SOP Station House Management by Kerala Police


2 1. POLICE STATION - A CITIZEN FRIENDLY SERVICE DELIVERY UNITwise personal prejudices mayadversely affect the nature ofservice and the interest of There is a Codeof Conduct specifically prescribedfor the Police. Notonly in India, the Police organizations,of all countries havea Code of Conduct. Even theUnited Nations has evolved aCode of Conduct for law enforcementagencies. Service topublic is the most importantone in all the above Codes ofConduct.The question we have toask ourselves is ‘Is our PoliceStation a Citizen friendlyservice delivery unit?’ Ifthe answer is in the negative,we have to do some soulsearchingand initiate remedialmeasures as otherwise weare not fulfilling the basic purposeand are failing in gettingpublic trust. The followingare some of the basicthings that should be ensuredif the Police Station is to servethe purpose of being a citizenfriendly public facility:1.1 Free accessibilityAs people freely and confidentlywalk up to a Hospital,a Post-Office or a Bankto get their things done,so should the victims, complainantsor aggrieved people,be able to walk up to a PoliceStation without any restriction/hesitation.We oftenhear political leaders includingHome Ministers andChief Minister complainingthat even today people withgenuine grievances are afraidof going to a Police Station.If a victìm or a complainantis afraid of goingto a Police Station,it negates the very purposeof sanctity of a PoliceStation. Somehow overthe years we have created animpression that people are notwelcome at the Police Stationand those who come would, beill-treated. In some stations,the Police Station staff scareaway even people who are innocentand legitimately passby the pathways around thePolice Station. This has tobe changed by deliberate effortson our part. For this, theStation staff has to be properlyattuned to constant briefingthat those who come tothe Police Station for lodginga complaint or for makinga representation or for somehelp should be allowed freeaccess and should be courteouslytreated.1.2 Help Desk/ReceptionEarlier in Police Stations thereception was unpleasant, forthose who visit the Police Station.Apart from not havinga place where a visitorcan go and be seated till heis called in, if the visitor isignored, it will adversely affectupon the Police. To overcomethis, now all Police Stationshad Reception or Helpdesk, a suitable place to whichthe visitors are automaticallyguided by duty women constableor sentry Police constable.Every Police Station hasa furnished and earmarked,computerized, trained womenstaff in the reception. A VisitorsBook is also kept in thereception, to take feedbackfrom the public.1.3 Registration ofcasesA common complaint againstPolice is that even when someincidents or an emergency isreported to the Police Stationeither on telephone or in person,the Police do not respondby reaching the place of incidentwithin a reasonable time,if not at once, since all Policestations are provided withpatrol vehicles by the Government.It is regretted that ifonly Police had responded immediately,a life would havebeen saved or further damageswould have been averted.1.4 Human touchSince most of the visitors tothe Police Station are aggrievedpersons or victims,they are under emotionalstress. They expect the Policemanto understand theirpredicament and give emotionalsupport by way of empathyand sympathy. It isagain a common complaintthat instead of getting empathy,most often the way Policetreatment further aggravatesthe emotional strain, makingthem repent as to why theyhad come to the Police Station.Human touch in thedealings of the Police withpeople would go a long wayin making people feel that thePolice Station is a public facilityand a citizen friendly servicedelivery unit.1.5 RenderinghelpPolice Station staff is supposedto know about the importantpeople, places, their

1.6. PETITION MANAGEMENT SERVICE 3location, addresses and informationabout whom a personshould approach in a particularcase. When such peopleapproach the Police Stationstaff, they should be in aposition to give correct informationor advice. Every PoliceStation is supplied with afirst aid kit, and if the injuredis given first aid at the PoliceStation in a caring manner,that speaks volumes about thePolice.1.6 Petition managementserviceProviding the public a transparentas well as an accountablepolicing service inall means, where the citizenwill be provided withdefinite acknowledgement foreach and every representationthey make. It provides the opportunityfor the complainantto question or know about theactivities of investigation undergoing.In short, unless theStation House Officer (Firstlevel manager) and the PoliceStation staff are attitudinallyoriented with ‘service motto’and, firmly believe that PoliceStation is a citizen friendlypublic facility it would be difficultto improve Police image.


wise personal prejudices may

adversely affect the nature of

service and the interest of justice.

vi. There is a Code

of Conduct specifically prescribed

for the Police. Not

only in India, the Police organizations,

of all countries have

a Code of Conduct. Even the

United Nations has evolved a

Code of Conduct for law enforcement

agencies. Service to

public is the most important

one in all the above Codes of


The question we have to

ask ourselves is ‘Is our Police

Station a Citizen friendly

service delivery unit?’ If

the answer is in the negative,

we have to do some soulsearching

and initiate remedial

measures as otherwise we

are not fulfilling the basic purpose

and are failing in getting

public trust. The following

are some of the basic

things that should be ensured

if the Police Station is to serve

the purpose of being a citizen

friendly public facility:

1.1 Free accessibility

As people freely and confidently

walk up to a Hospital,

a Post-Office or a Bank

to get their things done,

so should the victims, complainants

or aggrieved people,

be able to walk up to a Police

Station without any restriction/hesitation.

We often

hear political leaders including

Home Ministers and

Chief Minister complaining

that even today people with

genuine grievances are afraid

of going to a Police Station.

If a victìm or a complainant

is afraid of going

to a Police Station,

it negates the very purpose

of sanctity of a Police

Station. Somehow over

the years we have created an

impression that people are not

welcome at the Police Station

and those who come would, be

ill-treated. In some stations,

the Police Station staff scare

away even people who are innocent

and legitimately pass

by the pathways around the

Police Station. This has to

be changed by deliberate efforts

on our part. For this, the

Station staff has to be properly

attuned to constant briefing

that those who come to

the Police Station for lodging

a complaint or for making

a representation or for some

help should be allowed free

access and should be courteously


1.2 Help Desk/


Earlier in Police Stations the

reception was unpleasant, for

those who visit the Police Station.

Apart from not having

a place where a visitor

can go and be seated till he

is called in, if the visitor is

ignored, it will adversely affect

upon the Police. To overcome

this, now all Police Stations

had Reception or Help

desk, a suitable place to which

the visitors are automatically

guided by duty women constable

or sentry Police constable.

Every Police Station has

a furnished and earmarked,

computerized, trained women

staff in the reception. A Visitors

Book is also kept in the

reception, to take feedback

from the public.

1.3 Registration of


A common complaint against

Police is that even when some

incidents or an emergency is

reported to the Police Station

either on telephone or in person,

the Police do not respond

by reaching the place of incident

within a reasonable time,

if not at once, since all Police

stations are provided with

patrol vehicles by the Government.

It is regretted that if

only Police had responded immediately,

a life would have

been saved or further damages

would have been averted.

1.4 Human touch

Since most of the visitors to

the Police Station are aggrieved

persons or victims,

they are under emotional

stress. They expect the Policeman

to understand their

predicament and give emotional

support by way of empathy

and sympathy. It is

again a common complaint

that instead of getting empathy,

most often the way Police

treatment further aggravates

the emotional strain, making

them repent as to why they

had come to the Police Station.

Human touch in the

dealings of the Police with

people would go a long way

in making people feel that the

Police Station is a public facility

and a citizen friendly service

delivery unit.

1.5 Rendering


Police Station staff is supposed

to know about the important

people, places, their

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