33 Years NEET-AIPMT Chapterwise Solutions - Physics 2020

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Mechanical Properties of SolidsTelegram @unacademyplusdiscounts77CHAPTER9MechanicalProperties of Solids9.5 Stress-Strain Curve6. The Young’s modulus of steel is twice that of brass.Two wires of same length and of same area of1. The stress-strain curves are drawn for two differentcross section, one of steel and another of brass arematerials X and Y. It is observed that the ultimatesuspended from the same roof. If we want the lowerstrength point and the fracture point are closeto each other for material X but are far apart forends of the wires to be at the same level, then thematerial Y. We can say that materials X and Y are weights added to the steel and brass wires must be inlikely to be (respectively)the ratio of(a) ductile and brittle (b) brittle and ductile(a) 4 : 1 (b) 1 : 1 (c) 1 : 2 (d) 2 : 1(2015)(c) brittle and plastic (d) plastic and ductile 7. The approximate depth of an ocean is 2700 m. (Odisha NEET 2019)The compressibility of water is 45.4 × 10 –11 Pa –19.6 Elastic Moduliand density of water is 10 3 kg/m 3 . What fractionalcompression of water will be obtained at the bottom2. A wire of length L, area of cross section A is hangingof the ocean?from a fixed support. The length of the wire changes(a) 1.2 × 10to L 1 when mass M is suspended from its free end.–2 (b) 1.4 × 10 –2(c) 0.8 × 10The expression for Young’s modulus is–2 (d) 1.0 × 10 –2MgL1(a)(b) Mg ( L 1 − L(2015 Cancelled))AL8. Copper of fixed volume V is drawn into wire ofALlength l. When this wire is subjected to a constantMgLMgL(c)(d)AL 1AL ( 1 − force F, the extension produced in the wire is Dl.L) (NEET 2020)Which of the following graphs is a straight line?3. When a block of mass M is suspended by a long wire (a) Dl versus 1/l (b) Dl versus l 2of length L, the length of the wire becomes (L + l). (c) Dl versus 1/l 2 (d) Dl versus l (2014)The elastic potential energy stored in the extendedwire is9. The following four wires are made of the same1material. Which of these will have the largest(a)2 MgL (b) Mgl(c) MgL (d) 1 extension when the same tension is applied?Mgl (NEET 2019)(a) length = 200 cm, diameter = 2 mm2 (b) length = 300 cm, diameter = 3 mm4. Two wires are made of the same material and have (c) length = 50 cm, diameter = 0.5 mmthe same volume. The first wire has cross-sectional (d) length = 100 cm, diameter = 1 mm (NEET 2013)area A and the second wire has cross-sectional area 10. If the ratio of diameters, lengths and Young’s modulus3A. If the length of the first wire is increased by Dl of steel and copper wires shown in the figure are p,on applying a force F, how much force is needed to q and s respectively, then the corresponding ratio ofstretch the second wire by the same amount?increase in their lengths would be(a) 9F(b) 6F5q(c) 4F (d) F (NEET 2018)(a)(b)7qSteel( 7sp2 )( 5sp2 )5. The bulk modulus of a spherical object is ‘B’. If itCopperis subjected to uniform pressure ‘p’, the fractional2q7qdecrease in radius is(c)(d)B 3p p(a) (b) (c) (d) p ( 5sp)( 5sp)3p B 3B B (NEET 2017) (Karnataka NEET 2013)

Mechanical Properties of Solids

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Properties of Solids

9.5 Stress-Strain Curve

6. The Young’s modulus of steel is twice that of brass.

Two wires of same length and of same area of

1. The stress-strain curves are drawn for two different

cross section, one of steel and another of brass are

materials X and Y. It is observed that the ultimate

suspended from the same roof. If we want the lower

strength point and the fracture point are close

to each other for material X but are far apart for

ends of the wires to be at the same level, then the

material Y. We can say that materials X and Y are weights added to the steel and brass wires must be in

likely to be (respectively)

the ratio of

(a) ductile and brittle (b) brittle and ductile

(a) 4 : 1 (b) 1 : 1 (c) 1 : 2 (d) 2 : 1(2015)

(c) brittle and plastic (d) plastic and ductile 7. The approximate depth of an ocean is 2700 m.

(Odisha NEET 2019)

The compressibility of water is 45.4 × 10 –11 Pa –1

9.6 Elastic Moduli

and density of water is 10 3 kg/m 3 . What fractional

compression of water will be obtained at the bottom

2. A wire of length L, area of cross section A is hanging

of the ocean?

from a fixed support. The length of the wire changes

(a) 1.2 × 10

to L 1 when mass M is suspended from its free end.

–2 (b) 1.4 × 10 –2

(c) 0.8 × 10

The expression for Young’s modulus is

–2 (d) 1.0 × 10 –2



(b) Mg ( L 1 − L

(2015 Cancelled)



8. Copper of fixed volume V is drawn into wire of


length l. When this wire is subjected to a constant





AL 1

AL ( 1 − force F, the extension produced in the wire is Dl.


(NEET 2020)

Which of the following graphs is a straight line?

3. When a block of mass M is suspended by a long wire (a) Dl versus 1/l (b) Dl versus l 2

of length L, the length of the wire becomes (L + l). (c) Dl versus 1/l 2 (d) Dl versus l (2014)

The elastic potential energy stored in the extended

wire is

9. The following four wires are made of the same


material. Which of these will have the largest


2 MgL (b) Mgl

(c) MgL (d) 1 extension when the same tension is applied?

Mgl (NEET 2019)

(a) length = 200 cm, diameter = 2 mm

2 (b) length = 300 cm, diameter = 3 mm

4. Two wires are made of the same material and have (c) length = 50 cm, diameter = 0.5 mm

the same volume. The first wire has cross-sectional (d) length = 100 cm, diameter = 1 mm (NEET 2013)

area A and the second wire has cross-sectional area 10. If the ratio of diameters, lengths and Young’s modulus

3A. If the length of the first wire is increased by Dl of steel and copper wires shown in the figure are p,

on applying a force F, how much force is needed to q and s respectively, then the corresponding ratio of

stretch the second wire by the same amount?

increase in their lengths would be

(a) 9F

(b) 6F


(c) 4F (d) F (NEET 2018)





( 7sp

2 )

( 5sp

2 )

5. The bulk modulus of a spherical object is ‘B’. If it


is subjected to uniform pressure ‘p’, the fractional



decrease in radius is



B 3p p

(a) (b) (c) (d) p ( 5sp)

( 5sp)

3p B 3B B (NEET 2017) (Karnataka NEET 2013)

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