How To Perform Medical Abortion At-Home?

Medical abortion is a termination procedure carried out with the use of medicines. This method can be performed from the moment a pregnancy starts until around 8 weeks or 56 days. You need to use the combination of Mifepristone and Misoprostol pills for medication abortion.

Medical abortion is a termination procedure carried out with the use of medicines. This method can be performed from the moment a pregnancy starts until around 8 weeks or 56 days. You need to use the combination of Mifepristone and Misoprostol pills for medication abortion.


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How To Perform


Abortion At-




‣ Medical abortion is a termination procedure

carried out with the use of medicines.

‣ This method can be performed from the

moment a pregnancy starts until around 8

weeks or 56 days.

‣ You need to use the combination of

Mifepristone and Misoprostol pills for

medication abortion.

‣ These pills are taken either orally or through the

vagina. This method doesn’t require any

anesthesia as well as surgery.

How to perform a medical abortion

at home?

You must combine the two medications Mifepristone and Misoprostol.You must

first take oral Mifepristone and then Misoprostol pills buccally or


Misoprostol 800 mcg

Mifepristone 200 mg

For buccal intake place

two pills on either side of

your cheeks. You must

let this dissolve naturally

without swallowing it.

Take one 200mg Mifepristone pill

with some water. This medication

works by preventing progesterone,

which inhibits the growth of your

fetus. It takes up to 24 to 48 hours

to work

How can you prepare for a

medical abortion?

• A physical pregnancy test to confirm your

pregnancy. You can use blood and urine

tests. You can perform an Ultrasound to

know the accurate gestation period as well as

an ectopic pregnancy.

• A good understanding of its procedure,

precautions, and side effects.

• If you have an IUD, it must be removed

before performing the process.

What precautions

do you need to


• You had an ectopic pregnancy. As


• pregnancy implants outside of the

uterus. Thus, if you perform this

process, it will likely provide

insufficient results.

• You have a history of bleeding

disorders or blood-thinning issues.

• You've had adrenal gland

problems. You had an allergic

response to these medications.

• You've been on corticosteroid

treatment for a long time.

What will you feel after

the medical termination


• After consuming these pills for

medication abortion, most women

recover in a week or two, but bleeding

might persist for up to a week.

Cramping can last for a few days.

• side effects Like nausea, vomiting,

diarrhea, a mild temperature, headache,

a lack of energy, and dizziness

What will you feel after the medical

termination process?

In the meantime, it is normal to have a range

of emotions. Most women are relieved and do

not regret their decision. Others may

experience sadness, guilt, or regret.

Everyone's experience is different, and there

is no "right” or “wrong” to feel about it.

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