SOP Station House Management by Kerala Police

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those of others.

12.10 Courteous

The Police should always be

courteous and well-mannered,

they should be dependable

and impartial; they

should possess dignity and

courage; and should cultivate

character and the trust of the


12.11 Integrity

Integrity of the highest

order is the fundamental

basis of the prestige of Police.

Recognizing this, Police

must keep their private lives

scrupulously clean, develop

self-restraint and be truthful

and honest in thought and

deed, in both personal and official

life so that the public

may regard them exemplary


12.12 Discipline

The Police should recognize

that their full utility to the

State is best ensured only by

maintaining a high standard

of discipline, faithful performance

of duties in accordance

with law and implicit

obedience to the lawful directions

of commanding ranks

and absolute loyalty to the

force and by keeping themselves

in a state of constant

training and preparedness.

12.13 Rise above



As members of a secular,

democratic state, Police

should strive continually to

rise above personal prejudices

and promote harmony

and the spirit of common

brotherhood amongst all the

people of India transcending

religious, linguistic and

regional or sectional diversities

and to renounce practices

derogatory to the dignity

of women and disadvantaged

segments of the society.

12.14 Teamwork

Build a team and not

cliques or groups If the staff

perceives that you have your

own favourites and you take

them into confidence, it demotivates

others. Police work

is basically a team work.

The leader should promote a

cohesive team and not divide

the members based upon caste

or communal or other considerations.Trust

begets trust

12.15 Brief, Debrief

Briefing, De-briefing

Knowledge of what is happening

around him and feeling

of his being taken into

confidence enhances the employee’s

motivation. Briefing

the Police station staff, at

periodical intervals as to the

crime and law and order situation

in the Police Station

limits and in the surrounding

areas, the policy guidelines

or instructions of the superiors,

the general developments

concerning the Police function

and also ascertaining the

reaction or suggestions from

the subordinates would help

in enhancing their self-esteem

and self-respect leading to

better motivation.

12.16 Criticise

in private,

Praise in


The golden rules is Criticise

if you must, in private,

Praise, if deserved, in public.

If anybody is not up

to the expectations, is malingering

or has committed mistakes,

do not shout at him

or reprimand him in public or

in front of his colleagues. If

you do, it completely alienates

him from you and the

job. If you could not condone

the lapse, you call him

separately when you are alone

and tell him frankly, what you

feel about the lapse. On the

other hand, when somebody

does good work or something,

which deserves praise, do it in

public so that as many people

as possible know about

it. This will not only further

motivate that person, it may

even prompt others to do better.

Also, remember Criticise

the behaviour and not

the person.

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