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(CopyLink)https://tq.filegood.club/1947935003.html - Book Synopsis : Find Hope and Peace with an Intimate Pursuit of God*Top 10 Amazon Best Seller*&#8220Tozer wrote this book in 1948, but if anything, it is more relevant today.&#8221 -- John Piper&#8220He was one of the first preachers of my generation who made the Bible come alive.&#8221 -- Frank Boggs, friend of Tozer.What if millions of Christians around the world had the right answers about God but rarely (if ever) worshiped Him?That&#8217s what author and pastor A.W. Tozer asked some 70 years ago when he wrote The Pursuit of God during an all-night train ride from Chicago to a speaking engagement in McAllen, Texas. Tozer began writing early in the evening, had a dinner of toast and tea around 9 p.m., and finished The Pursuit of God at 7:30 the next morning. He had penned a classic.&nbsp&nbsp&#8220[F]or millions of Christians &#8230 God is no more real than He is to the non-Christian,&#8221 Tozer wrote. &#8220They go through life trying to love an ideal and be loyal to a mere principle.&#8221But Tozer -- who spent hours each week praying -- said there is hope for those who hunger for and pursue God: &#8220We need never shout across the spaces to an absent God. He is nearer than our own soul, closer than our most secret thoughts.&#8221The Pursuit of God is for those who want to know God more -- his holiness, his riches, his

(CopyLink)https://tq.filegood.club/1947935003.html -
Book Synopsis :
Find Hope and Peace with an Intimate Pursuit of God*Top 10 Amazon Best Seller*&#8220Tozer wrote this book in 1948, but if anything, it is more relevant today.&#8221 -- John Piper&#8220He was one of the first preachers of my generation who made the Bible come alive.&#8221 -- Frank Boggs, friend of Tozer.What if millions of Christians around the world had the right answers about God but rarely (if ever) worshiped Him?That&#8217s what author and pastor A.W. Tozer asked some 70 years ago when he wrote The Pursuit of God during an all-night train ride from Chicago to a speaking engagement in McAllen, Texas. Tozer began writing early in the evening, had a dinner of toast and tea around 9 p.m., and finished The Pursuit of God at 7:30 the next morning. He had penned a classic.&nbsp&nbsp&#8220[F]or millions of Christians &#8230 God is no more real than He is to the non-Christian,&#8221 Tozer wrote. &#8220They go through life trying to love an ideal and be loyal to a mere principle.&#8221But Tozer -- who spent hours each week praying -- said there is hope for those who hunger for and pursue God: &#8220We need never shout across the spaces to an absent God. He is nearer than our own soul, closer than our most secret thoughts.&#8221The Pursuit of God is for those who want to know God more -- his holiness, his riches, his


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Pursuit of God with Reflection &Study


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Description :

Find Hope and Peace with an Intimate Pursuit of God*Top 10 Amazon Best

Seller*&#8220Toer wrote this book in 1948, but if anything, it is more relevant

today.&#8221-- John Piper&#8220Hewas one of the first preachers of my

generation who made the Bible come alive.&#8221-- Frank Boggs, friend of

Tozer.What if millions of Christians around the world had the right answers

about God but rarely (if ever) worshiped Him?That&#8217swhat author and

pastor A.W. Tozer asked some 70 years ago when he wrote The Pursuit of

God during an all-night train ride from Chicago to a speaking engagement in

McAllen, Texas. Tozer began writing early in the evening, had a dinner of toast

and tea around 9 p.m., and finished The Pursuit of God at 7:30 the next

morning. He had penned a classic.&nbspnbsp&#8220F]or millions of

Christians &#8230God is no more real than He is to the non-

Christian,&#8221Tozer wrote. &#8220Thy go through life trying to love an

ideal and be loyal to a mere principle.&#8221Bu Tozer -- who spent hours

each week praying -- said there is hope for those who hunger for and pursue

God: &#8220Weneed never shout across the spaces to an absent God. He is

nearer than our own soul, closer than our most secret thoughts.&#8221Th

Pursuit of God is for those who want to know God more -- his holiness, his

riches, his love -- and to worship Him as did the saints of Scripture.&nbspIn10

concise chapters, Tozer explores the &#8220myterious depths&#8221of God

like few authors can with updated language to enhance your understanding.

Each chapter concludes with a prayer by Tozer and reflection/discussion

questions for personal reflection.&nbspDoyou desire to know God? To have

inward peace like never before? To see your faith refreshed and renewed? To

have your life transformed by a walk with God you didn&#8217tthink was

possible?&nbspThePursuit of God is a life-changing book for lay people,

missionaries and pastors alike. It is a book that will challenge you, encourage

you and inspire you. It is a book you&#8217llread again &#8230and again ..

and again.&nbspDon#8217t hesitate in your pursuit of a deeper relationship

with your Creator. Pick up this book today to find hope, peace, and healing

now and for eternity.

Pursuit of God with Reflection &Study


(CopyLink)https://tq.filegood.club/1947935003.html - Book Synopsis :

Find Hope and Peace with an Intimate Pursuit of God*Top 10 Amazon

Best Seller*&#8220Toer wrote this book in 1948, but if anything, it is

more relevant today.&#8221-- John Piper&#8220Hewas one of the first

preachers of my generation who made the Bible come alive.&#8221--

Frank Boggs, friend of Tozer.What if millions of Christians around the

world had the right answers about God but rarely (if ever) worshiped

Him?That&#8217swhat author and pastor A.W. Tozer asked some 70

years ago when he wrote The Pursuit of God during an all-night train ride

from Chicago to a speaking engagement in McAllen, Texas. Tozer began

writing early in the evening, had a dinner of toast and tea around 9 p.m.,

and finished The Pursuit of God at 7:30 the next morning. He had penned

a classic.&nbspnbsp&#8220F]or millions of Christians &#8230God is no

more real than He is to the non-Christian,&#8221Tozer wrote. &#8220Thy

go through life trying to love an ideal and be loyal to a mere

principle.&#8221Bu Tozer -- who spent hours each week praying -- said

there is hope for those who hunger for and pursue God: &#8220Weneed

never shout across the spaces to an absent God. He is nearer than our

own soul, closer than our most secret thoughts.&#8221Th Pursuit of God

is for those who want to know God more -- his holiness, his riches, his

love -- and to worship Him as did the saints of Scripture.&nbspIn10

concise chapters, Tozer explores the &#8220myterious depths&#8221of

God like few authors can with updated language to enhance your

understanding. Each chapter concludes with a prayer by Tozer and

reflection/discussion questions for personal reflection.&nbspDoyou

desire to know God? To have inward peace like never before? To see

your faith refreshed and renewed? To have your life transformed by a

walk with God you didn&#8217tthink was possible?&nbspThePursuit of

God is a life-changing book for lay people, missionaries and pastors

alike. It is a book that will challenge you, encourage you and inspire you.

It is a book you&#8217llread again &#8230and again .. and

again.&nbspDon#8217t hesitate in your pursuit of a deeper relationship

with your Creator. Pick up this book today to find hope, peace, and

healing now and for eternity.

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