SOP Station House Management by Kerala Police


112 10. MODEL POLICE STATION FACILITIES10. Each Sub-Inspector tohave a separate officeroom. and two Sub- Inspectorsto have a commonrest room with attachedtoilet & bathingfacility.11. Division wise sitting arrangementsto be providedi.e. 1 large officeroom to accommodatetwo Sub-Inspectors/ASI& two SCPOs.12. Two rooms to be providedwith each Divisionto accommodatefour Constables in eachroom.13. A dedicated ControlRoom to be providedin the Police Station.14. Number of lock-ups formales and females as perrequirement.15. The Duty Officer shallbe able to monitorthe lock-ups and theyshall be inaccessible tounauthorized personnel/publicThe fans inthe lock-ups to be locatedoutside the celland shall be properlysecured with grill.16. The Conference Roomshall be either onGround Floor or on thefirst floor.17. Store Room for to be locatedat a secured place onupper floor inside thebuilding.10.2.2 Parking18. A Portico to be providedto the Police StationBuilding to accommodateminimum onevehicle.19. Adequate vehicle parking(covered/open) for 4wheelers and 2 wheelersto be provided inside thePolice Station Campus.20. The visitors parking tobe away from the Policestation for securityreasons.21. Basement parking to beprovided where the openspace is limited.10.2.3 Security22. Every Police Stationshall have a compoundwall for distinct identityand security.23. Adequate Security arrangementssuch as provisionof emergencybell,Alarm system,Watch towers, and SentryPost to be providedin the Police StationBuildings as per SecurityRisk.24. The Boundary wallalong with barbed wireon Y angle/concertinawire to be providedas per prevailing securityrequirement of theState.25. A Basement may beconstructed for smallarms baffle range in thePolice Station Building,if required by the State.10.2.4 Barracks26. Number & size of barracksto be calculatedon the basis of onebarrack to accommodatefour ASI/Head-Constables and one barrackfor six to eight Constables.27. Almirah/Cupboard tobe provided for each occupantin the barrack.The locker/cupboard tohave a space for placinga trunk at the bottom.28. Adequate built/loosefurniture to be plannedas per requirement ofeach Modern Police StationBuilding.10.2.5 Welfare29. There shall be adequateopen ground availablefor parade & playgrounds (volley ball,badminton & basketball)in the campus.30. A large room shall beprovided for constableson Ground Floor.31. A canteen and kitchenwith latest equipment’sto be provided for thePolice barracks.32. A creche to be providedin case large numberlady Police officialsare posted, having smallchildren below 5 years ofage.33. If land is available, residentialquarters for upto 70constructed in thesame campus.

10.3. LATEST TECHNOLOGY 11310.3 LATESTTECHNOL-OGY10.3.1 Smart ThondyRoom and QrCode BasedThondy ManagementA unique model of managingThondy articles storedin Police Stations usingQR code was developed byPathanamthitta Police andhas been adopted across districtsby Kerala Police. Onpreparation of database ofall Thondy articles in a PoliceStation, QR codes forThondy articles are generatedusing QR Code generator andwith the aid of the CrimeDrive application. QR codesgenerated on plastic papersare affixed on the articles andarranged in an orderly manner.Details on Case Number,Brief of Case, Status of theCase etc. can be entered andcan be verified by scanningthe QR Codes periodically.Such SMART Thondy Roomsare being managed by theStation Writers or their Assistantsof Police Stations.Databases are updated withrespect to addition or disposalof Thondy articles andQR codes additionally generated.This system is alsoapplied for managing Vehiclesstationed at a Police Station.Crime DriveCrime Drive is an onlineapplication developed byThrissur City Police for assistingthe District Police Chief incrime reviews including dailyZata and later adopted acrossall districts due to usefulnessof the application. The primarydata for crime reviewis collected from CCTNS andentered in the Crime Drive.This has 40 different standardtemplates for use by Investigationofficers and has aprovision for instructions tobe issued to Investigation officersby the SHO. There issharing of data on Final reportsbetween CCTNS andCrime Drive through whichthe details on ProsecutionWitnesses are added automaticallyto this application.Crime Drive has enabled theSHOs and Superior Officersto monitor the Status of UnderInvestigation Cases andas to whether Final reportshave been sent to Courts,whether they have been acceptedby the Courts andwhich of them have been returnedfrom Courts for corrections.Crime Drive encompassesthe Court Trial ManagementSystem meant to assistthe local Police in themonitoring of Trial and severaluseful police records onPetty cases, Road Traffic AccidentCases, Crime Cards,Social Profiling, LP Warrants,Arms, Explosives, Unclaimedvehicles etc.10.3.2 Court TrialManagementSystem(CTMS)Follow up of Crime cases afterthe final report is submittedto the Court is essentialto ensure proper trial and conviction.Court Trial ManagementSystem ensures this byproviding a web based applicationto enter the details atvarious stages of trial. CTMSreduces the need for physicaltransmission of data andcourt CDs. Users can entercourt duty details on a dailybasis online.Once the Final report isprepared, Investigation officerscan enter on the CTMSwhether the case is Chargesheeted or Referred. Thereafterfrom the stages of allotmentof CC number throughthe trial proceedings till thecompletion of Trial, the dataat each stage is entered bythe Court duty personnel.Thisportal is designed for use byCourt duty personnel, SHOs,Investigation officers, and Superiorofficers to monitor theTrial and assist in successfulprosecution.• Latest electronic gadgetslike CCTV, CCTNS, audio– videorecorder/playersand cyber crime detectionequipment’s etc. to beinstalledto ensure the implementationof the concept ofSMART policing.• The cost of allencompassing‘e-enabling’ aspectsin the building and allfurniture/accessories to becalculated while arriving atthe finalcost for constructionof new building. This to includecost of CCTV,LAN enabling,Wi-Fi connectivity,GIS, GPS tracking, Computers,otherhardware and softwareetc.• All available moderncommunication facilities/infrastructure likeFax,E-mail, wireless communication,CCTV monitoring facilitytobe catered in terms oflaying of electrical wiring atconstruction stage.10.3.3 Police Stationin Insurgency/TerroristAffected AreaIn insurgency prone areas PoliceStations should have at-





10.3.1 Smart Thondy

Room and Qr

Code Based

Thondy Management

A unique model of managing

Thondy articles stored

in Police Stations using

QR code was developed by

Pathanamthitta Police and

has been adopted across districts

by Kerala Police. On

preparation of database of

all Thondy articles in a Police

Station, QR codes for

Thondy articles are generated

using QR Code generator and

with the aid of the Crime

Drive application. QR codes

generated on plastic papers

are affixed on the articles and

arranged in an orderly manner.

Details on Case Number,

Brief of Case, Status of the

Case etc. can be entered and

can be verified by scanning

the QR Codes periodically.

Such SMART Thondy Rooms

are being managed by the

Station Writers or their Assistants

of Police Stations.

Databases are updated with

respect to addition or disposal

of Thondy articles and

QR codes additionally generated.

This system is also

applied for managing Vehicles

stationed at a Police Station.

Crime Drive

Crime Drive is an online

application developed by

Thrissur City Police for assisting

the District Police Chief in

crime reviews including daily

Zata and later adopted across

all districts due to usefulness

of the application. The primary

data for crime review

is collected from CCTNS and

entered in the Crime Drive.

This has 40 different standard

templates for use by Investigation

officers and has a

provision for instructions to

be issued to Investigation officers

by the SHO. There is

sharing of data on Final reports

between CCTNS and

Crime Drive through which

the details on Prosecution

Witnesses are added automatically

to this application.

Crime Drive has enabled the

SHOs and Superior Officers

to monitor the Status of Under

Investigation Cases and

as to whether Final reports

have been sent to Courts,

whether they have been accepted

by the Courts and

which of them have been returned

from Courts for corrections.

Crime Drive encompasses

the Court Trial Management

System meant to assist

the local Police in the

monitoring of Trial and several

useful police records on

Petty cases, Road Traffic Accident

Cases, Crime Cards,

Social Profiling, LP Warrants,

Arms, Explosives, Unclaimed

vehicles etc.

10.3.2 Court Trial




Follow up of Crime cases after

the final report is submitted

to the Court is essential

to ensure proper trial and conviction.

Court Trial Management

System ensures this by

providing a web based application

to enter the details at

various stages of trial. CTMS

reduces the need for physical

transmission of data and

court CDs. Users can enter

court duty details on a daily

basis online.

Once the Final report is

prepared, Investigation officers

can enter on the CTMS

whether the case is Charge

sheeted or Referred. Thereafter

from the stages of allotment

of CC number through

the trial proceedings till the

completion of Trial, the data

at each stage is entered by

the Court duty personnel.This

portal is designed for use by

Court duty personnel, SHOs,

Investigation officers, and Superior

officers to monitor the

Trial and assist in successful


• Latest electronic gadgets

like CCTV, CCTNS, audio

– videorecorder/players

and cyber crime detection

equipment’s etc. to beinstalled

to ensure the implementation

of the concept of

SMART policing.

• The cost of allencompassing

‘e-enabling’ aspects

in the building and all

furniture/accessories to be

calculated while arriving at

the finalcost for construction

of new building. This to include

cost of CCTV,LAN enabling,

Wi-Fi connectivity,

GIS, GPS tracking, Computers,other

hardware and software


• All available modern

communication facilities/

infrastructure likeFax,

E-mail, wireless communication,

CCTV monitoring facility

tobe catered in terms of

laying of electrical wiring at

construction stage.

10.3.3 Police Station

in Insurgency/Terrorist

Affected Area

In insurgency prone areas Police

Stations should have at-

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