SOP Station House Management by Kerala Police


20 3. POLICE DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES46. Surveillance and checkingof bad characters47. Preventive arrests48. Collection and transmissionof criminal intelligence49. He shall maintain anotebook in which hewill write then and therehis daily movements andactivities in discharge ofhis duties.50. The completed notebookwill be retained for3 years with the stationrecords. He will handover his current notebookto his successorwhen he goes on transfer.51. Sub Inspector (L&O) isrequired to collect intelligenceabout:• any incident of lawand order• political activities• labour activities• student activitiesand agitationsthereof• communal tensionsand events• employees’ associationsand strikes bythem• criminal activities• miscellaneous activitiesand eventstending to destroypeace and tranquility.52. To facilitate orderlymovement of peopleand vehicles, to controlandregulate trafficon roads and highwaysetc.53. Natural calamities, Disasterand emergency dutieso Various jobs like saving lifeand property, providing shelter,rehabilitation, evacuationof people from crisis situationsand their transportationduring: a) fires b) floodsc) famines d) the spread ofan epidemic e) the breakoutof war or external aggressionf) internal disorders likecommunal riots, struggle betweenvarious classes, castesand sects and other clashes.3.3 SUB IN-SPECTOR(CRIMES)1. Being an Officer incharge of Police Station,the Sub Inspector(Crimes) shall registerFIR without anydelay upon receipt ofthe information regardingcognisable offences,and shall commence investigation(Sec. 2(o),154(1), 156CrPC; CircularNo.5/2010. Thecopy of FIR shall alsobe given to the complainantfree of costat the same time (Section:154(2)CrPC;Rule:308PSO).2. All the cases, exceptthose which are directlyinvestigated by theSub Inspector (Crimes),shall be formally endorsedto the subordinateofficers aftergetting it enteredin a register createdfor this purpose [Section:157(1)CrPC].3. The Sub Inspector(Crimes) shall ensuretimely completion of investigationand submissionof Final Report beforethe Hon’ble Courtthrough the officer incharge of the Police Station,by himself andsubordinate investigationofficers (Sections:168 &173CrPC. CircularNo. 136/68).4. Necessary steps shall betaken for immediatelyarresting those accusedsought to be arrestedand shall produce beforethe Station House Officeras early as possible(Section: 56CrPC).5. The Sub Inspector(Crimes) shall conductthe personal search andmedical examination ofthe accused to be keptin the Lock Up. He shallensure their safety andpermit them to dressdecently in the Lock Up(Section: 46(3)KP Act,Rules: 333 to 337PSO;Circular Nos. 25/2004,24/2005, 45/2010).6. While arresting or takeninto custody of an injuredperson, he shallbe bringing to the PoliceStation only afterconducting medical examination.Photographand videograph of theperson/persons who ishanding over the injuredperson to the Policeshall be taken at thesame place itself (CircularNo. 08/99 and Section:53(a)CrPC).7. The Sub Inspector(Crimes) shall assistthe ISHO for the prepa-

3.3. SUB INSPECTOR (CRIMES) 21ration of Statement ofFact and Affidavit tobe submitted before theHon’ble Court.8. The Sub Inspector(Crimes) ensure that,the Final Reports returnedfrom/rejectedby the Hon’ble Courtsshall be handed over tothe concerned investigationofficer with properacknowledgement andafter rectifying all theshort comings/mistakesthe same shall be submittedtimely before theHon’ble Court9. All the material objects(Thondi) entrustedby the Hon’ble Courtshall be kept safely inThondi room after detailsare get it enteredin the Thondi register.The same shallbe produced before theHon’ble Court as andwhen required.10. If the pending trialcases in Hon’ble Courtsbecame Long Pendingcases, then it shall beentered in the LP list ofthe Police Station andnecessary steps shall betaken for arresting thesaid accused after obtainingthe warrant.11. The Sub Inspector(Crimes) should ensurethat Court CDs arewritten properly by theAid Prosecution DutyOfficials (Circular No.127/1968) and after collectingthe signed Courtdisposal CD on dailybasis has to ensure thatthe original shall be filedin the case dairy andcopy sent to the officeof DySP/ACP (CircularNo. 18/1969).12. The Sub Inspector(Crimes) shall ensurethat the lists of underinvestigation cases (A,B, C and D) as per CircularNo. 45/2009 shallbe maintained properlyby the Station Writer.13. The Sub Inspector(Crimes) shall assist theStation House Officerfor the proper maintenanceof Crime Registersas per Circular No.19/2019.14. The Sub Inspector(Crimes) shall collectinformation about antisocial elements and naturaloffenders from thebeat/patrolling officersincluding PanchayatWoman Beat Officer.15. The Sub Inspector(Crimes) shall inform allimportant issues withinthe Police Station limitto the supervisory Officerswithout any delay.16. The day today dutiesof Police Officials shallbe entered in their notebooks and it shall be ensuredthat the duties arebeing done properly.17. The Sub InspectorCrimes shall attend theparade every Friday andshall ensure that all thePolice Officials are participatingin the parade(Rule: 76PSO).18. The Sub InspectorCrimes shall attend theWeekly Crime ReviewMeeting on all Tuesdaysat 07.45 hrs.19. The Sub Inspector(Crimes) shall maintaincordial and friendlyrelationship with subordinatesand ensure aconclusive working environmentin the PoliceStation.20. The Sub Inspector(Crimes) shall immediatelysubmit specific reportto the supervisingofficers regarding theoffences on the part ofthe subordinates; Theseinclude criminal omissions,indisciplined behaviour,polygamy, misconduct,consuming alcoholwhile on duty, acceptingor demandingbribes and unauthorisedabsence from duty, andshall take further necessaryaction.21. The Sub Inspector(Crimes) shall recommendthose Police Officials,who are exemplarilyperforming theirduties, for appropriaterewards.22. For the complaints receivedfrom supervisoryOfficers, necessarysteps shall be taken onthe same day and theenquiry report shouldwithin ten days afterconducting proper enquiry.No petitions,requiring personal enquiryshall be endorsedto subordinates.23. At the time of transfer,the Sub Inspector(Crimes) shall prepare ahanding over note andshall submit the samebefore the Supervisory


46. Surveillance and checking

of bad characters

47. Preventive arrests

48. Collection and transmission

of criminal intelligence

49. He shall maintain a

notebook in which he

will write then and there

his daily movements and

activities in discharge of

his duties.

50. The completed notebook

will be retained for

3 years with the station

records. He will hand

over his current notebook

to his successor

when he goes on transfer.

51. Sub Inspector (L&O) is

required to collect intelligence


• any incident of law

and order

• political activities

• labour activities

• student activities

and agitations


• communal tensions

and events

• employees’ associations

and strikes by


• criminal activities

• miscellaneous activities

and events

tending to destroy

peace and tranquility.

52. To facilitate orderly

movement of people

and vehicles, to control

andregulate traffic

on roads and highways


53. Natural calamities, Disaster

and emergency duties

o Various jobs like saving life

and property, providing shelter,

rehabilitation, evacuation

of people from crisis situations

and their transportation

during: a) fires b) floods

c) famines d) the spread of

an epidemic e) the breakout

of war or external aggression

f) internal disorders like

communal riots, struggle between

various classes, castes

and sects and other clashes.

3.3 SUB IN-



1. Being an Officer in

charge of Police Station,

the Sub Inspector

(Crimes) shall register

FIR without any

delay upon receipt of

the information regarding

cognisable offences,

and shall commence investigation

(Sec. 2(o),

154(1), 156CrPC; Circular

No.5/2010. The

copy of FIR shall also

be given to the complainant

free of cost

at the same time (Section:



2. All the cases, except

those which are directly

investigated by the

Sub Inspector (Crimes),

shall be formally endorsed

to the subordinate

officers after

getting it entered

in a register created

for this purpose [Section:157(1)CrPC].

3. The Sub Inspector

(Crimes) shall ensure

timely completion of investigation

and submission

of Final Report before

the Hon’ble Court

through the officer in

charge of the Police Station,

by himself and

subordinate investigation

officers (Sections

:168 &173CrPC. Circular

No. 136/68).

4. Necessary steps shall be

taken for immediately

arresting those accused

sought to be arrested

and shall produce before

the Station House Officer

as early as possible

(Section: 56CrPC).

5. The Sub Inspector

(Crimes) shall conduct

the personal search and

medical examination of

the accused to be kept

in the Lock Up. He shall

ensure their safety and

permit them to dress

decently in the Lock Up

(Section: 46(3)KP Act,

Rules: 333 to 337PSO;

Circular Nos. 25/2004,

24/2005, 45/2010).

6. While arresting or taken

into custody of an injured

person, he shall

be bringing to the Police

Station only after

conducting medical examination.


and videograph of the

person/persons who is

handing over the injured

person to the Police

shall be taken at the

same place itself (Circular

No. 08/99 and Section:


7. The Sub Inspector

(Crimes) shall assist

the ISHO for the prepa-

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