33 Years NEET-AIPMT Chapterwise Solutions - Physics 2020

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Current ElectricityTelegram @unacademyplusdiscounts3366. (d) : The two resistances are connected in series 72. (a) : Current drawn from a battery when n resistorsand the resultant is connected in parallel with the third are connected in series isresistance.E∴ R 1= 4 + 4 = 8R′′ = 18+ 14= 3I =...(i)Ω Ω Ω andnR + R8Current drawn from same battery when n resistors are8or R′′ =3 Ωconnected in parallel isE67. (c) : Current across 3 W = 0.8 A10I =...(ii)6 W is in parallel, current across 6 W = 0.4 AR/n+RTotal current = 1.2 A( n+1)ROn dividing eqn. (ii) by (i), 10 =\ Potential difference across 4 W resistor( 1/ n+1)R= 1.2 A × 4 W = 4.8 VAfter solving the equation, n = 1068. (d) :ε73. (d) : I = or IR + Ir = eR + rHere, R = 10 W, r = ?,e = 2.1 V, I = 0.2 A\ 0.2 × 10 + 0.2 × r = 2.1By symmetry, currents i 1 and i 2 from A is the same as i 1 2 + 0.2r = 2.1and i 2 reaching B.1As the same current is flowing from A to O and O to B, O 02 . r = 01 . or r = = 05 . Ω2can be treated as detached from AB.Now CO and OD will be in series hence its total resistanceε74. (c) : Current in the circuit, I == 2 WR + rIt is in parallel with CD so equivalent resistancePotential difference across R,2= × 12+ 1= 23 Ω⎛ ε ⎞V = IR = R⎝⎜R+r⎠⎟This equivalent resistance is in series with AC and DB. So2total resistance = + + =3 1 1 8 ε3 ΩV =r1+Now 8 R3 Ω is parallel to AB that is 2 W. So total resistance When R = 0, V = 0 ; R = ∞, V = eHence, option (c) represents the correct graph.( 8/ 3)× 2=( / ) + = 16 / 38 3 2 14 / 3= 1614= 87 Ω75. (b) : Let e be the emf and r be internal resistance ofthe battery.69. (c) : To carry a current of 4 ampere, we need fourpaths, each carrying a current of one ampere. Let r be theIn the first case,resistance of each path. These are connected in parallel.ε2 = ...(i)Hence their equivalent resistance will be r/4. According 2 + rto the given problem rIn the second case,= 5 or r = 20 Ω4εFor this purpose two resistances should be connected 05 . = ...(ii)9 + rin series. There are four such combinations that areconnected in parallel. Hence, the total number of Divide (i) by (ii), we getresistance = 4 × 2 = 82 9= + r⇒ 4+ 2r= 45 . + 05 . r70. (b) : Since, the supply voltage is same for the two 05 . 2 + rcombinations, the net resistance is less for 39 bulbs.05 . 115 . r = 05 . ⇒ r = = ΩHence the combination of 39 bulbs will glow more as15 . 3current is more.76. (a) :71. (c) : In series R s = nR1 1 1nIn parallel = + + ..... n terms=V = e – Ir, comparing with y = c – mxRpR RR\ Slope = –r, internal resistanceR2⇒ RP = ∴ Rs / Rp= n /V 1 max = emf e. This is intercept on the y-axis.nAs I decreases as R increases, so slope is negative.

Telegram @unacademyplusdiscounts34 NEET-AIPMT Chapterwise Topicwise Solutions Physics77. (a) : Terminal potential difference is 2.2 V whencircuit is open.\ e.m.f. of the cell = E = 2.2 voltNow, when the cell is connected tothe external resistance, current inthe circuit I is given byEI = R r = 22 .ampere, where r is the internal resistance+ 5 + rof the cell.Potential difference across the cell = IR22 .or, = × 5=1.8 or, 5 + r = 11/1.85 + r11 110 − 90 10∴ r = − 5 = = Ω18 . 18 978. (c) : V − E V −12= I ⇒ = 60r−25×10⇒ V = 15 V279. (a) : i = = 05 . Ampere4V = e – ir = 2 – 0.5 × 0.1 = 1.95 V80. (a) : The output power of a cell is given by2VP = 2( r + R)RMaximum power is delivered to the load only whenthe internal resistance of the source is equal to the loadresistance (R). Then2 2V VPmax = = (where r = R)4R4r81. (a) : Current drawn from the cell isnεεI = =nr rSo, I is independent of n and I is constant.82. (a) : Let r be resistivity of the material of the wireand r be radius of the wire.Therefore, resistance of 1 m wire isρ()1 ρ⎛ ρl⎞R = = R =r r⎝⎜Q2 2A ⎠⎟π πLet e be emf of each cell. Infirst case, 10 cells each of emfe are connected in series toheat the wire of length 1 m byDT(= 10°C) in time t.( 10ε)2∴ =R t ms∆T…(i)In second case,resistance of samewire of length 2 m isρ()2 2ρR′ = = = 2R2 2πrπrLet n cells each of emf e are connected in series to heatthe same wire of length 2 m, by the same temperature DT(= 10°C) in the same time t.( nε)2 t∴ = ( 2ms ) ∆ T…(ii)2RDivide (ii) by (i), we get2n2= 2 ⇒ n = 400 ∴ n=2020083. (b) : Current in the circuit,2Ei =( r1+ r2+ R) .As per question, E – ir 1 = 0E 2EEi = or,r r + r + R=1 1 2 r1or, 2r 1 = r 1 + r 2 + R or, R = r 1 – r 284. (d) : Current in the circuit,VI = R= 63= 2 AVoltage drop across 2 W,V 1 = 2 × 2 = 4 VVoltmeter reading = 18 – 4 = 14 V85. (b) : For maximum current, the two batteries shouldbe connected in series. The current will be maximumwhen external resistance is equal to the total internalresistance of cells i.e. 2 W. Hence power developed acrossthe resistance R will be2 22 ⎛ 2E⎞ ⎛ 2×2⎞I R=⎜ R2 2⎝ R+2r⎟ = ⎜⎠ ⎝ 2+2⎟⎠× = W8−486. (a) : I =+ + = 41 2 9 12= 13 A87. (d) :VP− VQ= 4 − 1 × =3 3 3voltV AB = V A – V B = 2 × 2 + 3 + 1 × 2 = 9 V88. (b) : Since the galvanometer shows no deflection socurrent will flow as shown in the figure.VA12 V 12Current,I = ==R1+ R ( 500 + 100)Ω 600VB = IR =⎛ ⎝ ⎜ 12 ⎞A⎠⎟ ( 100 Ω)= 2 V600A

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34 NEET-AIPMT Chapterwise Topicwise Solutions Physics

77. (a) : Terminal potential difference is 2.2 V when

circuit is open.

\ e.m.f. of the cell = E = 2.2 volt

Now, when the cell is connected to

the external resistance, current in

the circuit I is given by


I = R r = 22 .

ampere, where r is the internal resistance

+ 5 + r

of the cell.

Potential difference across the cell = IR

22 .

or, = × 5=


8 or, 5 + r = 11/1.8

5 + r

11 110 − 90 10

∴ r = − 5 = = Ω

18 . 18 9

78. (c) : V − E V −12

= I ⇒ = 60




⇒ V = 15 V


79. (a) : i = = 05 . Ampere


V = e – ir = 2 – 0.5 × 0.1 = 1.95 V

80. (a) : The output power of a cell is given by



P = 2

( r + R)


Maximum power is delivered to the load only when

the internal resistance of the source is equal to the load

resistance (R). Then

2 2


Pmax = = (where r = R)



81. (a) : Current drawn from the cell is


I = =

nr r

So, I is independent of n and I is constant.

82. (a) : Let r be resistivity of the material of the wire

and r be radius of the wire.

Therefore, resistance of 1 m wire is


1 ρ

⎛ ρl

R = = R =

r r


2 2

A ⎠

π π

Let e be emf of each cell. In

first case, 10 cells each of emf

e are connected in series to

heat the wire of length 1 m by

DT(= 10°C) in time t.

( 10ε)


∴ =

R t ms∆T


In second case,

resistance of same

wire of length 2 m is


2 2ρ

R′ = = = 2R

2 2



Let n cells each of emf e are connected in series to heat

the same wire of length 2 m, by the same temperature DT

(= 10°C) in the same time t.

( nε)

2 t

∴ = ( 2ms ) ∆ T



Divide (ii) by (i), we get




= 2 ⇒ n = 400 ∴ n=



83. (b) : Current in the circuit,


i =

( r1+ r2

+ R) .

As per question, E – ir 1 = 0

E 2E


i = or,

r r + r + R


1 1 2 r1

or, 2r 1 = r 1 + r 2 + R or, R = r 1 – r 2

84. (d) : Current in the circuit,


I = R

= 6


= 2 A

Voltage drop across 2 W,

V 1 = 2 × 2 = 4 V

Voltmeter reading = 18 – 4 = 14 V

85. (b) : For maximum current, the two batteries should

be connected in series. The current will be maximum

when external resistance is equal to the total internal

resistance of cells i.e. 2 W. Hence power developed across

the resistance R will be

2 2

2 ⎛ 2E

⎞ ⎛ 2×


I R=

⎜ R

2 2

⎝ R+


⎟ = ⎜

⎠ ⎝ 2+


× = W



86. (a) : I =

+ + = 4

1 2 9 12

= 1

3 A

87. (d) :


− VQ

= 4 − 1 × =

3 3 3volt

V AB = V A – V B = 2 × 2 + 3 + 1 × 2 = 9 V

88. (b) : Since the galvanometer shows no deflection so

current will flow as shown in the figure.


12 V 12


I = =



+ R ( 500 + 100)

Ω 600

VB = IR =⎛ ⎝ ⎜ 12 ⎞


⎟ ( 100 Ω)

= 2 V



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