme of Inside/Out, this exciting exhibition is sure to impress. Open Wednesday and Thursday 11.30am- 2.30pm, Friday to Sunday 10am-4pm. Down By The Liffey Gallery, Lincoln Whakaata Mai te Kūkūwai: Reflections from the Wetlands Exhibition To July 31 The Whakaata mai te Kūkūwai exhibition celebrates the special Ngāi Tahu relationship with wetlands. Selwyn is rich with wetlands that are full of biodiversity, and significant to Ngāi Tahu as a source of mahinga kai. This exhibition opened June 15. It highlights the work of Ngāi Tahu and local communities to restore wetlands for future generations through photographs, video, stories, and taonga. Free, bookings not required. Te Ara Ātea Glass artist Vanya Venrooy To July 31 View the colourful and innovative work of awardwinning glass artist Vanja Venrooy. Open Tuesday to Sunday 10am-4pm. Lakeland Art Gallery, Leeston CentreStage’s next Musical: Bonnie and Clyde The story of Bonnie and Clyde has mesmerised since the early 1930s. Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow were a robbery team that became notorious in the United States through their flamboyant encounters with police and the sensationalisation of their exploits by the country’s newspapers. The legendary quality of Barrow’s and Parker’s careers is not difficult to understand, given the extreme desperation of the times. Their crime spree occurred at the height of the Great Depression, which hit particularly hard in the southern states. Several bank robbers during this period became famous as “Robin Hood” figures who struck back against the banks, which many people viewed as oppressive. Although Clyde and Bonnie were never criminal masterminds or even particularly competent crooks—their two-year crime spree was as much a reign of error as terror— yet the media made them seem like they were, and that was enough to turn them into icons. Although the reality of their story was anything but glamorous, their love and devotion to each other was without question. This show has taken many months of planning to bring to the stage. Circumstances beyond our control also pushed our originally planned April show dates out to July. Thankfully, most of our cast were able to commit to the new time slot! Centre- Stage Rolleston has created, from nothing, an opportunity for the public to enjoy quality theatre close to home in Rolleston and surrounding areas within the Selwyn District. The amount of voluntary hours that goes into a production is phenomenal. It ignites a passion in all those involved, a desire to strive for excellence and because of the many facets that theatre has it offers opportunities for individuals to use their specific skills and talents for a greater purpose. Our Director, Glen Clark, can’t wait to share the show with everyone: “Theatre brings people together and I am so proud to have worked alongside this amazing and talented team. Each and every one of them are committed to bringing the best possible theatre to our wonderful community and Bonnie and Clyde is no exception”.

<strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong> Wednesday <strong>July</strong> 6 <strong>2022</strong><br />

34<br />


Latest Canterbury news at<br />

ince Environment Canterbury<br />

climate-change emergency<br />

Wash your car on grass not driveway<br />

Environment<br />

Canterbury Chair<br />

Jenny Hughey<br />

by sea-level rise this century and<br />

our productive and protected land<br />

jeopardised by the arrival and<br />

spread of new, exotic weeds and<br />

pests from warmer climates.<br />

All these eventualities have<br />

to be planned and prepared for,<br />

and Environment Canterbury<br />

will remain in the vanguard of<br />

these climate change efforts.<br />

One example is the $40 million<br />

Waimakariri River flood<br />

protection project, completed<br />

late last year. The network of<br />

floodgates and stopbanks will<br />

protect half a million people and<br />

$8 billion of community and<br />

business assets from a possible<br />

“super flood”.<br />

The last major flood was in<br />

threatened and facing increased<br />

pressures due to river system<br />

change.<br />

Wetlands are also ecosystems<br />

at-risk nationally and regionally,<br />

degraded by draining, damming<br />

and diversion affecting their<br />

ability to sequester carbon,<br />

cleanse freshwater and mitigate<br />

flooding, as well as impacting on<br />

biodiversity and mahinga kai.<br />

With biosecurity, we are<br />

putting greater emphasis on the<br />

risks of new pests establishing<br />

in Canterbury. Warming<br />

temperatures, changing soils and<br />

new land uses mean new weeds<br />

especially, will be able to gain a<br />

better foothold across the region.<br />

More broadly, we have to<br />

IMAGINE and enhance TAKING that work. a bottle then fleet you’re hybrid not or alone. long-range electric<br />

of That detergent work down included to your setting local by A 2018 <strong>2022</strong>. Christchurch Carbon emissions City from<br />

stream, up a climate-change opening the lid, integration and Council air travel survey across found the organisation<br />

close to<br />

pouring programme the contents in the Long-term straight Plan half are of offset the respondents via our own either biodiversity<br />

TAKE<br />

into 2018-28, the water ensuring – into climate the habitat change didn’t programmes. know where stormwater<br />

CARE:<br />

of was fish actively and other considered creatures. across flowed According to thought to a Madworld it went to report a<br />

Use the<br />

workstreams, Of course, you increasing wouldn’t visibility do treatment in 2019, plant. our gross emissions were<br />

lawn or<br />

this. But did you know that a Unfortunately, it’s just not feasible<br />

to treat it all – which is why<br />

of gravel<br />

an area<br />

of the science and what we know 2253 tonnes of carbon dioxide<br />

lot of everyday things we do<br />

about the impact of climate (CO2) equivalent, compared with<br />

can have similar effects. When it’s so important that we all do<br />

if you<br />

change on Canterbury, and liaising removals of 7883 tonnes of CO2-<br />

large portions of communities our bit to keep things like litter,<br />

wash your<br />

on the issue with iwi and regional equivalent through our efficiency<br />

car with<br />

do<br />

partners,<br />

these things,<br />

other local<br />

it can<br />

authorities<br />

negatively paint,<br />

efforts<br />

metals,<br />

and from<br />

plastics,<br />

forestry<br />

chemicals<br />

planting<br />

detergent.<br />

impact<br />

and central<br />

the health<br />

government.<br />

of our rivers,<br />

across<br />

and<br />

2700<br />

animal<br />

hectares.<br />

poo out of our<br />

streams and bays.<br />

stormwater drains.<br />

December 1957, when parts curb reliance on fossil fuels and<br />

As an organisation, we have The changing climate will pose<br />

For instance, when you wash The amount and number of Washington. of Coutts Island in Belfast and In the find meantime, environmentally I encourage suitable a big contributor to stormwater<br />

your<br />

also made<br />

car on<br />

significant<br />

the driveway,<br />

progress<br />

the<br />

in<br />

contaminants<br />

many risks to<br />

that<br />

life<br />

end<br />

and<br />

up<br />

livelihood<br />

in rivers In Kainga 2015, the were US swamped automotive by river you to alternatives, look at your such own as backyard<br />

– hydrogen, literally – to and power think our about public For more tips, have a read of<br />

electricity pollution. and<br />

run-off<br />

addressing<br />

that<br />

our<br />

goes<br />

own<br />

down<br />

greenhousegas<br />

emissions, grate with usually our goes we<br />

the and<br />

in<br />

streams<br />

Canterbury.<br />

is quite<br />

In<br />

astonishing.<br />

recent years industry flow peaking and the at US 3990 Environmental<br />

metres Protection per second Agency (cumecs). signed ways you transport. can help keep our our Council’s stormwater page at<br />

cubic<br />

stormwater For<br />

have<br />

instance,<br />

seen<br />

each<br />

how occasional,<br />

year around<br />

straight Christchurch to waterways. building receiving a 31 but tonnes extreme, of zinc weather and 4.5 events tonnes have a voluntary The protection agreement scheme to roll has out been waterways When clean. my predecessor Steve<br />

“market-leading” While most people energy don’t efficiency give of had copper huge enter effects the on Heathcote, residents and similar designed measures. to defend Christchurch Washing Lowndes your retired car on as grass chair of I believe everyone has an ethical<br />

duty to help the environment,<br />

stormwater rating of 5.0 a out second of 6 in thought the year in Avon, infrastructure Styx and Halswell around the rivers. South I fear from other a flood countries, of as much including<br />

cumecs. New Zealand, are dragging absorbs highlighted the detergent. some Keep of the your big and it starts at home. If we all<br />

as 6500 or gravel this is council a good late start, last as year, this he<br />

their to February daily lives, on the I’m National hoping I can Island. Vehicles are a big contributor.<br />

convince Australian you Built to look Environment at the topic When The you driest pump parts the of brakes, our region, fine their heels Environment the issue. Canterbury’s vehicle changes well maintained, on the way. including<br />

checking optimistic for we oil would leaks. be able to can be huge.<br />

He was make small changes, the results<br />

Rating a new System light. New Zealand. particles along the of copper Marlborough fall onto coast the and Christchurch leadership of mayor biodiversity Lianne and<br />

In The fact, building’s you may features have seen include road. across When much it rains, of the these Canterbury shavings<br />

Plains, get washed are expected into the to storm-<br />

get even the underpinned Government, by calling climate-change for paintbrushes climate change in the laundry and sustainability. sink, waterways go even further down<br />

Dalziel biosecurity and I recently programmes wrote to is also When deal doing with DIY, the “pressing rinse your issues” of Let’s not let the health of our<br />

some 184 solar recent panels ads encouraging<br />

generate people more to be than a Stormwater 55,000 water drier. system North-westerly – along with storms zinc are more concerns. action with this issue. We not directly I share into his the confidence. stormwa-<br />

As a the drain.<br />

which can<br />

Superhero. kilowatt hours of electricity per from predicted tyre wear. to become more intense, want further analysis undertaken<br />

drain. Sweep up things like<br />

year. If you didn’t know that stormwater<br />

grates It’s almost always year lead matter since of reducing the Environment amount of calities of implementing such a Canterbury<br />

The United States is taking the practi-<br />

Canterbury’s distinct braided community, and as a council,<br />

263 x 180<br />

There has been a 26% reduction turning our braided rivers into<br />

we are taking some bold steps to<br />

many challenges. The rivers form property. ensure we are in a better place to<br />

directly per staff to member waterways in emissions (particularly<br />

in declared urban Christchurch), a climate-change emergency<br />

passing<br />

copper brake pads seriously, policy – and we’re asking to meet And, always pick up after your<br />

roaring laws rapids, in California fuelling landslides<br />

and a officials vital ecological on the matter. link and provide cope with the changing climate<br />

since 30 June 2010. We now have dog. E. and coli the from tests animal it will poo set us. is But<br />

access to electric and hybrid<br />

Canterbury’s coastal<br />

nesting grounds for 26 species of there will always be a need to do<br />

vehicles<br />

JENNY<br />

and hope<br />

HUGHEY<br />

to have<br />

explains<br />

half our<br />

what<br />

communities will be threatened native birds – most classified as<br />

by sea-level<br />

more.<br />

rise this century and threatened and facing increased<br />

Need<br />

the council has been doing.<br />

A<br />

our productive and protected land pressures due to river system<br />

The formal declaration of a<br />

jeopardised by the arrival and<br />

state of climate emergency across Environment<br />

Massage?<br />

Chair<br />

change.<br />

spread of new, exotic weeds and Wetlands are also ecosystems<br />

Canterbury was one of the most<br />

pests from warmer climates. at-risk nationally and regionally,<br />

serious, and colourful, moments<br />

Jenny Hughey<br />

All these eventualities have degraded by draining, damming<br />

in the regional council’s more than<br />

to be planned and prepared for, and diversion affecting their<br />

30-year history.<br />

and enhance that work.<br />

fleet hybrid or long-range electric<br />

and Environment Canterbury ability to sequester carbon,<br />

A year ago this Saturday,<br />

That work included setting by <strong>2022</strong>. Carbon emissions from<br />

will remain in the vanguard of cleanse freshwater and mitigate<br />

at 11.49am, Environment<br />

Canterbury became New Zealand’s<br />

these climate change efforts. flooding, as well as impacting on<br />

Stop suffering from stress, tension, headaches, anxiety,<br />

One example<br />

stiff<br />

is the $40<br />

muscles<br />

million biodiversity<br />

and<br />

and<br />

fatigue.<br />

mahinga kai.<br />

programme in the Long-term Plan are offset via our own biodiversity<br />

first council to proclaim such an<br />

Waimakariri River flood<br />

With biosecurity, we are<br />

2018-28, ensuring climate change programmes.<br />

emergency, formally dedicating<br />

protection project, completed putting greater emphasis on the<br />

was actively considered across According to a Madworld report<br />

itself to consideration of climate<br />

late last year. The network of risks of new pests establishing<br />

workstreams, The increasing State-of-the-art visibility in 2019, our gross emissions were Robotic<br />

change at the heart of all it does.<br />

floodgates and stopbanks<br />

Massage<br />

will in Canterbury.<br />

Chair.<br />

Warming<br />

of the science and what we know 2253 tonnes of carbon dioxide<br />

The declaration highlighted<br />

protect half a million people and temperatures, changing soils and<br />

about the impact of climate (CO2) equivalent, compared with<br />

that all the work Environment<br />

· Enjoy a luxurious, professional $8 billion full body of community massage and in the new comfort land uses mean of your new weeds<br />

change on Canterbury, and liaising removals of 7883 tonnes of CO2-<br />

Canterbury does – from<br />

business assets from a possible especially, will be able to gain a<br />

on the issue with iwi and regional own equivalent home through our efficiency<br />

freshwater management to<br />

“super flood”.<br />

better foothold across the region.<br />

partners, other local authorities efforts and from forestry planting<br />

biodiversity and biosecurity,<br />

The last major flood was More broadly, we have to<br />

and central government.<br />

across 2700 hectares.<br />

transport and urban development<br />

· Advanced optical sensors combined December 1957, with when intelligent parts bio-mapping curb reliance on for fossil a fuels and<br />

to air quality, and also regional<br />

As an organisation, we have The changing climate will pose of Coutts Island in Belfast and find environmentally suitable<br />

leadership – has a climate change<br />

also made significant progress in customised many risks life massage and livelihood Kainga were swamped by river alternatives, such as electricity and<br />

focus.<br />

addressing our own greenhousegas<br />

emissions, with our · Hi-tech we have seen intelligent how occasional, robotic hands<br />

in Canterbury. In recent years flow peaking at 3990 cubic hydrogen, to power our public<br />

Currently, under the Resource<br />

metres<br />

deliver<br />

per second<br />

a<br />

(cumecs).<br />

3D massage<br />

transport.<br />

to melt away stress<br />

Management Act, regional Christchurch building receiving a<br />

&<br />

but<br />

tension<br />

extreme, weather events have The protection scheme has been When my predecessor Steve<br />

councils are required only to adapt “market-leading” energy efficiency had huge effects on residents and designed to defend Christchurch Lowndes retired as chair of<br />

to climate change, not mitigate rating of 5.0 out of 6 in the year infrastructure around the South<br />

· Multiple massage types including from a flood Shiatsu, of as much Swedish as 6500 & Thai this council Foot late Massage last year, he<br />

it – that responsibility is the to February on the National Island.<br />

cumecs.<br />

highlighted some of the big<br />

Government’s, but could change. Australian Built Environment The driest parts of our region, Environment Canterbury’s changes on the way. He was<br />

Even in ‘adapt mode’ many Rating System New Zealand. along the Marlborough<br />

Free<br />

coast and leadership of biodiversity and optimistic we would be able to<br />

of Environment Canterbury’s The building’s features include across much of the Canterbury biosecurity programmes is also deal with the “pressing issues” of<br />

existing policies and plans already 184 solar panels which can Plains, are expected to get even underpinned by climate-change climate change and sustainability.<br />

contribute to reduced emissions. generate more than 55,000 drier. North-westerly storms are concerns.<br />

I share his confidence. As a<br />

In declaring the climate<br />

kilowatt hours of electricity per predicted to become more intense, Canterbury’s distinct braided community, and as a council,<br />

emergency, the Council noted it year.<br />

with torrential alpine rainstorms rivers and unique wetlands face we are taking some bold steps to<br />

would continue to show leadership There has been a 26% reduction turning our braided rivers into many challenges. The rivers form ensure we are in a better place to<br />

on climate-change and do so per staff member in emissions roaring rapids, fuelling TEBO landslides a Neck<br />

vital ecological link and provide cope with the changing climate<br />

without adding new programmes<br />

at ratepayers’ expense. It also gave<br />

staff a clear mandate to continue<br />

since 30 June 2010. We now have<br />

access to electric and hybrid<br />

vehicles and hope to have half our<br />

and causing widespread erosion.<br />

Canterbury’s coastal<br />

communities will be threatened<br />

an abundant food supply and<br />

nesting grounds for 26 species of<br />

native birds – most classified as<br />

and the tests it will set us. But<br />

there will always be a need to do<br />

more.<br />

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Worth $249.00<br />

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