SOP Station House Management by Kerala Police


34 3. POLICE DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIESthe permission of SHO(Sec. 76 of CrPC).11. If a warrant of arrestcannot be executedin a stipulatedtime period, a reportshowing the reason fornon-execution shall beproduced before theHon’ble Court with thesignature of SHO.3.12 10(a) PROCLA-MATIONDUTYThe proclamation is an orderissued by the Hon’ble Courtupon a person, against whoma warrant has been issuedhas, absconded or is concealinghimself so that such warrantcannot be executed, requiringhim to appear at aspecific place and time not lessthan 30 days from the date ofpublishing such proclamation(Sec. 82,83 of CrPC).1. The proclamation ordershall be endorsed to anofficer not below therank of Senior Civil PoliceOfficer and such officershall get it enteredhis duty on Note bookfrom the SHO.2. The proclamation receivedafter the endorsementby the SHOshall get it entered inthe Proclamation Registerand sign it.3. A certificate regardingthe movable or immovableproperties ownedby the person againstwhom the proclamationhas issued shall be collectedfrom the concernedVillage Officerafter submitting an applicationfor the same.The said certificate shallbe produced before theHon’ble Court.4. Enquiry shall also beconducted about theownership of movableor immovable propertiesof such person in anyother places. If so, acertificate in this regardshall also be collectedfrom the concerned VillageOfficer.5. The proclamation shallpublically read in someconspicuous place oftown or village in whichsuch person ordinarilyresides.6. The proclamation shallbe affixed to some conspicuouspart of thehouse or homestead inwhich such person ordinarilyresides or tosome conspicuous placeof such town or village.7. The officer entrustedwith the proclamationduty will continue tillthe person is arrested/produced before theHon’ble Court. He shallraise informants aboutabsconding warrantees3.13 10(b) PASS-PORT VERI-FICATIONThe public visiting Police Stationregarding various passportsrelated issues are beinginformed about the followingfacts.1. The application forpassport can’t be submittedin Police Station.2. They are directed tosubmit the passport applicationOnline.3. The applicant shall beinstructed to appear beforethe Passport SevaKendra on a particulardate which was generatedduring the timeof submission of application.4. Upon receipt of passportapplication in PoliceStation from PassportOffice for verification,enquiry shall beconducted directly byvisiting the residenceand shall submit the reportin this regard to thePassport Office throughDistrict Police Chief.5. Passport applicantsshall intimate furtherthat after the due process,the passports willbe despatched to the applicantfrom the PassportOffice throughpost.6. The Police officer deputedfor verificationof passport applicationswhich are receivedthrough EVIPsystem shall conductthe enquiry and submitthe verification reportwithin the stipulatedtime period.7. The Police officer deputedfor passport verificationduty shall conductthe enquiry properlyby verifying the antecedentsof applicant,pending criminal cases,involvement in any restricted/bannedorganisations,genuineness of

3.14. 11.BEAT / PATROL DUTY 35the facts mentioned inthe application and hisprevious foreign visits.8. The enquiry officer shallalso verify the periodin which the applicantresides in the addressgiven in the passport;previous places of residenceif any; involvementin criminal casesin such places and aboutthe acquiring of anotherpassport in such addresses.9. The enquiry officer shallconduct verification ineach Police Station limitin which the applicanthas previously resided.10. The enquiry officershall also verify theCCTNS/Crime Drivefor ascertaining thecriminal record.11. The Officer shall conductenquiry and file thereport within time limit.12. The passport applicantshall not be summonedto the Police Station inany case.13. The passport enquiryofficer shall behave decentlywith the passportapplicants.3.14 11.BEAT /PATROLDUTY(Section: 65 Kerala PoliceAct, Rules: 281, 289PSO)For the effective functioning ofthe Police Station, each PoliceStation area can be dividedinto number of beats and Policeofficers shall be appointedas beat officers for each beat.The duties to be performed bythe beat officers shall be enteredin the beat book. Theintelligence/information givenby the beat officers shall beeffectively utilized for ensuringthe safety and security ofthe public and for the maintenanceof the Law and Order.Beat patrolling shall bedone both on day and nightfor making the public believethat they all are secured in allmanners.1. The Beat officer shallcover the beat allottedto him in his duty time.2. The Police Station areashall be divided intonumber of beats in orderto enable coverage ofone beat by the beat officerin one round.3. The beat officers shallbe acquainted with theresidents of their beatarea and improve publicperception of Police.4. The beat officer shallanalyse, on each beatvisit, the measures to betaken for the preventionof crimes.5. The beat officer shallcollect various informationfrom their beat arearegarding the movementof strangers; the purposeof their stay andtheir ID Cards; habitualoffenders; the religious,caste based, politicaland regional disputeswhich may lead toserious Law and Orderissues, if unaddredded;gambling houses, brothels;illegal money lendinginstitutions; illegalcentres dealing withexplosives; institutionshiring child labour etc.and shall intimate thesaid details to the StationHouse Officer.6. Useful informationabout the undetectedcases; the public meetingsor similar incidentswhich may causeLaw and Order issues;surveillance of hardcore criminals either directlyor through othersources.7. Information shall alsobe gathered about thepersons habitually acceptingstolen properties,persons illegallypossessing Arms; thosewho are dealing withliquor and NarcoticDrugs; the centres forillegal arms training;persons supporting organisationsbanned bythe Government andalso about the personsproviding financial assistanceand acquiringfinancial aid on behalfof such organisationsetc.8. The information aboutterrorist activities centredon worship places,human trafficking, thecrimes under the coverof orphanages;9. Information about thepersons who are deliberatelycreating problemsduring festivals,Goondas, hired ruffians,mafias, anti socials etc;10. Information about exconvicts; abscondingKDs and DCs, thievesrecently released fromJail and strangers in


the permission of SHO

(Sec. 76 of CrPC).

11. If a warrant of arrest

cannot be executed

in a stipulated

time period, a report

showing the reason for

non-execution shall be

produced before the

Hon’ble Court with the

signature of SHO.

3.12 10(a) PROCLA-



The proclamation is an order

issued by the Hon’ble Court

upon a person, against whom

a warrant has been issued

has, absconded or is concealing

himself so that such warrant

cannot be executed, requiring

him to appear at a

specific place and time not less

than 30 days from the date of

publishing such proclamation

(Sec. 82,83 of CrPC).

1. The proclamation order

shall be endorsed to an

officer not below the

rank of Senior Civil Police

Officer and such officer

shall get it entered

his duty on Note book

from the SHO.

2. The proclamation received

after the endorsement

by the SHO

shall get it entered in

the Proclamation Register

and sign it.

3. A certificate regarding

the movable or immovable

properties owned

by the person against

whom the proclamation

has issued shall be collected

from the concerned

Village Officer

after submitting an application

for the same.

The said certificate shall

be produced before the

Hon’ble Court.

4. Enquiry shall also be

conducted about the

ownership of movable

or immovable properties

of such person in any

other places. If so, a

certificate in this regard

shall also be collected

from the concerned Village


5. The proclamation shall

publically read in some

conspicuous place of

town or village in which

such person ordinarily


6. The proclamation shall

be affixed to some conspicuous

part of the

house or homestead in

which such person ordinarily

resides or to

some conspicuous place

of such town or village.

7. The officer entrusted

with the proclamation

duty will continue till

the person is arrested/

produced before the

Hon’ble Court. He shall

raise informants about

absconding warrantees

3.13 10(b) PASS-



The public visiting Police Station

regarding various passports

related issues are being

informed about the following


1. The application for

passport can’t be submitted

in Police Station.

2. They are directed to

submit the passport application


3. The applicant shall be

instructed to appear before

the Passport Seva

Kendra on a particular

date which was generated

during the time

of submission of application.

4. Upon receipt of passport

application in Police

Station from Passport

Office for verification,

enquiry shall be

conducted directly by

visiting the residence

and shall submit the report

in this regard to the

Passport Office through

District Police Chief.

5. Passport applicants

shall intimate further

that after the due process,

the passports will

be despatched to the applicant

from the Passport

Office through


6. The Police officer deputed

for verification

of passport applications

which are received

through EVIP

system shall conduct

the enquiry and submit

the verification report

within the stipulated

time period.

7. The Police officer deputed

for passport verification

duty shall conduct

the enquiry properly

by verifying the antecedents

of applicant,

pending criminal cases,

involvement in any restricted/banned


genuineness of

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