SOP Station House Management by Kerala Police


12 3. POLICE DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIESas and when required.23. The pending trial caseswhich are treated asLong Pending Casesshall be entered in theLP list of the Police Stationand necessary stepsshall be taken for arrestingthe abscondingaccused after obtainingwarrant.24. There shall be properentry of Summons andWarrants in the ProcessRegister (Rule:521PSO); Summons andWarrants shall be endorsedto the Police officerfor service/executionon proper acknowledgement.The Police officerdesignated for processduty shall be rotated onmonthly basis (CircularNo. 71/1970(4)).25. The Station House Officershall test checkthe unexecuted warrants(Circular Nos.25/2005, 28/1984,8/1958, 15/1994).26. The Station House Officershall ensure monthlycomparison of FIR Indexand bi-monthlycomparison of ProcessRegisters with correspondingCourt registers(Rule: 521(3)PSO).27. The SHO shall maintaincordial relation with JudicialOfficers and Prosecutorsfor the smoothfunctioning of the criminalproceedings.28. All the Statement ofFacts/Affidavits requiringto be filed beforethe Hon’ble Court shallbe prepared by the StationHouse Officer andshall assure timely submissionbefore the respectiveHon’ble Court(Rule:169PSO; CircularNo: 38/2012).29. Service of the subordinatePolice Officersassisted in theinvestigation of gravecrimes/sensational casesshall be utilised for theAid Prosecution duty ofthe case. SHO shouldpersonally monitor theconduct of trial.30. The Station House Officershall ensure properfiling of Court CDsby the Aid prosecutionduty persons (CircularNo. 127/1968). Theoriginal Court CD shallbe filed in the Case Diaryand the copy shallbe send to the officeof DySP/ACP (CircularNo. 18/1969)31. The Station House Officershall strictly adhereto the directions asenvisage in PHQ CircularNos. 54/2009&22/2013; and ExecutiveDirective No.2/2017, while handingover of cases to CB forinvestigation.32. The Station House Officershall divide thestation limit into beatsand shall depute separateJanamaithri BeatOfficers for every beat.The duties to be performedby the Beat PoliceOfficers during beatduty shall be enteredin the beat book/M-Beat Application. SHOshall utilise the information/intelligencefrom Beat officers toensure proper maintenanceof Law and Orderand safety of thepublic within the PoliceStation limit. TheSHO shall also utilisethe services of JanamaithriBeat Officersand Community RelationsOfficers to connectwith the communityand utilise communitytrust to reduceand detect crime. (Section:65 KP Act; Rules:281,282,283 PSO; CircularNos. 34/2009,35/2009).33. The Station House officershall monitor thevisit of Woman beatofficer to the LocalPanchayat offices andproper performance ofduty entrusted to her.(Executive DirectiveNo. 19/2017)34. The Station House Officershall also arrangeMotor Cycle patrolling(Circular No. 8/2004),mobile patrolling andnight patrolling in additionto the beat patrollingfor ensuringthe presence of Policein the entire stationlimit and thereby, buildpublic confidence thatthey are safe and secured(Rules : 288,289 &290PSO; ExecutiveDirective 22/2018;Section : 4(p) KP Act.35. The Station House Officershall file report underthe provisions ofsections 107, 108, 109and 110 CrPC against

3.1. STATION HOUSE OFFICER 13the qualified personswithin the Police Stationlimit, before theSub Divisional PoliceOfficer and upon obtainingsanction shallregister and file case beforethe Sub DivisionalMagistrate Court. SHOshall ensure the executionof bond for goodbehaviour by such personon order of the SubDivisional Magistrate(Rules: 297 to 303PSO)36. The Station House Officershall submit reportagainst the personshabitually creating nuisanceto public orderwithin the Police Stationlimit to Sub DivisionalPolice Officer andshall open Rowdy HistorySheet against suchpersons after receivingsanction from the SDPO(Rules : 259, 260,300PSO).37. The Station House Officershall submit biyearlyreport to theSub Divisional PoliceOfficer for renewal ofRowdy History andshall take necessarysteps for closing theRHS as and when theRowdies character isfound no more threatto public tranquillity(Rule : 259(8)PSO).38. The Station House Officershall submit theKD History Sheets tothe District Police Chiefthrough Sub DivisionalPolice Officer for yearlyrenewal and shall ensurethe receipt of the samefrom the respective officeafter renewal (Rule: 257PSO).39. The Station House Officershall submit reportsagainst qualified personsunder KAAPA tothe District Magistratethrough the SuperiorOfficers for their preventivedetention. Similarly,he shall submitreport before theDIG/IGP for the restrictionof movement ofqualified persons as persection 15 of KAAPA(Circular No. 24/2009)40. The Station House Officershall issue notice tothe concerned authorities/personsregardingthe matters endangeringhuman life such as openwells without fence, decayedtrees/trees likelyto fall, buildings in dangerousconditions etc.and shall take necessaryaction by submitting anapplication before theRDO for the removal ofthe same (Sections: 133&144CrPC).41. The Station House Officershall identify the areasunder the threat ofnatural/ potential manmadecalamities withinthe Police Station limit(Rule: 246PSO). SHOshall prepare an actionplan for Disaster Management.SHO shallassure safety of life andproperty, provide shelter,rehabilitate, evacuatepeople from crisissituation, providetransportation duringnatural and manmadecalamities, epidemic etc.42. The Station House Officershall conduct surpriseinspection of licensedarms and ammunitionswithin the PoliceStation limit; shall ensurethat licence conditionsare not violated;and shall take necessarylegal actions if any typeof violation observed.The connected stationregister shall be comparedwith the Registerkept at Taluk Officeevery three months andshall rectify the irregularities,if any (Rule:458PSO).43. The Station House Officershall conduct surpriseinspection on thepremises of Explosive licenceswithin the PoliceStation limit; shall ensurethat they are observingall the licenceconditions; and shalltake necessary legal actionsin case of any violationsfound. Quarterlycomparison of theconcerned register shallbe conducted with theregister kept at TalukOffice and shall rectifythe irregularities, if any(Rule: 462PSO).44. The Station House Officershall prepare thebandobust scheme wellin advance with respectto the VIP visits, Festivals/probable Law andOrder issues etc. andshall ensure the presenceof sufficient Policeforce by sendingthe bandobust schemeto the Superior Officersin advance. (Rules: 511&249PSO)45. The Station House Of-


as and when required.

23. The pending trial cases

which are treated as

Long Pending Cases

shall be entered in the

LP list of the Police Station

and necessary steps

shall be taken for arresting

the absconding

accused after obtaining


24. There shall be proper

entry of Summons and

Warrants in the Process

Register (Rule:

521PSO); Summons and

Warrants shall be endorsed

to the Police officer

for service/execution

on proper acknowledgement.

The Police officer

designated for process

duty shall be rotated on

monthly basis (Circular

No. 71/1970(4)).

25. The Station House Officer

shall test check

the unexecuted warrants

(Circular Nos.

25/2005, 28/1984,

8/1958, 15/1994).

26. The Station House Officer

shall ensure monthly

comparison of FIR Index

and bi-monthly

comparison of Process

Registers with corresponding

Court registers

(Rule: 521(3)PSO).

27. The SHO shall maintain

cordial relation with Judicial

Officers and Prosecutors

for the smooth

functioning of the criminal


28. All the Statement of

Facts/Affidavits requiring

to be filed before

the Hon’ble Court shall

be prepared by the Station

House Officer and

shall assure timely submission

before the respective

Hon’ble Court

(Rule:169PSO; Circular

No: 38/2012).

29. Service of the subordinate

Police Officers

assisted in the

investigation of grave

crimes/sensational cases

shall be utilised for the

Aid Prosecution duty of

the case. SHO should

personally monitor the

conduct of trial.

30. The Station House Officer

shall ensure proper

filing of Court CDs

by the Aid prosecution

duty persons (Circular

No. 127/1968). The

original Court CD shall

be filed in the Case Diary

and the copy shall

be send to the office

of DySP/ACP (Circular

No. 18/1969)

31. The Station House Officer

shall strictly adhere

to the directions as

envisage in PHQ Circular

Nos. 54/2009

&22/2013; and Executive

Directive No.

2/2017, while handing

over of cases to CB for


32. The Station House Officer

shall divide the

station limit into beats

and shall depute separate

Janamaithri Beat

Officers for every beat.

The duties to be performed

by the Beat Police

Officers during beat

duty shall be entered

in the beat book/M-

Beat Application. SHO

shall utilise the information/intelligence

from Beat officers to

ensure proper maintenance

of Law and Order

and safety of the

public within the Police

Station limit. The

SHO shall also utilise

the services of Janamaithri

Beat Officers

and Community Relations

Officers to connect

with the community

and utilise community

trust to reduce

and detect crime. (Section:

65 KP Act; Rules:

281,282,283 PSO; Circular

Nos. 34/2009,


33. The Station House officer

shall monitor the

visit of Woman beat

officer to the Local

Panchayat offices and

proper performance of

duty entrusted to her.

(Executive Directive

No. 19/2017)

34. The Station House Officer

shall also arrange

Motor Cycle patrolling

(Circular No. 8/2004),

mobile patrolling and

night patrolling in addition

to the beat patrolling

for ensuring

the presence of Police

in the entire station

limit and thereby, build

public confidence that

they are safe and secured

(Rules : 288,

289 &290PSO; Executive

Directive 22/2018;

Section : 4(p) KP Act.

35. The Station House Officer

shall file report under

the provisions of

sections 107, 108, 109

and 110 CrPC against

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