The overview of Leptin replacement therapy

Leptin is a hormone that controls obesity and related health issues in human bodies. Scientists, for so many years, are engaged to discover how to use the leptin hormone to treat obesity.

Leptin is a hormone that controls obesity and related health issues in human bodies. Scientists, for so many years, are engaged to discover how to use the leptin hormone to treat obesity.


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Leptin is a hormone that controls obesity and

related health issues in human bodies. Scientists,

for so many years, are engaged to discover how to

use the leptin hormone to treat obesity.

Hundreds of renowned names are included in the list – for

example, Tuncay Delibasi – the famous Turkish professor

and a medical person who is doing his best to develop the

advanced structure of leptin replacement therapy for


When leptin sends neurotransmitter signals

to the brain in the hypothalamus sector, it

tells the person to stop eating to maintain

his/her desired BMI (Body Mass Index).

Scientists have observed that laboratory mice

have got polymorphism in their leptin gene.

Such mutations in the gene prevent

manufacturing the required leptin protein.

Due to the less leptin appearance, the lab mice have

developed morbidity obesity. The other strain has the

polymorphism or mutation in the gene encoding for LEPR

(leptin receptor). In such cases, the brain or hypothalamus is

not capable of receiving leptin signals. Therefore, signal

disruption happens and it causes mutations of polymorphism

in their leptin receptors and lab mice become obese.

A comparative study

has shown the

involvements of lean

and obese individuals

as per their leptin

hormone levels. These

types of comparative

studies have developed

the chances of leptin

replacement to treat

obesity. This is a

medical treatment that

controls leptin

expression levels in

obese people and helps

them to control obesity.


Leptin therapy is used to

reverse endocrine and

metabolic alterations that are

associated with leptin

deficiency. Less number of T-

cells, defective T-cells and CD4

cause leptin deficiency. Leptin

therapy can reverse these

reductions. Tuncay Delibasi

has discovered in his latest

research that leptin

replacement therapy is very

useful for patients who are

suffering from congenital

leptin deficiency.

Leptin also is

being used to

treat energy

loss such as




have found

that immune

function gets


during leptin


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