SOP Station House Management by Kerala Police

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Functioning of Police Stations

symbolize the presence

of the Police organization in

the community and provides

an assurance of security to the

people in general. The public

can rest at ease believing

that there is a place that provides

safety, security, relief,

help and assistance to them in

their hour of need. The Police

station is the basic and most

important unit of Police administration

as it is the platform

for interaction between

the community and the Police.

A Police Station is the

most visible and approachable

place, as the people can come

and voice any and every kind

of help, assistance or relief

that they may need. Some of

the main functions of a Police

station include registration of

FIRs, dealing with cognizable

and non cognizable offences

separately, properly clarifying

the queries of the victims

or other civilians, recording

statements of the accused and

the complainants, making the

citizens aware of their rights

and duties, and also to the

people who are under arrest

in the police station. Above

all these, the most important

function is to ensure safety

and security within its jurisdiction

by having friendly,

cordial and harmonious relations

with the various segments

of the societies and

building positive image of the

Police. The Code of Criminal

Procedure, 1973 Section 2(s)

defines Police Stations. “Police

Station” means any post

or place declared generally or

specifically by the State Government,

to be a Police Station

and includes any local

area specified by the State

Government in this behalf. A

Police officer of such rank as

may be fixed by the Government

and designated as the

Station House Officer shall supervise

the functions of each

Police station and that officer

shall be the officer in charge

of the Police Station. The

Government shall, subject to

the resources available, ensure

that every Police Station has

adequate manpower and infrastructure

facilities to provide

basic Police services to all

who need the same. The facilities

shall include sufficient infrastructure

for all Police personnel

attached to the Police

station to discharge their duties

efficiently, reception area

for public with adequate facilities,

sufficient storage space

for the safe keeping of articles


in custody, official records,

arms and ammunition, sufficient

facilities for the safe custody

of the accused and those

in custody, proper communication

facilities, sufficient mobility,

sufficient equipment including

security equipment,

electronic devices, and forensic

equipments to discharge

adequately the lawful responsibilities

entrusted to the officers

of the Police Station. The

State Police Chief shall arrange

to review every year the

adequacy of facilities available

in every Police Station in the

State and take steps to establish

facilities which conform

to proper standards. Citizens

have the right to efficient

Police service.-All citizens

shall have the right to

efficient Police services from

any Police Station. The Police

Station is an embodiment

of Police administration and

each and every duty, activity,

role and function expected

to be performed by Police administration

is executed and

carried out by the Police station.

Following are the important

functions performed by

every Police station.

1. Handling and dealing

properly with the complaints

received at the

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