33 Years NEET-AIPMT Chapterwise Solutions - Physics 2020

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Telegram @unacademyplusdiscounts48 NEET-AIPMT Chapterwise Topicwise Solutions Physics−7Ni41. (b) : B = µ 0( ) 4π× 10 × 50×2=−4= 1. 256 × 10 T2r2×0.542. (b) : Magnetic field at the centre of the coil,NIB = µ 02πaLet l be the length of the wire, thenµ 0 1× I µ 0IB1= ⋅ =2πl / 2πland B µ 0 2 × I 4µ0I2 = ⋅ =2πl / 4πlB11Therefore, = or, B1: B2=1:4B2443. (d) : Magnetic field due to long solid cylindricalconductor of radius R,2Id(i) For d < R, I′=2R 2µ 0Idµ 0Id∫ Bdl . = µ 0I′ ⇒ B( 2πd)= ⇒ B =22R2πR\ B ∝ d(ii) For d = R, B = m 0 I/2pR (maximum)(iii) For d > R, B = m 0 I/ 2pd ⇒ B ∝ 1/d44. (a) : Magnetic field at a point inside the wire at⎛ a ⎞distance r =⎝⎜⎠⎟ from the axis of wire is2µ 0IBa r µ 0Ia µ 0I= = × =2 22π2πa2 4πaMagnetic field at a point outside the wire at a distancer(= 2a) from the axis of wire isµ 0Iµ 0I1 µ 0IBB′ = = × = ∴ = 12πr2π2a4πaB′45. (d) : The magnetic field at the point P, at aperpendicular distance d from O in a directionperpendicular to the plane ABCD due to currentsthrough AOB and COD are perpendicular to each other.Hence,B= ( B + B ) /1 2 2 212⎡= ⎛ 2⎝ ⎜ ⎞⎠⎟ + ⎛ 2µ⎝ ⎜µ ⎞⎤12 /⎢ 0 2I10 2I2⎠⎟ ⎥⎣ 4πd 4πd ⎦µ 0= 1 2 + 2 2122πd ( I I ) /i46. (c) : B = µ 0 2 2 ir− µ 0 2 1π π r = µ 0 4(π r i 2 − i 1)4 ( / 2) 4 ( / 2)4µ 0 4µ 0= ( − =−4π5 25 . 50 . ) .2πNegative sign shows that B is acting inwards i.e., into theplane.47. (d) : Diameter of first wire (d 1 ) = 0.5 mm;Current in first wire (I 1 ) = 1 A; Diameter of second wire(d 2 ) = 1 mm and current in second wire (I 2 ) = 1 AStrength of magnetic field due to current flowing in aconductor, (B) = µ 0 2× I4πaor B ∝ ISince the current in both the wires is same, thereforethere is no change in the strength of the magnetic field.∫48. (b) : Use Ampère’s law Bdl . = µ 0 i enclosed .Outside : i enclosed ≠ 0 (some value) ⇒ B ≠ 0Inside = i enclosed = 0 ⇒ B = 049. (b) : The direction of the magnetic field, due tocurrent, is given by the right-hand rule. At axis AB, thecomponents of magnetic field will cancel each other andthe resultant magnetic field will be zero.i50. (a) : B = µ 0Bπr∝ 1or2rWhen r is doubled, the magnetic field becomes halvedi.e.,now the magnetic field will be 0.2 T.51. (a) : B ∝ 1/r, for given current.As the distance is increased to three times, the magneticinduction reduces to one third.1 −3 −4HenceB = × 10 T= 333 . × 10 T352. (a) : Here, l = 50 cm, N = 100, i = 2.5 AMagnetic field inside the solenoid,B = m 0 ni = µ 0 NIl−74π× 10 × 100 × 25 .B = = 6.28 × 10 –4 T05 .53. (a) : For a toroid magnetic field, B = m 0 niWhere, n = number of turns per unit length = N 2πrNow, B 1 µ 0ni1 n1N12πr2= = = ×B µ ni n 2πrN⇒⇒BBBB121220 22200=2π× 40×10−21= ⇒ B1 : B2= 1:11122π× 20×10×10054. (b) : Magnetic field induction at point inside along solenoid l, having n turns per unit length carryingcurrent i is given byB = m 0 niIf i → doubled, n → halved then B → remains same.55. (c) : Force between wires A and B = force betweenwires B and Cµ 0I 2 l∴ FBC= FAB=2 πdAs, FFAB ⊥ BCnet force on wire B,2oI lFnet = 2 FBC= 2 µ For net oI= µ 22πdl 2 πd56. (c) : Force on arm AB due to current in conductorXY isIiL IiF1= µ 0 2 04πL 2= µ( / ) πacting towards XY in the plane of loop.−2

Moving Charges and MagnetismTelegram @unacademyplusdiscounts49Force on arm CD due to current in conductor XY isIiL IiF2= µ 0 2 04 3 L 2 = µπ ( / ) 3πacting away from XY in the plane of loop.\ Net force on the loop = F 1 – F 2µ 0Ii⎡ ⎤= −π ⎣⎢⎦⎥ = µ 01 1 2 Ii3 3 π57. (a)II58. (c) : F = µ −70 2 12 10 × 21 () × () 1 −7== 2×10 N/m4πr159. (c) : Distance between two parallel wires,x = 10 cm = 0.1 m;Current in each wire = I 1 = I 2 = 10 A andlength of wire (l) = 1 mµ 01 I ⋅ I2× lForce on the wire (F) =2πx−7( 4π× 10 ) × 10× 10×1 −4== 2×10 N2π× 0.1Since the current is flowing in the same direction,therefore the force will be attractive.60. (d) : The required torque is t = NIABsinqwhere N is the number of turns in the coil, I is the currentthrough the coil, B is the uniform magnetic field, A is thearea of the coil and q is the angle between the directionof the magnetic field and normal to the plane of the coil.Here, N = 50, I = 2 A, A = 0.12 m × 0.1 m = 0.012 m 2B = 0.2 Wb/m 2 and q = 90° – 30° = 60°\ t = (50)(2 A)(0.012 m 2 )(0.2 Wb/m 2 ) sin60°= 0.20 N m61. (b) : When a current loop is placed in a magneticfield it experiences a torque. It is given by τ= M×Bwhere, M is the magnetic moment of the loop and B isthe magnetic field. t = MB sinq where q is angle between M and BWhen Mand B and are parallel (i.e., q = 0°) the equilibriumis stable and when they are antiparallel (i.e., q = p) theequilibrium is unstable.62. (a) : The net magnetic force ona current loop in a uniform magneticfieldis alwayszero.∴ FAB+ FBCDA= 0 FBCDA=− FAB=−F 63. (b) : Here, FBC = F and F I l BAB = ( × ) = 0The net magnetic force on a current carrying closed loopin a uniform magneticfield is zero.∴ FAB + FBC + FAC = 0 ⇒ F =− ∵ AC FBC ( FAB= 0)64. (b)65. (d) :F 4 sinq = F 2F 4 cosq = (F 3 – F 1 )∴ F4 = ( F3 − F1 )2 + F2 2For a closed loop there is no translation.66. (d) : Magnetic moment m = IA2πRq qvSinceT= Also,I = =v T 2πR∴ = ⎛ ⎝ ⎜ qv ⎞ 2 qvRµ⎠⎟ ( πR) = .2πR267. (b) : The current flowing clockwise in the equilateraltriangle has a magnetic field in the direction k^t = BiNAsinq = B iAsin90° (as it appears that N = 1)3τ= Bi × l2 ⇒ = ⎛ 12 /⎞l4⎝ ⎜ τ2⎠⎟Bi 368. (a) : Magnetic moment M = niA69. (c) : Area (A) = 0.01 m 2 ; Current (I) = 10 A;Angle (f) = 90° and magnetic field (B) = 0.1 TTherefore actual angle q = (90° – f)= (90° – 90°) = 0°Torque acting on the loop (t) = IAB sinq= 10 × 0.01 × 0.1 × sin 0° = 070. (a) : A current carrying coil has magnetic dipolemoment. Hence a torque m× B acts on it in a magneticfield.71. (d) : The plane of coil will orient itself so that areavector aligns itself along the magnetic field.72. (c) : Let N = number of turns in galvanometer,A = Area, B = magnetic fieldk = the restoring torque per unit twist.NBACurrent sensitivity, IS = kNBAVoltage sensitivity, VS=kRGSo, resistance of galvanometerIS5×1 5000RG= = = = 250 ΩV−320 × 10 20S

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48 NEET-AIPMT Chapterwise Topicwise Solutions Physics



41. (b) : B = µ 0( ) 4π

× 10 × 50×




= 1. 256 × 10 T




42. (b) : Magnetic field at the centre of the coil,


B = µ 0


Let l be the length of the wire, then

µ 0 1× I µ 0I


= ⋅ =

l / 2π


and B µ 0 2 × I 4µ


2 = ⋅ =

l / 4π




Therefore, = or, B1: B2





43. (d) : Magnetic field due to long solid cylindrical

conductor of radius R,



(i) For d < R, I′=




µ 0Id

µ 0Id

∫ Bdl . = µ 0I′ ⇒ B( 2πd)

= ⇒ B =





\ B ∝ d

(ii) For d = R, B = m 0 I/2pR (maximum)

(iii) For d > R, B = m 0 I/ 2pd ⇒ B ∝ 1/d

44. (a) : Magnetic field at a point inside the wire at

⎛ a ⎞

distance r =

⎟ from the axis of wire is


µ 0I


a r µ 0I

a µ 0I

= = × =

2 2


2 4πa

Magnetic field at a point outside the wire at a distance

r(= 2a) from the axis of wire is

µ 0I

µ 0I

1 µ 0I


B′ = = × = ∴ = 1





45. (d) : The magnetic field at the point P, at a

perpendicular distance d from O in a direction

perpendicular to the plane ABCD due to currents

through AOB and COD are perpendicular to each other.


B= ( B + B ) /

1 2 2 212

= ⎛ 2

⎝ ⎜ ⎞

⎟ + ⎛ 2


⎝ ⎜

µ ⎞

12 /

⎢ 0 2I1

0 2I2

⎟ ⎥

⎣ 4π

d 4π

d ⎦

µ 0

= 1 2 + 2 212

2πd ( I I ) /


46. (c) : B = µ 0 2 2 i


− µ 0 2 1

π π r = µ 0 4


π r i 2 − i 1)

4 ( / 2) 4 ( / 2)


µ 0 4

µ 0

= ( − =−

5 25 . 50 . ) .

Negative sign shows that B is acting inwards i.e., into the


47. (d) : Diameter of first wire (d 1 ) = 0.5 mm;

Current in first wire (I 1 ) = 1 A; Diameter of second wire

(d 2 ) = 1 mm and current in second wire (I 2 ) = 1 A

Strength of magnetic field due to current flowing in a

conductor, (B) = µ 0 2

× I


or B ∝ I

Since the current in both the wires is same, therefore

there is no change in the strength of the magnetic field.

48. (b) : Use Ampère’s law Bdl . = µ 0 i enclosed .

Outside : i enclosed ≠ 0 (some value) ⇒ B ≠ 0

Inside = i enclosed = 0 ⇒ B = 0

49. (b) : The direction of the magnetic field, due to

current, is given by the right-hand rule. At axis AB, the

components of magnetic field will cancel each other and

the resultant magnetic field will be zero.


50. (a) : B = µ 0



∝ 1




When r is doubled, the magnetic field becomes halved

i.e.,now the magnetic field will be 0.2 T.

51. (a) : B ∝ 1/r, for given current.

As the distance is increased to three times, the magnetic

induction reduces to one third.

1 −3 −4

HenceB = × 10 T= 333 . × 10 T


52. (a) : Here, l = 50 cm, N = 100, i = 2.5 A

Magnetic field inside the solenoid,

B = m 0 ni = µ 0 NI



4π× 10 × 100 × 25 .

B = = 6.28 × 10 –4 T

05 .

53. (a) : For a toroid magnetic field, B = m 0 ni

Where, n = number of turns per unit length = N 2πr

Now, B 1 µ 0ni

1 n1



= = = ×

B µ ni n 2πr











0 2




× 40×




= ⇒ B1 : B2

= 1:





× 20×




54. (b) : Magnetic field induction at point inside a

long solenoid l, having n turns per unit length carrying

current i is given by

B = m 0 ni

If i → doubled, n → halved then B → remains same.

55. (c) : Force between wires A and B = force between

wires B and C

µ 0I 2 l




2 πd

As, F



net force on wire B,


oI l

Fnet = 2 FBC

= 2 µ F

or net oI

= µ 2


l 2 πd

56. (c) : Force on arm AB due to current in conductor

XY is

IiL Ii


= µ 0 2 0

L 2

= µ

( / ) π

acting towards XY in the plane of loop.


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