SOP Station House Management by Kerala Police


46 3. POLICE DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIESthe purpose of feedingthe prisoner.15. If the department vehicleis not availablefor escorting the prisoner,then the Police officershall use the ‘Warrant’for himself and thetravel allowances allottedfrom the Jail for theprisoner.In no case, thePolice officer shall usethe vehicles arranged bythe prisoners or theirrelatives or friends.16. The prisoner escortduty officer shall ensurethat the prisoner hasn’tcommunicated/receivedanything from anybodyduring his ‘to and fro’journey between theJail and the Court. Heshall not provide any arrangementfor the communicationbetween theprisoner and his friendsor relatives.17. The prisoner shall beproduced before theCourt well in advance.18. Upon producing theprisoner before theHon’ble Court, the concernedorder shall beproduced before theBench Clerk and afterthe Court proceedings,get it back the same andshall submit before theJail Authorities alongwith the prisoner andget it acknowledged inthe passport.19. If the prisoners misbehaves,manhandles,causes injuries towardsthe escort officer or anythinguntoward happens,the escort officershall immediately reportthe Police Stationwith jurisdiction andshall seek the assistanceof the local police.20. If the prisoner is enlargedon bail by theHon’ble Court, then thesaid bail order shall beproduced before the JailAuthorities along withthe prisoner.21. If the Court ordered‘Police custody’ of theprisoner, then that ordershall also be producedbefore the Jail authorities.22. Upon returning the prisonerto the Jail afterproducing him beforethe Court, the prisonerescort duty officershall remain there untilthe taking over of theprisoner by the Jail Authoritiesafter conductingthe required bodysearch.3.25 G.TREASURYGUARDDUTYThe Police officers on sentryduty at District Treasury andSub Treasury shall keep inmind the following points asspecified in Rules: 423, 424,429 of PSO.1. The Police officers onguard duty at treasuriesare mainly responsiblefor the safety and securityof the strong room.Apart from this, theyare also responsible forthe sealed locks in thetreasury and the Armsand Ammunitions in theguard room.2. The Treasury Guardshall consist of oneCommander and threePolice officers.3. At the time of openingand closing the strongroom, the guard dutyPolice officer shall remainpresent there andshall sign the StrongRoom Register.4. They shall submit thecopy of General Diarymaintained in the TreasuryGuard to the PoliceStation on daily basis.5. They shall not allowanybody to enter thearea near the strongroom.6. The treasury duty Policeofficer shall alwaysbe in vigil and shall bearmed with weapons.7. The Guard commanderand the other guardduty officers will notleave the guard beforethe completion of theirduty.3.26 H.TAPPALDUTYTappal duty includes thehanding over of Tappals of thePolice Station to various officesin time.1. The Police officer detailedfor Tappal dutyshall get it endorsed onhis note book and shallobtain passport for thesame. The Tappal dutyshall also be entered inthe General Diary beforeleaving the PoliceStation.

3.26. H.TAPPAL DUTY 472. The Tappals given bythe Station Writer shallbe verified properly andthe corresponding entryin the despatch registershall be signed bythe Tappal duty officer.It shall also be enteredin the Local DeliveryBook.3. The name, designationand the dated signatureof the person/officerwho received the Tappalupon delivery shall beentered in the Local DeliveryBook. After thedelivery of the Tappalsin the respective offices,the said fact shall alsobe entered in the passportalong with the sealand signature of the officerwho had receivedthe Tappal.4. The material objects issuedfrom the PoliceStations or the Courtsfor producing before theForensic Science Labs,Chemical Analysis Laboratoriesetc. shall besubmitted to the concernedoffices in time afterobtaining passportfrom the Police Station.The receipt in this regardshall be submittedto the Police Station orCourts in return.5. While submitting theapplications to other departmentsfor the productionof documents,the duplicate copy of theapplication shall be gotacknowledged with theseal and signature of theconcerned officer.


the purpose of feeding

the prisoner.

15. If the department vehicle

is not available

for escorting the prisoner,

then the Police officer

shall use the ‘Warrant’

for himself and the

travel allowances allotted

from the Jail for the

prisoner.In no case, the

Police officer shall use

the vehicles arranged by

the prisoners or their

relatives or friends.

16. The prisoner escort

duty officer shall ensure

that the prisoner hasn’t


anything from anybody

during his ‘to and fro’

journey between the

Jail and the Court. He

shall not provide any arrangement

for the communication

between the

prisoner and his friends

or relatives.

17. The prisoner shall be

produced before the

Court well in advance.

18. Upon producing the

prisoner before the

Hon’ble Court, the concerned

order shall be

produced before the

Bench Clerk and after

the Court proceedings,

get it back the same and

shall submit before the

Jail Authorities along

with the prisoner and

get it acknowledged in

the passport.

19. If the prisoners misbehaves,


causes injuries towards

the escort officer or anything

untoward happens,

the escort officer

shall immediately report

the Police Station

with jurisdiction and

shall seek the assistance

of the local police.

20. If the prisoner is enlarged

on bail by the

Hon’ble Court, then the

said bail order shall be

produced before the Jail

Authorities along with

the prisoner.

21. If the Court ordered

‘Police custody’ of the

prisoner, then that order

shall also be produced

before the Jail authorities.

22. Upon returning the prisoner

to the Jail after

producing him before

the Court, the prisoner

escort duty officer

shall remain there until

the taking over of the

prisoner by the Jail Authorities

after conducting

the required body





The Police officers on sentry

duty at District Treasury and

Sub Treasury shall keep in

mind the following points as

specified in Rules: 423, 424,

429 of PSO.

1. The Police officers on

guard duty at treasuries

are mainly responsible

for the safety and security

of the strong room.

Apart from this, they

are also responsible for

the sealed locks in the

treasury and the Arms

and Ammunitions in the

guard room.

2. The Treasury Guard

shall consist of one

Commander and three

Police officers.

3. At the time of opening

and closing the strong

room, the guard duty

Police officer shall remain

present there and

shall sign the Strong

Room Register.

4. They shall submit the

copy of General Diary

maintained in the Treasury

Guard to the Police

Station on daily basis.

5. They shall not allow

anybody to enter the

area near the strong


6. The treasury duty Police

officer shall always

be in vigil and shall be

armed with weapons.

7. The Guard commander

and the other guard

duty officers will not

leave the guard before

the completion of their




Tappal duty includes the

handing over of Tappals of the

Police Station to various offices

in time.

1. The Police officer detailed

for Tappal duty

shall get it endorsed on

his note book and shall

obtain passport for the

same. The Tappal duty

shall also be entered in

the General Diary before

leaving the Police


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