33 Years NEET-AIPMT Chapterwise Solutions - Physics 2020

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Telegram @unacademyplusdiscounts62 NEET-AIPMT Chapterwise Topicwise Solutions PhysicsTorque τ = α = ⎛ ⎞Nm⎝ ⎜ 16⎠⎟ × ⎛ ⎝⎜ − 1 ⎞⎠⎟ =− × −6I2 10410 80058. (a) : Work done required to bring a object to restDW = DKE∆W = 1 2Iω ; where I = moment of inertia2For same w, DW ∝ IFor a solid sphere, IA = 2 MR5For a thin circular disk, IB = 1 MR2For a circular ring, I C = MR 2\ I C > I B > I A \ W C > W B > W A59. (b) : Here, m = 3 kg, r = 40 cm = 40 × 10 –2 m,F = 30 NMoment of inertia of hollow cylinder about its axis= mr 2 = 3 kg × (0.4) 2 m 2 = 0.48 kg m 2The torque is given by, t = Iawhere I = moment of inertia, a = angular accelerationIn the given case, t = rF, as the force is actingperpendicularly to the radial vector.×∴ α = τ Fr F 30 30 100= = ==I 2 −mr mr23× 40×10 3×40a = 25 rad s –260. (c) : Given, r = 50 cm = 0.5 m, a = 2.0 rad s –2 , w 0 = 0At the end of 2 s,tangential acceleration, a t = ra = 0.5 × 2 = 1 m s –2radial acceleration, a r = w 2 r = (w 0 + at) 2 r= (0 + 2 × 2) 2 × 0.5 = 8 m s –2\ Net acceleration,a= 2 2at+ ar=2 21 + 8 =−265 ≈8ms61. (b) :P22mLor (m 1 + m 2 )x = m 2 L or2x =m1 + m262. (c) : Here, speed of the automobile,v = 54 km h –1 5 − −= 54 × ms1 = 15 ms118Radius of the wheel of the automobile, R = 0.45 mMoment of inertia of the wheel about its axis of rotation,I = 3 kg m 2Time in which the vehicle brought to rest, t = 15 sThe initial angular speed of the wheel is−1v 15 m s 1500 −1 100 −1ω i = = = rad s = rad sR 045 . m 453and its final angular speed isw f = 0(as the vehicle comes to rest)\ The angular retardation of the wheel isα ω −=ω 0 −100f i−=3 100 2=− rad st 15 s 45The magnitude of required torque is⎛100⎞τ= I | α| = ( 3 kg m2 )−⎝⎜ rad s2⎠⎟4520 −−= kg ms2 2 = 666 . kg ms2 2363. (d) : Here, mass of thecylinder, M = 50 kgRadius of the cylinder, R = 0.5 mAngular acceleration, a = 2 rev s –2= 2 × 2p rad s –2 = 4p rad s –2Torque, t = TRMoment of inertia of the solidcylinder about its axis, I = 1 2MR2\ Angular acceleration of the cylinder, α = τ =T = MR α=264. (c) :50 × 05 . × 4π= 157 N2ITR1 2MR2Moment of inertia of the system about the axis of rotation(through point P) isI = m 1 x 2 + m 2 (L – x) 2By work energy theorem,Work done to set the rod rotating with angular velocityw 0 = Increase in rotational kinetic energy1 2 1W = I 0 = mx 1 2 2 2ω [ + m2( L−x)]ω02 2For W to be minimum, dWdx = 01ie .. [ mx m ( L x)( )]2 2 1 + 2 2 − − 1 ω0 2 = 0or m 1 x – m 2 (L – x) = 0 ( w 0 ≠ 0)When the string is cut, the rod will rotate about P. Let abe initial angular acceleration of the rod. ThenTorque, t = Ia = ML23 α Also, τ=Mg L 2 Equating (i) and (ii), we getMg L ML 23= α or α=g 2 32L65. (a) : Given : q(t) = 2t 3 – 6t 22dθ2d θ∴ = 6t−12t⇒ = 12t−12dt2dt...(i)...(ii)

Telegram @unacademyplusdiscountsSystems of Particles and Rotational Motion632d θAngular acceleration, α = = 12t−122dtWhen angular acceleration (a) is zero, then the torque onthe wheel becomes zero( t = Ia)⇒ 12t – 12 = 0 or t = 1 s66. (c) : Torque about A,l mglτ= mg × =2 2Also t = Ia\ Angular acceleration,α = τ mgl / 2 3 g= = .I 2ml / 3 2 l67. (c) : w f = w i – at ⇒ 0 = w i – a t\ a = w i /t, where a is retardation.The torque on the wheel is given byIω I πυ πτ= α= = ⋅ 2 2I= × 2 × × 60= πt t 60 × 60 15 N m68. (b) : I = 1.2 kg m 2 , E r = 1500 J,a = 25 rad/s 2 , w 1 = 0, t = ?1 2 2Er2 × 1500As Er= Iω, ω== = 50 rad/s2I 12 .From w 2 = w 1 + at50 = 0 + 25t, or t = 2 s69. (d) : As there is no external torque acting on asphere, i.e., t ex = 0dLSo, = τex= 0 i.e., L = constantdtSo angular momentum remains constant.70. (a) : Initial angular momentum = Iw 1 + Iw 2Let w be angular speed of the combined system.Final angular momentum = 2Iw\ According to conservation of angular momentumIw 1 + Iw 2 = 2Iw or ω ω 1 +=ω 22Initial rotational kinetic energy,1E= I( ω1 2 + ω2 2 )2Final rotational kinetic energy21⎛ + ⎞Ef = I = I I2 2 2 12 2 ω1 ω2⎝⎜ 2 ⎠⎟ = 1( ) ω ( ) ( ω1 4+ ω2)2\ Loss of energy DE = E i – E fII= ( ω1 2 + ω2 2 ) − ( ω1 2 + ω2 2 + 2ωω1 2)2 4I= ⎡ + − ⎤⎣⎦ = Iω1 2 ω2 2 2ωω 1 2 ( ω1 44− ω2)271. (c) : Here, m A = m, m B = 2mBoth bodies A and B have equal kinetic energy of rotation1K A = K B ⇒2 I Aw 2 A = 1 2 I Bw 2 B2ωAIB⇒ =2ω IB ARatio of angular momenta,LAIAωAIAIB= = ×LBIBωB IBIA...(i)[Using eqn. (i)]IA= < 1 ( IIB> I A )B\ L B > L A72. (b) : Moment of inertia of disc D 1 about an axispassing through its centre and normal to its plane is2MR ( 22 kg ) ( 0.2 m)2I1= = = 004 . kg m22Initial angular velocity of disc D 1 , w 1 = 50 rad s –1Moment of inertia of disc D 2 about an axis passingthrough its centre and normal to its plane is2( 4 kg )( 0. 1 m)2I 2 = =002 . kg m2Initial angular velocity of disc D 2 , w 2 = 200 rad s –1Total initial angular momentum of the two discs isL i = I 1 w 1 + I 2 w 2When two discs are brought in contact face to face(one on the top of the other) and their axes of rotationcoincide, the moment of inertia I of the system is equal tothe sum of their individual moment of inertia.I = I 1 + I 2Let w be the final angular speed of the system. The finalangular momentum of the system isL f = Iw = (I 1 + I 2 )wAccording to law of conservation of angular momentum,we getI ω ωL i = L f or, I 1 w 1 + I 2 w 2 = (I 1 + I 2 )w or,1 1+I2 2ω =I1+I22 −1 2 −1( 004 . kg m )( 50 rad s ) + ( 0. 02 kg m )( 200 rad s )=2( 004 . + 0.02) kg m( 2+4) −1= rads = 100 rad s –1006 .73. (c) : As the system is initially at rest, therefore,initial angular momentum L i = 0.According to the principle of conservation of angularmomentum, final angular momentum, L f = 0.\ Angular momentum of platform = Angular momentumof man in opposite direction of platform.i.e., mvR = IwmvR 50× 1× 2 1or ω= = =−1radsI 200 2Angular velocity of man relative to platform isv 1 1 −ωr= ω+ = + =R 2 2 1 1rads

Telegram @unacademyplusdiscounts

62 NEET-AIPMT Chapterwise Topicwise Solutions Physics

Torque τ = α = ⎛ ⎞


⎝ ⎜ 16

⎟ × ⎛ ⎝

⎜ − 1 ⎞

⎟ =− × −6


2 10


10 800

58. (a) : Work done required to bring a object to rest


∆W = 1 2

Iω ; where I = moment of inertia


For same w, DW ∝ I

For a solid sphere, IA = 2 MR


For a thin circular disk, IB = 1 MR


For a circular ring, I C = MR 2

\ I C > I B > I A \ W C > W B > W A

59. (b) : Here, m = 3 kg, r = 40 cm = 40 × 10 –2 m,

F = 30 N

Moment of inertia of hollow cylinder about its axis

= mr 2 = 3 kg × (0.4) 2 m 2 = 0.48 kg m 2

The torque is given by, t = Ia

where I = moment of inertia, a = angular acceleration

In the given case, t = rF, as the force is acting

perpendicularly to the radial vector.


∴ α = τ Fr F 30 30 100

= = =


I 2 −

mr mr


3× 40×

10 3×


a = 25 rad s –2

60. (c) : Given, r = 50 cm = 0.5 m, a = 2.0 rad s –2 , w 0 = 0

At the end of 2 s,

tangential acceleration, a t = ra = 0.5 × 2 = 1 m s –2

radial acceleration, a r = w 2 r = (w 0 + at) 2 r

= (0 + 2 × 2) 2 × 0.5 = 8 m s –2

\ Net acceleration,

a= 2 2


+ ar


2 2

1 + 8 =


65 ≈8ms

61. (b) :





or (m 1 + m 2 )x = m 2 L or


x =

m1 + m2

62. (c) : Here, speed of the automobile,

v = 54 km h –1 5 − −

= 54 × ms

1 = 15 ms



Radius of the wheel of the automobile, R = 0.45 m

Moment of inertia of the wheel about its axis of rotation,

I = 3 kg m 2

Time in which the vehicle brought to rest, t = 15 s

The initial angular speed of the wheel is


v 15 m s 1500 −1 100 −1

ω i = = = rad s = rad s

R 045 . m 45


and its final angular speed is

w f = 0

(as the vehicle comes to rest)

\ The angular retardation of the wheel is

α ω −


ω 0 −


f i


3 100 2

=− rad s

t 15 s 45

The magnitude of required torque is


τ= I | α| = ( 3 kg m

2 )

⎜ rad s



20 −

= kg ms

2 2 = 666 . kg ms

2 2


63. (d) : Here, mass of thecylinder, M = 50 kg

Radius of the cylinder, R = 0.5 m

Angular acceleration, a = 2 rev s –2

= 2 × 2p rad s –2 = 4p rad s –2

Torque, t = TR

Moment of inertia of the solid

cylinder about its axis, I = 1 2



\ Angular acceleration of the cylinder, α = τ =

T = MR α



64. (c) :

50 × 05 . × 4π

= 157 N




1 2



Moment of inertia of the system about the axis of rotation

(through point P) is

I = m 1 x 2 + m 2 (L – x) 2

By work energy theorem,

Work done to set the rod rotating with angular velocity

w 0 = Increase in rotational kinetic energy

1 2 1

W = I 0 = mx 1 2 2 2

ω [ + m2

( L−x)]


2 2

For W to be minimum, dW

dx = 0


ie .. [ mx m ( L x)( )]

2 2 1 + 2 2 − − 1 ω0 2 = 0

or m 1 x – m 2 (L – x) = 0 ( w 0 ≠ 0)

When the string is cut, the rod will rotate about P. Let a

be initial angular acceleration of the rod. Then

Torque, t = Ia = ML2

3 α

Also, τ=Mg L 2

Equating (i) and (ii), we get

Mg L ML 2


= α or α=

g 2 3


65. (a) : Given : q(t) = 2t 3 – 6t 2



d θ

∴ = 6t


⇒ = 12t







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