33 Years NEET-AIPMT Chapterwise Solutions - Physics 2020

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Magnetism and MatterTelegram @unacademyplusdiscounts55(i) M = M 1 + M 2 (ii) M = M 1 – M 2I = I 1 + I 2 I = I 1 + I 2(i) Similar poles are placed at the same side (sum position)(ii) Opposite poles are placed at the same side (differenceposition)I 1 and I 2 are the moments of inertia of the magnets andM 1 and M 2 are the moments of the magnets.Here M 1 = M and M 2 = 2M, I 1 = I 2 = I (say), for samegeometry.For sum positionI1+I22IT1= 2π= 2π( M1+M2) H ( M+2M)HFor difference position.I1+I22IT2= 2π= 2π( M2 − M1) H ( 2M−M)HT1M 1∴ = = < 1 or T1 < T2T23M314. (a, d) : Option (a) and (d) has equal magnitude.15. (d) : Magnetic moment = pole strength × length\ M′ = M/2 = 0.5M16. (c) : Angle of magnet (q) = 90° and 60°.Work done in turning the magnet through 90°W 1 = MB(cos0° – cos90°) = MB(1 – 0) = MB.SimilarlyMBW2 = MB 0 °− 60 ° = ⎛MB 1 − 1 ⎞(cos cos )⎝⎜2⎠⎟ = 2Therefore, W 1 = 2W 2 or n = 217. (d) : At a point A, the angle of dip is positive and theearth’s magnetic north pole is in northern hemisphere.So, point A is located in the northern hemisphere and Bis located in the southern hemisphere.18. (d) : Let B H and B V be the horizontal and verticalcomponents of earth’s magnetic field B. Since q is theangle of dipBVBH∴ tanθ= orcot θ=...(i)BHBVSuppose planes 1 and 2 are two mutually perpendicularplanes and respectively make angles q and 90°– q withthe magnetic meridian. The vertical components ofearth’s magnetic field remain same in the two planes butthe effective horizontal components in the planes will beB 1 = B H cosq and B 2 = B H sinqThe angles of dip q 1 and q 2 inthe two planes are given bytanθ 1 = B VB1tanθ1 = BVBHcosθcosθor cot θ1 = B HBV ...(ii)sinθSimilarly,cot θ2 = B H ...(iii)BVFrom eqns. (ii) and (iii)222 2 BH2 2 BHcot θ 1 + cot θ 2 = (cos θ+ sin θ)=22BVBV\ cot 2 q 1 + cot 2 q 2 = cot 2 q [from eqn. (i)]19. (b) : A compass needle which is allowed to movein a horizontal plane is taken to a geomagnetic pole. Itwill stay in any position as the horizontal component ofearth’s magnetic field becomes zero at the geomagneticpole.20. (b) : I = Ktanq21. (a) : Given, X m = 599Relative permeability of the material, m r = 1 + X mor m r = 1 + 599 = 600\ m = m r m 0 = 600 × (4p × 10 –7 ) = 24p × 10 –5 T m A –122. (a) : Energy of current source will be converted intogravitational potential energy of the rod.23. (c) : Magnetic susceptibility is negative fordiamagnetic material only.24. (a) : Diamagnetic will be feebly repelled.Paramagnetic will be feebly attracted.Ferromagnetic will be strongly attracted.Therefore, A is of diamagnetic material. B is ofparamagnetic material. C is of ferromagnetic material. Dis of non-magnetic material.25. (d) : The magnetic moment of a diamagnetic atomis equal to zero.26. (d) : A diamagnet is always repelled by a magneticfield. Therefore it is repelled by both the north pole aswell as the south pole.27. (c) : Above Curie temperature, there is a changefrom ferromagnetic to paramagnetic behaviour.28. (d)29. (a) : Materials with no unpaired, or isolated electronsare considered diamagnetic. Diamagnetic substances donot have magnetic dipole moments and have negativesusceptibilities. However, materials having unpairedelectrons whose spins do not cancel each other are calledparamagnetic. These substances have positive magneticmoments and susceptibilities.m d = 0, m p ≠ 0.30. (a)31. (a) : According to Curie’s law χ∝1 T32. (a) 33. (b)34. (c) : Electromagnets are made of soft iron becausesoft iron has low retentivity and low coercive force or lowcoercivity. Soft iron is a soft magnetic material.vvv

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Magnetism and Matter

Telegram @unacademyplusdiscounts


(i) M = M 1 + M 2 (ii) M = M 1 – M 2

I = I 1 + I 2 I = I 1 + I 2

(i) Similar poles are placed at the same side (sum position)

(ii) Opposite poles are placed at the same side (difference


I 1 and I 2 are the moments of inertia of the magnets and

M 1 and M 2 are the moments of the magnets.

Here M 1 = M and M 2 = 2M, I 1 = I 2 = I (say), for same


For sum position





= 2π

= 2π

( M1+

M2) H ( M+



For difference position.





= 2π

= 2π

( M2 − M1) H ( 2M−




M 1

∴ = = < 1 or T1 < T2




14. (a, d) : Option (a) and (d) has equal magnitude.

15. (d) : Magnetic moment = pole strength × length

\ M′ = M/2 = 0.5M

16. (c) : Angle of magnet (q) = 90° and 60°.

Work done in turning the magnet through 90°

W 1 = MB(cos0° – cos90°) = MB(1 – 0) = MB.



W2 = MB 0 °− 60 ° = ⎛

MB 1 − 1 ⎞

(cos cos )


⎟ = 2

Therefore, W 1 = 2W 2 or n = 2

17. (d) : At a point A, the angle of dip is positive and the

earth’s magnetic north pole is in northern hemisphere.

So, point A is located in the northern hemisphere and B

is located in the southern hemisphere.

18. (d) : Let B H and B V be the horizontal and vertical

components of earth’s magnetic field B. Since q is the

angle of dip



∴ tanθ= orcot θ=




Suppose planes 1 and 2 are two mutually perpendicular

planes and respectively make angles q and 90°– q with

the magnetic meridian. The vertical components of

earth’s magnetic field remain same in the two planes but

the effective horizontal components in the planes will be

B 1 = B H cosq and B 2 = B H sinq

The angles of dip q 1 and q 2 in

the two planes are given by

tanθ 1 = B V


tanθ1 = BV




or cot θ1 = B H




Similarly,cot θ2 = B H



From eqns. (ii) and (iii)



2 2 BH

2 2 BH

cot θ 1 + cot θ 2 = (cos θ+ sin θ)






\ cot 2 q 1 + cot 2 q 2 = cot 2 q [from eqn. (i)]

19. (b) : A compass needle which is allowed to move

in a horizontal plane is taken to a geomagnetic pole. It

will stay in any position as the horizontal component of

earth’s magnetic field becomes zero at the geomagnetic


20. (b) : I = Ktanq

21. (a) : Given, X m = 599

Relative permeability of the material, m r = 1 + X m

or m r = 1 + 599 = 600

\ m = m r m 0 = 600 × (4p × 10 –7 ) = 24p × 10 –5 T m A –1

22. (a) : Energy of current source will be converted into

gravitational potential energy of the rod.

23. (c) : Magnetic susceptibility is negative for

diamagnetic material only.

24. (a) : Diamagnetic will be feebly repelled.

Paramagnetic will be feebly attracted.

Ferromagnetic will be strongly attracted.

Therefore, A is of diamagnetic material. B is of

paramagnetic material. C is of ferromagnetic material. D

is of non-magnetic material.

25. (d) : The magnetic moment of a diamagnetic atom

is equal to zero.

26. (d) : A diamagnet is always repelled by a magnetic

field. Therefore it is repelled by both the north pole as

well as the south pole.

27. (c) : Above Curie temperature, there is a change

from ferromagnetic to paramagnetic behaviour.

28. (d)

29. (a) : Materials with no unpaired, or isolated electrons

are considered diamagnetic. Diamagnetic substances do

not have magnetic dipole moments and have negative

susceptibilities. However, materials having unpaired

electrons whose spins do not cancel each other are called

paramagnetic. These substances have positive magnetic

moments and susceptibilities.

m d = 0, m p ≠ 0.

30. (a)

31. (a) : According to Curie’s law χ∝1 T

32. (a) 33. (b)

34. (c) : Electromagnets are made of soft iron because

soft iron has low retentivity and low coercive force or low

coercivity. Soft iron is a soft magnetic material.


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