SOP Station House Management by Kerala Police


18 3. POLICE DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES341PSO; Circular No.1/2017).19. The Sub Inspector (Lawand Order) shall conductthe personal searchand medical examinationof the accused to bekept in the Lock Up. Heshall ensure their safetyand allow them to dressdecently in the Lock Up(Section: 46(3) KP Act;Rules: 333 to 337PSO;Circular Nos. 25/2004,24/2005, 45/2010).20. When an injured/intoxicatedpersonis taken into custody,ensure that hewas brought to thePolice only after conductingmedical examination.Photographand videograph of theperson/persons who ishanding over the injuredperson to the Policeshall be taken at theplace of custody itself.21. The Sub Inspector (Lawand Order) shall testcheck the unexecutedwarrants (CircularNos. 25/2005, 28/1984,8/1958, 15/1994) andshall arrest the accusedin Long Pending Casesas early as possible.22. The Sub Inspector (Lawand Order) shall assistthe ISHO for the preparationof Statement ofFact and Affidavits tobe submitted before theHon’ble Court.23. The Sub Inspector (Lawand Order) shall deputethe beat officers forBeat Duty; the dutiesto be performed by allthe beat officers including,Woman PanchayatBeat Officer shall be enteredin the Beat Book;and shall collect intelligencesfrom them forthe smooth functioningof the Police (Section:65KP Act; Sections :281, 282 and 283PSO).24. The Sub Inspector (Lawand Order) shall also arrangeMotor Cycle patrolling(Circular No.8/2004), mobile patrollingand night patrollingin addition tothe beat patrolling forensuring the presence ofPolice in the entire stationlimit and therebybuild public confidencethat they are safe andsecured (Rule: 288,289,290PSO; ExecutiveDirective 22/2018; Section:4(p)KPAct).25. The Sub Inspector (Lawand Order) shall file reportunder the provisionsof Sections: 107,108, 109 and 110 CrPCagainst the qualifiedpersons within the PoliceStation limit, beforethe Sub Divisional PoliceOfficer and uponobtaining sanction shallregister and file case beforethe Sub DivisionalMagistrate Court. SHOshall ensure the executionof bond for goodbehaviour by such personas per order of theSub Divisional Magistrate(Rules: 297 to303PSO).26. The Sub Inspector (Lawand Order) shall submitreport against thepersons habitually createnuisance to publicorder within the PoliceStation limit to Sub DivisionalPolice Officerand shall open RowdyHistory Sheet againstsuch persons after receivingsanction fromthe SDPO (Rules: 259,260, 300PSO).27. The Sub Inspector (Lawand Order) shall submitBi-yearly reportto the Sub DivisionalPolice Officer for renewalof Rowdy Historyand shall take necessarysteps for closingthe RHS as and whenthe Rowdies characteris found no more treatto Public tranquillity(Rule: 259(8)PSO).28. The Sub Inspector (Lawand Order) shall submitthe KD History Sheetsto the District PoliceChief through Sub DivisionalPolice Officer foryearly renewal and shallensure the receipt of thesame from the respectiveoffice after renewal(Rule: 257PSO).29. The Sub Inspector(Law and Order) shouldclearly understandthe details of naturalcalamities occurred orlikely to be happeningwithin the PoliceStation limit (Rule:246PSO).30. The Sub Inspector (Lawand Order) shall inspectby surprise the licensedarms and ammunitionswithin the Police Stationlimit; shall ensurethat they are being usedas per the licence con-

3.2. SUB INSPECTOR (LAW AND ORDER) 19ditions and shall takenecessary legal actionsin case of any violationsfound.( Rule: 458PSO)31. The Sub Inspector (Lawand Order) shall inspectsurprisingly thepremises of Explosive licenceswithin the PoliceStation limit; shall ensurethat they are observingall the licenceconditions; and shalltake necessary legal actionsin case of any violationsfound.32. The Sub Inspector (Lawand Order) shall haveclear understandingabout the festivals, theVIP visits, probableLaw and Order issuesand shall take necessaryaction in this regard.33. The Sub Inspector (Lawand Order) shall deputePolice Officials fortraffic control duty forsmooth traffic withinthe Police Station limit.34. The day today dutiesof Police Officials shallbe entered in their notebooks and shall ensurethat the duties are beingperformed properly(Circular No. 3/86).35. While dealing withthe general public, itshall be ensured thatthe instructions asper Sections 29 and35 of Kerala PoliceAct, Executive DirectiveNo.51/2018(7)and PHQ Circular No.6/2014 are being complied.36. The Sub Inspector (Lawand Order) shall ensurethat all the PoliceOfficials are in properuniform while on duty(Section: 43(3)KP Act;Rule: 45PSO).37. The Sub Inspector (Lawand Order) shall attendthe parade on every Fridaysand shall ensurethat all the Police Officialsare being participatedin the parade(Rule: 76PSO).38. The Sub Inspector (Lawand Order) shall attendthe Weekly CrimeReview Meeting on allTuesdays at 07.45 hrs.39. The Sub Inspector (Lawand Order) shall maintaincordial and friendlyrelationship with subordinates.40. The Sub Inspector (Lawand Order) shall immediatelysubmit specificreport regarding the offenceson the part ofthe subordinates, to theSuperior Officers suchas criminal omissions,indiscipline, polygamy,misconduct, consumptionof alcohol whileon duty, accepting ordemanding bribes andunauthorised absencefrom duty and shalltake further necessaryaction.41. The Sub Inspector (Lawand Order) shall recommendthose Police Officialswho are exemplarilyperforming their duties,for appropriate rewards.42. An officer shall be deputedfor conductingenquiry about the applicationsfor GD entrycertificate and PoliceClearance Certificate.The concerned certificatesshall be issued tothe applicant within thestipulated time periodafter collecting the requiredfee (ExecutiveDirective Nos. 2/2018& 7/2018).43. Upon receiving applicationfor mike sanction,an enquiry shallbe conducted in this regardand sanction maybe granted only forthose areas except thesilent zones like Hospitals,Courts (Worshipplaces)etc. gazette notificationNo. SRONo. 289/2002 & U630380/2002).44. The Sub Inspector (Lawand Order) shall properlyperform his dutiesin association with theprojects implementedby Kerala Police suchas “Janamythri; StudentsPolice Cadets;Clean Campus SafeCampus; School ProtectionGroup; KadaloraJagratha Samithi; JagarathaSamithi forGirls; Senior CitizensProject; SubhayathraProject; Our Responsibilityto Childrens andHOPE.45. At the time of transfer,the Sub Inspector(Law and Order) shallprepare a handing overnote and shall submitthe same before the SuperiorOfficers throughproper channel.


341PSO; Circular No.


19. The Sub Inspector (Law

and Order) shall conduct

the personal search

and medical examination

of the accused to be

kept in the Lock Up. He

shall ensure their safety

and allow them to dress

decently in the Lock Up

(Section: 46(3) KP Act;

Rules: 333 to 337PSO;

Circular Nos. 25/2004,

24/2005, 45/2010).

20. When an injured/intoxicated


is taken into custody,

ensure that he

was brought to the

Police only after conducting

medical examination.


and videograph of the

person/persons who is

handing over the injured

person to the Police

shall be taken at the

place of custody itself.

21. The Sub Inspector (Law

and Order) shall test

check the unexecuted

warrants (Circular

Nos. 25/2005, 28/1984,

8/1958, 15/1994) and

shall arrest the accused

in Long Pending Cases

as early as possible.

22. The Sub Inspector (Law

and Order) shall assist

the ISHO for the preparation

of Statement of

Fact and Affidavits to

be submitted before the

Hon’ble Court.

23. The Sub Inspector (Law

and Order) shall depute

the beat officers for

Beat Duty; the duties

to be performed by all

the beat officers including,

Woman Panchayat

Beat Officer shall be entered

in the Beat Book;

and shall collect intelligences

from them for

the smooth functioning

of the Police (Section:

65KP Act; Sections :

281, 282 and 283PSO).

24. The Sub Inspector (Law

and Order) shall also arrange

Motor Cycle patrolling

(Circular No.

8/2004), mobile patrolling

and night patrolling

in addition to

the beat patrolling for

ensuring the presence of

Police in the entire station

limit and thereby

build public confidence

that they are safe and

secured (Rule: 288,

289,290PSO; Executive

Directive 22/2018; Section:4(p)KP


25. The Sub Inspector (Law

and Order) shall file report

under the provisions

of Sections: 107,

108, 109 and 110 CrPC

against the qualified

persons within the Police

Station limit, before

the Sub Divisional Police

Officer and upon

obtaining sanction shall

register and file case before

the Sub Divisional

Magistrate Court. SHO

shall ensure the execution

of bond for good

behaviour by such person

as per order of the

Sub Divisional Magistrate

(Rules: 297 to


26. The Sub Inspector (Law

and Order) shall submit

report against the

persons habitually create

nuisance to public

order within the Police

Station limit to Sub Divisional

Police Officer

and shall open Rowdy

History Sheet against

such persons after receiving

sanction from

the SDPO (Rules: 259,

260, 300PSO).

27. The Sub Inspector (Law

and Order) shall submit

Bi-yearly report

to the Sub Divisional

Police Officer for renewal

of Rowdy History

and shall take necessary

steps for closing

the RHS as and when

the Rowdies character

is found no more treat

to Public tranquillity

(Rule: 259(8)PSO).

28. The Sub Inspector (Law

and Order) shall submit

the KD History Sheets

to the District Police

Chief through Sub Divisional

Police Officer for

yearly renewal and shall

ensure the receipt of the

same from the respective

office after renewal

(Rule: 257PSO).

29. The Sub Inspector

(Law and Order) should

clearly understand

the details of natural

calamities occurred or

likely to be happening

within the Police

Station limit (Rule:


30. The Sub Inspector (Law

and Order) shall inspect

by surprise the licensed

arms and ammunitions

within the Police Station

limit; shall ensure

that they are being used

as per the licence con-

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