SOP Station House Management by Kerala Police

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26. Sufficient number of

vehicles shall be arranged

if there exists

any possibility of having

remove/to arrest

the protesters. The

place/places to which

the protesters are being

removed shall also be

fixed in advance.

27. Women Police Officers

shall also be detailed for

picketing duty.

28. Sufficient number of

Barricades shall be arranged

in advance.

29. Services of water cannons

may be utilized if


30. The Police officers on

duty shall be directed

to perform their duty

calmly and politely and

never turn violent unnecessarily

under any

circumstances. If the

situation warrants the

use of force, then it shall

be used at required minimum


31. Force should never be

applied upon the critical

body parts of the

protesters. Never use

force on women and

Children. The required

minimum force shall be

applied against only

those protesters who

behave violently. All

actions shall be taken

only in accordance with

the directions from the

Superior/In-charge officers.

32. A sterile area shall be

formed at least at 50

meters distance from

the rear side of the picketing

(This has been

done for preventing the

violance, if any by the

rival parties).

33. As far as possible, the

name and address of the

protesters in picketing

shall be collected by using

all sources including

the help of Special

Branch Officials, for registration

of FIR. Under

no circumstances should

innocentspersond be included

in the list of accused.

34. Necessary directions

may be given

for closing nearby

shops/establishments in

advance if there is a possibility

of violence by

the protesters. Spectators

shall not be allowed

to stand near a violent


35. A team of Police Officers

shall be deputed

as ‘Removal Party’ for

removing the protesters

from the rear side of the


36. As far as possible, arrest

the protesters without

using any force.

37. The Police Officers on

duty shall avoid loose

talk while arresting the


38. Strict adherence to the

rules and procedures

and strict decency shall

be ensured while arresting


The intimation regarding

the arrest of MPs

and MLAs during Parliament/Assembly


shall be given to

the concerned Speakers

without fail.

3.18.2 B) PROCE-






1. The arrested protesters

shall be removed immediately

to the Police

Station. There shall

not be any excess use

of force. Police shall

behave decently with

the arrested/removed


2. The Police officers shall

be detailed specifically

for the purpose of

watching the arrestees,

inside the vehicle used

for carrying them, keeping

in mind that there

is a possibility of destruction

of materials by

them. Activities of the

protestors may be photographed/


from place of arrest to

Police Station.

3. The name and address

of the arrestees shall

be recorded promptly

and carefully at the Police

Station and their

involvement in other

crime cases shall be verified.

4. If any case

(Petty/Crime cases) is

registered against the

arrestees, it shall be intimated

immediately to

Supervisory Officers.

5. The Police Officers on

picket duty shall not be

relieved without the direction

from the Supervisory


6. After the completion of

duty, it shall be en-

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