SOP Station House Management by Kerala Police


114 10. MODEL POLICE STATION FACILITIEStached barracks where ArmedPolice force can come andstay comfortably. Fortificationof such Police stationswill also be according to therequirement to be decided bythe concerned State dependingupon ‘Threat Perception’to a particular Police Station.However, following Safety andSecurity measures may essentiallybe required to includewhile fortifying the particularPolice station against thesecurity Threat from Insurgents/Terroristsin Insurgencyaffected areas :-a) At least eight feet highparameter wall around PoliceStation.b) Barbed/Concertinawire fencing over boundarywall.c) Watch Towers at DominatingHeight.d) Sentry manned gate entrye) Road Blocks on approachroads to Police Station.f) CommunicationTrenches as per requirementsof situation.g) CCTV scanning at vitalpoints at Police station andessentially area around PoliceStation.h) Fool Proof alternatecommunication system betweenPolice Station andPolice Headquarters/ nearbyPolice Stations/other Forceunits.i) Emergency Alarm System.j) Stationery /Movablebullet proof Sentry Duty PolicePersonnel.k) Any other fortificationarrangements as per needs.

11PARAMETERS FOR THESELECTION OF BEST POLICESTATION(PHQ Circular Nos: 25/2019 & 20/2020)With an intention to makeall our Police Stations "Smart"and "people friendly", it wasdecided to start a healthycompetition among all the PoliceStations in the State, similarto the lines of the BestPolice Station Award in thecountry, awarded by the MHAevery year. In this regard,it was decided to award theAnnual Chief Minister’s Trophy(ACMT) for the best PoliceStation in the State everyyear, based on the evaluationof certain parameters,involving effectiveness and efficiencyof the Police Stationin service delivery and in ensuringsafety and providingsecurity to the citizens, ofthe previous year i.e, if theaward is being given in thecurrent year, the Parametersof the Station would be evaluatedof the previous year.This scheme increases weightageto core policing activitiesensuring sufficient importanceto new initiatives andsocial policing activities. Thismethodology is more close tothe criteria adopted by theCentral Government in selectingthe Best Police Station.The parameters to be consideredfor the reward of Best PoliceStation are as follows.11.1 Criteria for the selection of Best Police StationTable 11.1: CRITERIABegin of TableSl.No Criteria for the selection of Best Police Station Marks1 CCTNS Data entry details/quantum (Most important)2 U.I cases as on January 1st of last year and January1st of current year.a. Number of cases reported during the precedingyear.b. Number of cases disposed during the precedingyear.c. Number of cases convicted during the precedingyear.3020115





(PHQ Circular Nos: 25/2019 & 20/2020)

With an intention to make

all our Police Stations "Smart"

and "people friendly", it was

decided to start a healthy

competition among all the Police

Stations in the State, similar

to the lines of the Best

Police Station Award in the

country, awarded by the MHA

every year. In this regard,

it was decided to award the

Annual Chief Minister’s Trophy

(ACMT) for the best Police

Station in the State every

year, based on the evaluation

of certain parameters,

involving effectiveness and efficiency

of the Police Station

in service delivery and in ensuring

safety and providing

security to the citizens, of

the previous year i.e, if the

award is being given in the

current year, the Parameters

of the Station would be evaluated

of the previous year.

This scheme increases weightage

to core policing activities

ensuring sufficient importance

to new initiatives and

social policing activities. This

methodology is more close to

the criteria adopted by the

Central Government in selecting

the Best Police Station.

The parameters to be considered

for the reward of Best Police

Station are as follows.

11.1 Criteria for the selection of Best Police Station

Table 11.1: CRITERIA

Begin of Table

Sl.No Criteria for the selection of Best Police Station Marks

1 CCTNS Data entry details/quantum (Most important)

2 U.I cases as on January 1st of last year and January

1st of current year.

a. Number of cases reported during the preceding


b. Number of cases disposed during the preceding


c. Number of cases convicted during the preceding





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