SOP Station House Management by Kerala Police



3POLICE DUTIES ANDRESPONSIBILITIES3.1 STATIONHOUSE OFFI-CERThe Station House Officeris a Police Officer of suchrank as may be fixed bythe Government who is entrustedwith the overall supervisionof the functions ofeach Police Station and thatofficer shall be the Officer inCharge of the Police Station[Section: 5(3)KP Act; Section2 (o) CrPC and Rule:231 PSO]. The orders of theHon’ble Supreme Court inPrakash Singh Caseand therecommendations of the JusticeK.T.Thomas Commissionappointed in connection withthe modernization of Policeunequivocally pitched for separationof Law and Order andCrime Investigation at the PoliceStation level. In orderto implement the above recommendation,two officers inthe rank of Sub Inspector ofPolice have been appointed ineach Police Station to handlethe divisions of Law andOrder and Crime Division effectively.Therefore, it isproposed to usher in a newphase of Policing with an officerof the rank of Inspectorof Police, who is experiencedand skilled, holding thecharge as SHO of a PoliceStation to bring professionalismin overall policing especiallyin crime investigationand to effect robust supervisionof policing in tune withcurrent times. Accordingly,vide Govt.Order, GO (MS)No: 211/2017/Home Dtd:21/10/2017, Government hasaccorded sanction for appointmentof Inspector of Police asStation House Officer acrossall Police Stations in Keralain a phased manner. Henceforth,Circle Inspector postshave been shifted to PoliceStations and re-designated asInspector SHO.Accordingly, InspectorSHOs holding the charge asSHO of Police Stations forbetter service delivery tocommon people.3.1.1 Duties of SHO1. The Station House Officershall maintain lawand order within the respectivejurisdiction ofeach Police Station (KPAct Sec.4, 42; PSO-230,231; Circular No.3/1986).2. The Station House Officershall ensure the9security of life, liberty,dignity, umanrights and the propertyof the common public(Section- 4,KP Act;Rule - 87, PSO;CircularNo. 24/2011).3. Station House Officer isresponsible for the preventionand detection ofcrimes (Section: 38(1),KP Act). An officernot below the rank ofSub Inspector can inspectthe records undertrial/ appeal beforethe Hon’ble Courts, forthe prevention and detectionof crimes (Rule245, Criminal Rules ofPractice in Kerala).4. The Station House Officershall collect intelligencefor the properfunctioning of the Police(Section: 4, KPAct;Rule:297(1), PSO),Circular 42/2010 Para6; Executive DirectiveNo. 19/2017 Para11). In appropriatecases, source informationreports shall begenerated. (CircularNo:19/2020) The Policeofficer shall maintain utmostsecrecy about the


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