SOP Station House Management by Kerala Police


90 8. ARREST, SEARCH AND SEIZUREperson is produced, tosatisfy himself that therequirements of Sub-Section (2) and Sub-Section (3) have beencomplied with in respectof such arrested person.8.15 Search ofarrested person(Section: 51 CrPC)(1) Whenever a personis arrested by a Policeofficer under a warrantwhich does not providefor the taking ofbail, or under a warrantwhich provides for thetaking of bail but theperson arrested cannotfurnish bail and whenevera person is arrestedwithout warrant, or bya private person undera warrant, and cannotlegally be admitted tobail, or is unable to furnishbail the officer makingthe arrests or whenthe arrest is made bya private person, thePolice officer to whomhe hands over the personarrested, may searchsuch person, and placein safe custody all articles,other than necessarywearing-apparel,found upon him andwhere any article isseized from the arrestedperson, a receipt showingthe articles taken inpossession by the Policeofficer shall be given tosuch person.(2) Whenever it is necessaryto cause a female tobe searched, the searchshall be made by anotherfemale with strictregard to decency.8.16 Searchand custody ofprisoners in PoliceStation(Vol.II, Rule-334, PSO)334. (1) Every prisonershall be searched assoon as brought to theStation and admitted toa lockup, as also on everyoccasion when he isreadmitted to a lock up,after being taken out.All property found onhis person except necessarywearing apparelshall be sent to the Magistratewith KPF No.151-A. The removal of asacred thread, tali, weddingring or the lingamworn by lingayats fromthe person of a prisoneris prohibited. A list ofthe property, omittingthe wearing apparel retainedby the prisonershall he entered in theSearch Register (KPFNo. 151) which shallbe signed by the StationHouse Officer, the StationWriter and the prisoner.(2) Wounds or injuriesfound on the prisonershould also be enteredwith an account of howthey had been causedand action taken fortheir treatment.(3) A prisoner in Policecustody shall notbe permitted to leavethe lock up after nightfallexcept in specialand emergent circumstancesand that tooonly with adequate escort,details of whichshall be recorded in theGeneral Diary. A prisonerin Police custodyprior to remand is entitledto see a Pleader andhis relations.8.17 Power toseize offensiveweapons(Section: 52 CrPC)The officer or otherperson making any arrestunder this Codemay seize from the personarrested any offensiveweapons and shalldeliver all weapons sotaken to the Court orofficer before which orwhom the officer or personmaking the arrest isrequired by this Code toproduce the person arrested.8.18 Searchof prisoner afterarrest(Vol.II, Rule-333, PSO)Prisoners shall besearched immediatelyafter the arrest to ensurethat they do notcarry with them any offensiveweapons. If anysuch weapon is seized, itshould be sent to Courtunder Section 52 CriminalProcedure Code. Inthe case of females, thesearch should be conductedby a woman withdue regard to decency asinstructed in CriminalProcedure Code.

8.19. EXAMINATION OF THE ACCUSED BY THE MEDICAL PRACTITIONER AT THE REQUEST OF PO8.19 Examinationof theaccused by themedical practitionerat the requestof PoliceOfficer(Section: 53 CrPC)(1) When a person isarrested on a charge ofcommitting an offenceof such a nature and allegedto have been committedunder such circumstancesthat thereare reasonable groundsfor believing that an examinationof his personwill afford evidence asto the commission of anoffence, it shall be lawfulfor a registered medicalpractitioner, actingat the request of a Policeofficer not below therank of Sub-Inspectorand for any person actingin good faith in hisaid and under his direction,to make such anexamination of the personarrested as is reasonablenecessary in orderto ascertain the factswhich may afford suchevidence and to use suchforce as is reasonablynecessary for that purpose.(2) Whenever a femaleis to be examined underthis section, the examinationshall be madeonly by, or under thesupervision of a femaleregistered medical practitioner.8.20 Examinationof person accusedof rape byMedical Practitioner(Section: 53 A CrPC)(1) When a person isarrested on a charge ofcommitting an offenceof rape or an attempt tocommit rape and thereare reasonable groundsfor believing that an examinationof his personwill afford evidence as tothe commission of suchoffence, it shall be lawfulfor a registered medicalpractitioner employed ina hospital run by theGovernment or by alocal authority and inthe absence of such apractitioner within theradius of sixteen kilometersfrom the placewhere the offence hasbeen committed by anyother registered medicalpractitioner, actingat the request of a Policeofficer not below therank of a Sub-Inspectorand for any person actingin good faith in hisaid and under his direction,to make such anexamination of the arrestedperson and to usesuch force as is reasonablynecessary for thatpurpose.(2) The registered medicalpractitioner conductingsuch examinationshall, without delay,examine such personand prepare a reportof his examination givingthe following particulars,namely;A) the name and addressof the accused andof the person by whomhe was brought,B) the age of the accused,C) marks of injury, ifany, on the person of theaccused,D) the description ofmaterial taken from theperson of the accused forDNA profiling, andE) other material particularsin reasonabledetail.(3) The report shallstate precisely the reasonsfor each conclusionarrived at.(4) The exact timeof commencement andcompletion of the examinationshall also benoted in the report.(5) The registered medicalpractitioner shallwithout delay forwardthe report of the investigatingofficer, whoshall forward it to theMagistrate referred to inSection 173 as part ofthe documents referredto in clause (a) of Sub-Section (5) of that Section.8.21 Examinationof arrested personby MedicalPractitionerat the requestof the arrestedperson(Section: 54 CrPC)(1) When a person whois arrested, whether on a


8.19 Examination

of the

accused by the

medical practitioner

at the request

of Police


(Section: 53 CrPC)

(1) When a person is

arrested on a charge of

committing an offence

of such a nature and alleged

to have been committed

under such circumstances

that there

are reasonable grounds

for believing that an examination

of his person

will afford evidence as

to the commission of an

offence, it shall be lawful

for a registered medical

practitioner, acting

at the request of a Police

officer not below the

rank of Sub-Inspector

and for any person acting

in good faith in his

aid and under his direction,

to make such an

examination of the person

arrested as is reasonable

necessary in order

to ascertain the facts

which may afford such

evidence and to use such

force as is reasonably

necessary for that purpose.

(2) Whenever a female

is to be examined under

this section, the examination

shall be made

only by, or under the

supervision of a female

registered medical practitioner.

8.20 Examination

of person accused

of rape by

Medical Practitioner

(Section: 53 A CrPC)

(1) When a person is

arrested on a charge of

committing an offence

of rape or an attempt to

commit rape and there

are reasonable grounds

for believing that an examination

of his person

will afford evidence as to

the commission of such

offence, it shall be lawful

for a registered medical

practitioner employed in

a hospital run by the

Government or by a

local authority and in

the absence of such a

practitioner within the

radius of sixteen kilometers

from the place

where the offence has

been committed by any

other registered medical

practitioner, acting

at the request of a Police

officer not below the

rank of a Sub-Inspector

and for any person acting

in good faith in his

aid and under his direction,

to make such an

examination of the arrested

person and to use

such force as is reasonably

necessary for that


(2) The registered medical

practitioner conducting

such examination

shall, without delay,

examine such person

and prepare a report

of his examination giving

the following particulars,


A) the name and address

of the accused and

of the person by whom

he was brought,

B) the age of the accused,

C) marks of injury, if

any, on the person of the


D) the description of

material taken from the

person of the accused for

DNA profiling, and

E) other material particulars

in reasonable


(3) The report shall

state precisely the reasons

for each conclusion

arrived at.

(4) The exact time

of commencement and

completion of the examination

shall also be

noted in the report.

(5) The registered medical

practitioner shall

without delay forward

the report of the investigating

officer, who

shall forward it to the

Magistrate referred to in

Section 173 as part of

the documents referred

to in clause (a) of Sub-

Section (5) of that Section.

8.21 Examination

of arrested person

by Medical


at the request

of the arrested


(Section: 54 CrPC)

(1) When a person who

is arrested, whether on a

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