SOP Station House Management by Kerala Police


100 9. COURT CRAFTceeding seven years.(2) The Court of a Magistrateof the First Class maypass a sentence of imprisonmentfor a term not exceedingthree years or fine not exceedingfive thousand rupees, or ofboth.It may be noted that toknow which Court can tryan offence, the first scheduleto the CrPC has to be referred.The powers to tryan offence and the powers toaward a punishment are different.An Assistant SessionsJudge or a Magistrate maytry an offence according to thepowers vested in him underCrPC but cannot award punishmentproposed for the offence.For example, for the offencesU/S 409 1PC the punishmentproposed is life imprisonmentor imprisonmentfor ten years and this offenceis Triable by the Magistrate ofthe First Class but that Magistratecannot sentence a personto imprisonment for morethan three years.The cases or offences dependingon the punishmentproposed are divided into twocategories(1) Warrant case and(2) Summons case.A warrant case means acase relating to an offencepunishable with death, imprisonmentfor life or imprisonmentfor a term exceedingtwo years, (Section 2(x) ofCrPC).The summons case meansa case relating to an offenceand not being a warrant case.(Section 2(w) of CrPC).It means all other casesto which the punishment istwo years and below. Theprocedure to be adopted bydifferent Courts are classifiedas sessions trial; (ChapterXVIII) warrant case trialby Magistrate (Chapter XIX)summons case trial by Magistrate(Chapter XX) and summarytrials (Chapter XXI ofCrPC).The Courts trying the offencesgive numbers to thecases:1. ST Cases = SummarilyTriable Cases tried by a Magistrate.2. CC Cases = CalendarCases - Warrant or SummonsCases tried by a Magistrate3. CP Cases = (CommittalProceedings) Cases whichare to be tried by SessionsCourt are committed fromMagistrate,4. SC Cases = cases whichare tried in Sessions Court9.4 Maintenanceof Court CalendarA chart or a register has tobe maintained in each PoliceStation. It is advisable tomaintain separate chart foreach Court, month-wise keepingone sheet for each monthwith the following particulars.Serial No, Name of the Court,Crime No, Section of Law, SC,CP, CC or ST Number, Dateof hearing, Date of next hearingfor (evidence, arguments,defence etc.) and final result.This will enable the SHOto know Court proceedings ata glance for the day. Onthe arrival of SHO, he attendsto his routine work at PoliceStation and afterwards, heshould go through the chartand get ready to attend theCourt in case of importantcases or otherwise depute subordinates.In all importantcases, the SHO will make arrangementsto produce witnessesand brief them. TheSHO should see that at leasta SCPO is deputed for Courtwork if not but never deputea Civil Police Officer unless inexigencies.9.5 Process - (Serviceof Summons,Executionof Warrants)(Ref: PHQ CircularNo:34/2015 & 06/2018)It is the duty of the SHOto see that all the summonsare served and warrants areexecuted, which are either issuedfrom the Court or obtainedby him. The result ofthe cases will depend on theprocess work. Unless the SHOconvinces interest and supervisesthe work turned out bythe CPO or SCPO whoever isdeputed for serving the processand guides them, thecases will suffer. The dutyof the SHO does not ceaseby mere serving the processbut he should ensure that thewitnesses attend the Court intime.9.6 Service of summonsand executionof warrantsSummon means an authoritativecall, a call to appear especiallyin Court. Every summonissued by a Court underthe Code of Criminal Procedureshall be in writing in duplicatesigned by the presidingofficer of such Court or bysuch other officer as the HighCourt may, from time to time,

9.6. SERVICE OF SUMMONS AND EXECUTION OF WARRANTS 101by rule direct and shall bearthe seal of the Court (Section61 of CrPC). Every summonsshall be served by a Police Officer,or by an Officer of theCourt issuing it, or anotherpublic servant. The summonsif practicable be served personallyon the person servedby delivering or tendering tohim one of the duplicate ofthe summons. Every personon whom a summons is soserved, shall if so required bythe serving officer, sign a receipttherefore on the back ofthe other duplicate: (Section62 of CrPC) Where the personsummoned cannot, by theexercise of due diligence, befound, the summons may beserved by leaving one of theduplicates for him with someadult male member of his familyresiding with him and theperson with whom the summonis so left shall if so requiredby the serving officer,sign a receipt therefore on theback of the other duplicate. Aservant is not a member of thefamily (Section 64 CrPC).If service cannot by theexercise of due diligence beeffected as provided in sections62, 63 and 64 CrPC,the serving offìcer shall affixthe duplicate of the summonto some conspicuous part ofthe house or home- stead inwhich the person summonedordinarily resides and thereuponthe Court, after makingsuch inquiries as it thinksfit, may either declare that thesummon has been duly servedor order fresh service in suchmanner as it considers proper.(Section 65 CrPC).The Sub-Inspectors andInspectors should understandthat no summon can be returnedto Court un-served inview of the above provisionsin CrPC and this is possible iftheCivil Police Officers knowthe methods of service and thepromptness required.Warrant means a writtenauthorisation for arresting aperson or for carrying a Judgmentinto execution or forseizing or searching of property.Every warrant of arrest issuedby a Court under CrPCshall be in writing, signed bythe presiding officer of suchCourt and shall remain forceuntil it is cancelled by theCourt which issued it or untilit is executed (Section 70CrPC). Any Court issuing awarrant for the arrest of anyperson may in its discretiondirect by endorsement on thewarrant that, if such personexecutes a bond with sufficientsureties for his attendancebefore the Court at aspecified time and thereafteruntil otherwise directed by theCourt, the officer to whom thewarrant is directed shall takesuch security and shall releasesuch person from the custody.The endorsement in the warrantshall state -(a) the number of sureties(b) the amount in whichthey and the person for whosearrest the warrant is issued,one to be respectively bound(c) the time at which he isto attend before the Court.Whenever security istaken under this provision,the officer to whom the warrantis directed shall forwardthe bond to the Court (Sec71 CrPC). A warrant directedto any Police Officer may alsobe executed by any other Policeofficer whose, name isendorsed upon the warrant bythe officer to whom it is directedor endorsed (Section74CrPC). The Police Officer orother person executing a warrantof arrest shall withoutunnecessary delay bring theperson arrested before theCourt before which he is requiredby law to produce suchperson. Provided that suchdelay shall not in any case,exceed twenty four hours exclusiveof the time necessaryfor the journey from the placeof arrest to the Magistrate’sCourt (Sec 76 of CrPC)9.6.1 A warrant of arrestmaybe executedat anyplace in India(Sec 77 of CrPC) The warrantof arrest should containthe name and address of theperson to be arrested and thecase in which he is to be arrested.It may be possiblethat with the same name andat times with similar fathersname, there may be morethan one person in that locality.The Police Officer hasto be cautious in not arrestinga wrong person. Thiswill not only lead to complaintsagainst the Police Officerbut would also give chanceto the actual person to be arrestedto abscond. Identificationof correct person to be arrestedis necessary. The Policeofficer executing the warrantshould inform the personto be arrested, the reasonsfor arrest and if necessary, thewarrant should be read overor shown to the person tobe arrested. However, thewarrant should not be givento the person to be arrested.The SHO while endorsingthe warrant for executionshould never depute a singlePolice officer for ar-


by rule direct and shall bear

the seal of the Court (Section

61 of CrPC). Every summons

shall be served by a Police Officer,

or by an Officer of the

Court issuing it, or another

public servant. The summons

if practicable be served personally

on the person served

by delivering or tendering to

him one of the duplicate of

the summons. Every person

on whom a summons is so

served, shall if so required by

the serving officer, sign a receipt

therefore on the back of

the other duplicate: (Section

62 of CrPC) Where the person

summoned cannot, by the

exercise of due diligence, be

found, the summons may be

served by leaving one of the

duplicates for him with some

adult male member of his family

residing with him and the

person with whom the summon

is so left shall if so required

by the serving officer,

sign a receipt therefore on the

back of the other duplicate. A

servant is not a member of the

family (Section 64 CrPC).

If service cannot by the

exercise of due diligence be

effected as provided in sections

62, 63 and 64 CrPC,

the serving offìcer shall affix

the duplicate of the summon

to some conspicuous part of

the house or home- stead in

which the person summoned

ordinarily resides and thereupon

the Court, after making

such inquiries as it thinks

fit, may either declare that the

summon has been duly served

or order fresh service in such

manner as it considers proper.

(Section 65 CrPC).

The Sub-Inspectors and

Inspectors should understand

that no summon can be returned

to Court un-served in

view of the above provisions

in CrPC and this is possible if

theCivil Police Officers know

the methods of service and the

promptness required.

Warrant means a written

authorisation for arresting a

person or for carrying a Judgment

into execution or for

seizing or searching of property.

Every warrant of arrest issued

by a Court under CrPC

shall be in writing, signed by

the presiding officer of such

Court and shall remain force

until it is cancelled by the

Court which issued it or until

it is executed (Section 70

CrPC). Any Court issuing a

warrant for the arrest of any

person may in its discretion

direct by endorsement on the

warrant that, if such person

executes a bond with sufficient

sureties for his attendance

before the Court at a

specified time and thereafter

until otherwise directed by the

Court, the officer to whom the

warrant is directed shall take

such security and shall release

such person from the custody.

The endorsement in the warrant

shall state -

(a) the number of sureties

(b) the amount in which

they and the person for whose

arrest the warrant is issued,

one to be respectively bound

(c) the time at which he is

to attend before the Court.

Whenever security is

taken under this provision,

the officer to whom the warrant

is directed shall forward

the bond to the Court (Sec

71 CrPC). A warrant directed

to any Police Officer may also

be executed by any other Police

officer whose, name is

endorsed upon the warrant by

the officer to whom it is directed

or endorsed (Section74

CrPC). The Police Officer or

other person executing a warrant

of arrest shall without

unnecessary delay bring the

person arrested before the

Court before which he is required

by law to produce such

person. Provided that such

delay shall not in any case,

exceed twenty four hours exclusive

of the time necessary

for the journey from the place

of arrest to the Magistrate’s

Court (Sec 76 of CrPC)

9.6.1 A warrant of arrest

maybe executed

at any

place in India

(Sec 77 of CrPC) The warrant

of arrest should contain

the name and address of the

person to be arrested and the

case in which he is to be arrested.

It may be possible

that with the same name and

at times with similar fathers

name, there may be more

than one person in that locality.

The Police Officer has

to be cautious in not arresting

a wrong person. This

will not only lead to complaints

against the Police Officer

but would also give chance

to the actual person to be arrested

to abscond. Identification

of correct person to be arrested

is necessary. The Police

officer executing the warrant

should inform the person

to be arrested, the reasons

for arrest and if necessary, the

warrant should be read over

or shown to the person to

be arrested. However, the

warrant should not be given

to the person to be arrested.

The SHO while endorsing

the warrant for execution

should never depute a single

Police officer for ar-

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