SOP Station House Management by Kerala Police


36 3. POLICE DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIESregularcontactthem;with11. Information about thecommission of crime; allthis information shallbe entered in the beatbook in time and shallbe conveyed to the StationHouse Officer. Anyrelated documents collectedin this regard,if any, shall also behanded over to theSHO.12. The beat officer shallalways be in uniformwhile performing thebeat duty. He shallmake proper entry inthe beat book as wellas in the note book andsubmit before the SHOafter duty.13. The strangers beat dutyshall be performed bythe beat officer in mufty.The strangers beatduty will be performedfor secretly verifyingthose who are comingfrom other areas underdoubtful circumstancesand for reporting thesame. This duty shallbe performed every secondSaturday and accompanyingSundayseach month. Duringthis time the strangersshall be challenged andrequired informationwill be collected fromthe suspected personsfor sending BCR-B.3.15 11(a) CHECK-ING OF BADCHARAC-TERSThe Police officers shall bewell acquainted with the followingpoints while checkinghabitual offenders; personscommitting offences againstwomen and children; andbad characters within thePolice Station limit [PSO265,266,282,220(4)].1. The Police officer deputedfor Bad Characterschecking duty shallget it entered his dutyon his note book fromthe SHO and shall collectthe list of bad charactersto be checked. Itshall also be entered inthe General Diary beforeleaving the PoliceStation.2. The Police officer shallalways be in uniformwhile checking the “BadCharacters” and shallseek the assistance ofanother Police Officer ifpossible. While checkingthe Bad Charactersthe details such as theirphone number, theirjobs, their official addressand Phone number,their living standards,the vehicle details,the address andphone numbers of relativesresiding withthem, the details withphone numbers of theirintimate friends etc. hasto be collected in detailand report submittedbefore the StationHouse Officer.3. If the Bad Charactersto be checked is notfound, then enquiryshall be conducted indetail about him withhis relatives, neighboursand friends.If he hasshifted to some otherplace, a report in thisregard shall be submittedto the Station HouseOfficer.4. If the Bad Charactersand his relatives are notfound during verification,then enquire withthe neighbours aboutthe Bad Characters,his relatives and thepersons visiting theirhouses. A report inthis regard shall alsobe submitted before theStation House Officer.5. The photograph, phonenumbers, the detailsof relatives, neighboursand friends with thephone numbers shall beentered in the HistorySheets.6. The complicity of the“Bad Characters shallalso be ascertained duringthe time of occurrenceof offences withinthe Police Station limit.3.16 12.NIGHTPATROLDUTYProper night patrolling canensure the presence of Policein every nook and cornerof the Police Station limitand thereby prevent variousoffences.1. The duties to be performedby the night patrollingofficer such as

3.17. 13. WOMEN BEAT OFFICER 37the areas to be covered;the Patta Books, KDsand DCs to be checked,the arrest warrants tobe executed etc. shallbe written in the nightpatrolling book.2. The instructions givento the night patrollingofficer shall be enteredin the right side of thenight patrolling bookand the action taken detailsshall be entered onthe left side.3. The night patrolling officershall note the dutyin his note book.4. The details of each dutyperformed shall be enteredsimultaneously inthe note book as well asin night patrolling bookin time.5. The page number andserial number of PattaBooks and the presentstatus of the Bad Charactersshall also be enteredin the night patrollingbook.6. The Night patrolling officercan detect thepetty cases during nightpatrolling as prescribedby the law.7. Upon inspection by theSuperior Officers, thenight patrolling officershall produce the up todate beat book and notebook for inspection.8. After completion of thenight patrolling duty,the night patrollingbook and the note bookshall be submitted beforethe GD charge officer.9. The night patrollingofficer shall challengestrangers; persons foundin doubtful circumstances,suspected vehiclesetc. and shallenter the said detailsin the night patrollingbook. Necessary actionsshall also be taken inaccordance with the directionsgiven by thePolice Control Roomand by the night checkingofficers. Wanderers,mentally retardedpersons and persons inhighly intoxicated stateshall not be broughtto the Police Station;instead they should betaken to the Hospitals, ifrequired. As far as possible,ensure the presenceof a person/nativeof the particular areawhile taking such personsto the hospital.3.17 13. WOMENBEAT OFFI-CEROne woman Police officer ofa Police Station shall be deputedas a beat officer forvisiting the Local self governmentoffice and such officershall perform her dutiesin accordance with the provisionsstipulated in ExecutiveDirective Nos: 19/2018 and17/2017.3.18 14. MISCEL-LANEOUSDUTIES3.18.1 A) MAINTE-NANCE OFLAW ANDORDER INCONNEC-TION WITHPICKETINGAND PROCES-SIONS.1. Date and time of picketing,the place and durationof picketing, the organisationand the mannerin which the picketingis being conductedare to be ascertainedwell in advance.2. The number of participantsin picketingwith the classification ofmale/female, its leaders,their details and phonenumbers etc. are tobe collected the leaderscontacted well in advance.3. In cases of processions,the starting and the endpoint, the route, leadersand the exact time shallbe enquired in advanceby deputing Police Officerson mufty. Thesaid Police Officers maybe allotted a motor cyclefor this purpose andthey shall also be instructedthem to notethe registration numbersof the vehicles ofthe participants/leadersof the picketing.4. They shall also enquireabout the possibility ofviolence during picketing.


the areas to be covered;

the Patta Books, KDs

and DCs to be checked,

the arrest warrants to

be executed etc. shall

be written in the night

patrolling book.

2. The instructions given

to the night patrolling

officer shall be entered

in the right side of the

night patrolling book

and the action taken details

shall be entered on

the left side.

3. The night patrolling officer

shall note the duty

in his note book.

4. The details of each duty

performed shall be entered

simultaneously in

the note book as well as

in night patrolling book

in time.

5. The page number and

serial number of Patta

Books and the present

status of the Bad Characters

shall also be entered

in the night patrolling


6. The Night patrolling officer

can detect the

petty cases during night

patrolling as prescribed

by the law.

7. Upon inspection by the

Superior Officers, the

night patrolling officer

shall produce the up to

date beat book and note

book for inspection.

8. After completion of the

night patrolling duty,

the night patrolling

book and the note book

shall be submitted before

the GD charge officer.

9. The night patrolling

officer shall challenge

strangers; persons found

in doubtful circumstances,

suspected vehicles

etc. and shall

enter the said details

in the night patrolling

book. Necessary actions

shall also be taken in

accordance with the directions

given by the

Police Control Room

and by the night checking

officers. Wanderers,

mentally retarded

persons and persons in

highly intoxicated state

shall not be brought

to the Police Station;

instead they should be

taken to the Hospitals, if

required. As far as possible,

ensure the presence

of a person/native

of the particular area

while taking such persons

to the hospital.

3.17 13. WOMEN



One woman Police officer of

a Police Station shall be deputed

as a beat officer for

visiting the Local self government

office and such officer

shall perform her duties

in accordance with the provisions

stipulated in Executive

Directive Nos: 19/2018 and


3.18 14. MISCEL-



3.18.1 A) MAINTE-









1. Date and time of picketing,

the place and duration

of picketing, the organisation

and the manner

in which the picketing

is being conducted

are to be ascertained

well in advance.

2. The number of participants

in picketing

with the classification of

male/female, its leaders,

their details and phone

numbers etc. are to

be collected the leaders

contacted well in advance.

3. In cases of processions,

the starting and the end

point, the route, leaders

and the exact time shall

be enquired in advance

by deputing Police Officers

on mufty. The

said Police Officers may

be allotted a motor cycle

for this purpose and

they shall also be instructed

them to note

the registration numbers

of the vehicles of

the participants/leaders

of the picketing.

4. They shall also enquire

about the possibility of

violence during picketing.

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