SOP Station House Management by Kerala Police


116 11. PARAMETERS FOR THE SELECTION OF BEST POLICE STATIONContinuation of Table 11.1Sl.No Criteria for the selection of Best Police Station Marks3 Suo-moto cases registered – category wise details during15the preceding yeara. Total Number of G.L/MV petty cases during precedingyearsb. Percentage increase over the preceding year4 Percentage of conviction of murder and other grave 15crime cases5 Grave property cases – detection % during preceding 15year (HB & Theft, Burglary, Robbery, and Dacoity)6 Crime against women – Registered and disposed during15preceding yeara. IPC – 376 b. IPC – 3547 Percentage of cases in which Final Reports submitted 15within stipulated time8 Action against Drugs/COTPA etc. done during preceding15year9 Communal/Political/Major L&O issues dealt with 15during preceding year10 Accident reduction initiatives during preceding year a. 15Statistics of Road Accident deaths, Grievous Injuriesduring preceding year b. Comparison of the total accidentsin the PS limit for the last 3 years11 Decrease in offences against persons compared to during15preceding years12 Petitions received and disposed in the last three years 1513 Percentage of execution of summons, Warrants and 15LP Warrants14 Action taken for crime prevention during preceding 15year a. Action taken under Section 107, 108 & 110Cr.PC. b. Action taken under KAAPA Act c. Collectionof intelligence data regarding commission of crime15 Use of Science and Technology in crime prevention, 15investigation and law and order maintenance16 Human Resources Management at Police Station level 10including training. Manpower/ vacancy as on January1st of preceding Year a. Manpower/ vacancy ason January 1st of current Year b. Number of Seminars/Trainingsconducted in the Police Station duringthe preceding year c. Total Catechism classes in thelast year d. Fitness programmes organized for the PolicePersonnel during the preceding year17 New programmes/Projects introduced by the Policewhich are useful to public (Public attention/Media attractiveprogramme)15

11.1. CRITERIA FOR THE SELECTION OF BEST POLICE STATION 117Continuation of Table 11.1Sl.No Criteria for the selection of Best Police Station Marks18 Janamaithri Suraksha Padhathia. Number of beatsmarched during the preceding year b. Number ofVillages/ Wards covered during the preceding year c.Number of houses covered during the previous yeard. Other specific crime prevention programme conductedunder Janamaithri Suraksha Padhathi duringthe preceding year19 Social Policing activities and Public oriented programmeconducted during preceding year; a. Gendersensitivity related programmes b. Child friendlyprogrammes c. Senior citizens programmes d. Totalnumber of SC/ST colonies visited during precedingyear20 Maintenance and upkeep of Police station building,equipment, vehicles and environmental friendliness(Green Protocol)21 Total Marks 300End of Table101010The above parameters areto be taken into account forthe selection process of TheBest Police Station in a districtand in the State.• On the basis of thecriteria mentioned, the DistrictPolice Chiefs will collectthe nominations of PSs undertheir jurisdictions, evaluatethem based on the aboveparameters and based on theevaluation, they should selectthe Best Police station amongthem. The DPCs should sendthe nomination of the BestPolice Stations in their respectiveDistricts to the PoliceHeadquarters before 30thof April every year. VanithaPolice Stations are to be included.• In Police Headquarters,a committee comprising ofAdditional Director Generalof Police (HQ), AdditionalDirector General of Police(L&O), Additional DirectorGeneral of Police (SCRB),Zonal Inspectors General ofPolice, IGP & Commissionersof Police 217 SOP FORSTATION HOUSE MAN-AGEMENT | KERALA PO-LICE ThiruvananthapuramCity and Kochi City, RangeDeputy Inspectors Generalof Police and DIG & Commissionerof Police KozhikodeCity will evaluate the nominationsso received from theDistricts and select the bestthree Police Stations in theState. The senior most AdditionalDirector General ofPolice will be the Chairmanof the committee.• This committee will selectthe 1st, 2nd and 3rd BestPolice Stations from the nominationsreceived and send toState Police Chief for final approval.• The committee willcomplete the process of selectionof Best Police Stationsbefore 31st May of every year,so that Chief Minister’s Trophyfor Best Police Station inthe State can be given away inthe month of June.• The MHA gives theaward for the Best Police Stationafter August, every year,during the DGP/IGP Conferencefor which the nominations(if asked for) can begiven from the Police Stationsselected by the Committeein PHQ. Sometimes, MHAdoes not ask for nominations& they go by CCTNS datafrom NCRB. So, our endeavourshall be to do all dataentry in CCTNS to remainahead and ready for nominations.It is worth mentioninghere that though MHA followsa different matrix for selectionif we go by the parametersmentioned in this circular, ourPolice stations can be in theconsideration Zone of MHA.


Continuation of Table 11.1

Sl.No Criteria for the selection of Best Police Station Marks

3 Suo-moto cases registered – category wise details during


the preceding year

a. Total Number of G.L/MV petty cases during preceding


b. Percentage increase over the preceding year

4 Percentage of conviction of murder and other grave 15

crime cases

5 Grave property cases – detection % during preceding 15

year (HB & Theft, Burglary, Robbery, and Dacoity)

6 Crime against women – Registered and disposed during


preceding year

a. IPC – 376 b. IPC – 354

7 Percentage of cases in which Final Reports submitted 15

within stipulated time

8 Action against Drugs/COTPA etc. done during preceding



9 Communal/Political/Major L&O issues dealt with 15

during preceding year

10 Accident reduction initiatives during preceding year a. 15

Statistics of Road Accident deaths, Grievous Injuries

during preceding year b. Comparison of the total accidents

in the PS limit for the last 3 years

11 Decrease in offences against persons compared to during


preceding years

12 Petitions received and disposed in the last three years 15

13 Percentage of execution of summons, Warrants and 15

LP Warrants

14 Action taken for crime prevention during preceding 15

year a. Action taken under Section 107, 108 & 110

Cr.PC. b. Action taken under KAAPA Act c. Collection

of intelligence data regarding commission of crime

15 Use of Science and Technology in crime prevention, 15

investigation and law and order maintenance

16 Human Resources Management at Police Station level 10

including training. Manpower/ vacancy as on January

1st of preceding Year a. Manpower/ vacancy as

on January 1st of current Year b. Number of Seminars/Trainings

conducted in the Police Station during

the preceding year c. Total Catechism classes in the

last year d. Fitness programmes organized for the Police

Personnel during the preceding year

17 New programmes/Projects introduced by the Police

which are useful to public (Public attention/Media attractive



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